Don’t Ignore the Curtains   Now days, Interior decoration is not a luxurious term. With the wave of globalisation, interior decoration has come down to the reach of common man. Now it’s the matter of choice rather than money that is deciding the interior of a home. But how sad that many people forget the change that a few curtains could bring to their house? Just a few precautions in selection of curtain could bloom your house. Watch out...   Colour: - It’s always good to avoid those colours that certainly fade after a few washes or by sunlight. They would shatter the goodwill of your choice. - Keep in mind the colour of the room and the surroundings of a window. It’s always better to select a colour that is contrast with the room. - Think about the room you are decorating. Colours like bright pink might suit the bedroom but not the Hall. - The design along with the colour would either make room appear dark and congested or brighter and spacious. Stripes, dots, patterns... on a curtain would all affect the way a room looks.   Headings: Headings are the ones which join the curtain with the rod. We might use metal hooks or rings or straps to hang the curtain to the rod. But each heading has its own movement and appearance. Decide the type of heading you wish before you leap for a purchase.   Measurements: Everyone loves to see their window fully covered. But most of us forget other factors that affect the measurements. So we often end up with a curtain that is either short or lengthy. - The Headings of the window would affect its length and width. Straps might increase the length of the curtain where as rings would affect the width. - The height of the curtain rod would also affect the view and length of a curtain. The placement of curtain rod should also be thought well before the fixture. - Decide the extent of curtain that should be left hanging beneath the window.   Valance: It common now a days to select a curtain that has a decorative piece attached on the top. It’s called a Valance. From Swag to Balloon there are numerous patterns to be chosen for a Valance. Imagine the shape of Valance that would suit your window before you pick up the curtain.   Quality: Every one of us has some expertise in determining the quality and durability of a cloth. But there is another test for a curtain. Just pick up the curtain you have selected and place it before a bright light. You will be surprised to see some curtains allowing patches of light due to poor weaving. You would also get an idea of the amount of sunlight the curtain is allowing into the room.   Well, the above are just a few things that experts are suggesting to be careful before purchasing a curtain. But we can add our own terms to the list on the basis of experience. - Nirjara.

  Meet Smita Sabharwal... Young and Efficient IAS     You may have seen her photos on Face Book. You might have seen her clippings on the Channels. Most of us might immediately recognise her as a young IAS officer. But Smita Sabharwal is not just any ordinary officer. Watch out...   Daughter of a Colonel: Smita is daughter Colonel Pranab Das, a retired army officer. Pranab Das used to travel various parts of the country on duty and so does his family along with him. Smita has reached Hyderabad by the end of her schooling days. She has completed her 12th standard in St. Ann’s, and graduated in Commerce from St. Francis Degree College.   Not just a father: Smita’s father has carefully guided her career. He advised her to take commerce stream during the 12th standard. Smita was initially very angry about the push. But she was more than happy when she bagged the first rank in the all India ICSE Class 12 exams. After completing B.Com, it was her father again who suggested her to pursue the civil exams immediately.   Excellence in Civils: Smita cleared the Civil Services Examination by a very young age of 23. She was probably one of the youngest women to clear the exam at the first attempt. And she has not just cleared it, but made a blast with an all India 4th rank.   Not just looks: Many have mistaken her to be just a girl with good looks. But Smita gave a tight slap to their narrow minds. She excelled in every post she was appointed. Sub collector of Chittoor, DRDA director of Kadpa, Municipal Commisioner of Warangal... she made her mark in every field she has entered.   Daring:  In 2011 Smita has been appointed as Collector of Karimnagar where she has excelled at par. Smita has run various programs like “Amma Lalana” and “Praja Vaani”... which has led Karimnagar to be awarded as best district in PM's 20 Point Programme. Smita was later appointed as Collector of Medak. Her efficiency has led Telangana CM KCR to appoint her as Additional Secretary in his office.   And Dashing: Smita is the first lady IAS officer to be appointed to the Chief Minister’s Office. But some are not happy about it. A column appeared in Outlook magazine with derogatory remarks about her. It was alleged in the column that she was chosen based on her looks. You can’t expect Smita to bear such remarks. She immediately sued the magazine. Outlook has immediately apologised for the misdeed.   Doesn’t miss life: Smita might have excelled in her academics. But she has never missed her life. Smita claims that she used to study for only 6 hours a day and spend an hour in sports. She loves Paradise Biryani and is interested in social service. She was married to Akun Sabharwal, IPS officer who is also from the Telangana cadre. Let’s wait to hear many more achievements from her. - Nirjara.

    Meet Susan – the CEO of YouTube     Every one of us is aware about Google and YouTube. But very few of us might have heard about the driving force behind them. Meet `Susan Wojcicki’- the 47 year lady who changed the course of Internet history. One of the most successful personalities in Google as well as You Tube.    Susan and Google Susan has been with Google since the start. In fact Google has started functioning in the garage of Susan. That was the year 1998 and Susan was the 16th employee of Google. She went on to become the first marketing manager of Google by the next year.   Susan and AdSence Susan grew up along with Google becoming its vice-President of Advertising and Commerce. It was Susan who developed the idea of turning googled words into money. She went on to develop Ad Sense which became the second largest revenue source for Google.   Susan and YouTube YouTube was relatively a small site in 2006 and Google has its own video service called Google Video. But Susan believed in the potential of YouTube and insisted Google to acquire it. It was Susan who spearheaded the purchase of YouTube by Google and is now the CEO of YouTube.   Susan and Google search It was Susan who thought of attaching Google search engine to every website. Susan initially encouraged the universities to include a Google search bar on their websites. The idea worked out and was followed by most of the websites on earth.   Susan and her 5 kids Susan was married to Dennis Tropper in 1998. That was almost 20 years of blissful marriage. She has not just one or two but... 5 kids! Many thought that Susan would be leaving her career after becoming a mother. But she always felt that family and career are complimentary to each other.   Susan and Success Susan might not be a public personality. But she was surely recognised by the media. She was often included in the list of influential people. TIME has included Susan on ` 100 most influential people in 2015’. She was considered as the most powerful women on internet and advertising.   - Nirjara.

The best things about Sania Mirza   Sania Mirza is often considered the most successful female tennis player from India. People might like her or hate her... but it’s hard to ignore her and her achievements. Let’s just watch the best things in her life. At the age of six Sania was Just Six years old when she has decided to become a tennis star. Tennis is not a favourite sport for an orthodox Muslim family... but her father wanted to change the trend. Very few people knew that Sania’s father Imran Mirza was her first coach. `My family and I never hesitated for a moment to do what needed to be done to build Sania’s tennis career, ` recalls Imran. The Hiccup Sania’s first major title came at just 17 years of age. She has won the 2003 Wimbledon Championships Girls' Doubles and that was the start of her collection of best trophies in the world. But Sania started to fall back after reaching her career best ranking of 27 by 2007. Though it was the best rank by any Indian tennis star, she was unable to reach further heights due her injuries.     The Change Sania has decided not to push herself hard in Singles. Rather she has decided to pursue her career in Doubles. Sania is powerful in her serving and returning the ball... but she can’t move swiftly around the court. She knew that if someone accompanies her in the court... the chances of her victory might get improved. Sania started playing mixed doubles and women’s doubles. And her decision proved to be perfect. Sania is now in No.1 rank in women’s doubles. Facing the Fatwa Some people are certainly not happy with Sania’s apparel on court. Sania was surrounded with threats to change her dress. They wanted her to wear long tunics with headscarves. She had to be accompanied by huge security at the tennis court. But she never backed up. She felt that what she was wearing was for the comfort of the game and not for modelling. Sania’s racket probably spoke more than her. Her consecutive victories on grass court thrashed the demands for long tunics. Marriage that none liked Sania was first engaged to her childhood friend Sohrab. But for the reasons better known to her, that was cancelled. People started cursing her when she has decided to marry the Pakistani Cricketer Shoaib Malik. Sania had to assure time and again that she is Indian and would never part with the country. She brushed aside the demands that she should be playing for Pakistan.   Never minced her words Sania never felt shy at expressing her opinion. From safe sex to politics in tennis federation- Sania was ready to face the ire of the opponents for expressing her views. That might be the reason why she found her way in too many elite lists. She was named in Time magazine's 2016 list of the 100 most influential people in the world. She finds a credible mention in records like "50 Heroes of Asia" & "33 women who made India proud". From Arjuna to Padma Bhushan she was the recipient of too many awards and recognitions. (Sania is now the Brand Ambassador of the State of Telangana)  

కాళ్లు లేకపోతేనేం- కలలున్నాయిగా!   జీవితంలో ప్రతి ఒక్క పరిస్థితీ కలిసిరాకపోతే తెగ బెంగపడిపోతాం. ఇక ఏదన్నా వైకల్యం ఉందా ఇక చెప్పనే అక్కర్లేదు. అలాంటి పుట్టినప్పటి నుంచి కాళ్లూ, చేతులూ లేని మనిషి ఓ గొప్ప చిత్రకారిణిగా రూపొందడం ఎంత ప్రేరణని ఇస్తుందో కదా! అలాంటి ప్రేరణని అందించే కథే అను జైన్‌ది. ఖరగ్‌పూర్‌కి చెందిన అను జైన్‌ని పుట్టుక నుంచే దురదృష్టం వెన్నాడింది. ఆమెకు మోకాళ్ల నుంచి కాళ్లు లేవు. మోచేతుల నుంచి చేతులూ లేవు. అయినా ఉన్న అవయవాలతోనే తన రోజువారీ పనులను చకచకా చేసేసుకునేది అను. దానికి తోడు అనుకి కావల్సినంత స్థైర్యాన్ని అందించే కుటుంబం ఎలాగూ ఉండేది. అందుకని అను ఏ రోజూ తను బలహీనురాలని అనుకోలేదు. తన జీవితంలో ఏదో లోటు ఉందని అంగీకరించలేదు. ఒక రోజు అను వాళ్లమ్మ అనుకి పెయింట్లూ, బష్షులూ అందించింది. ఇక అంతే! మిగతావారితో కలిసి జీవితంలో దూసుకుపోయేందుకు ఆమెకో మార్గం కనిపించింది. అనుకి గులాబీలు అంటే చాలా ఇష్టం. అలా మొట్టమొదటి మంచిమంచి రంగురంగుల గులాబీలు గీయడం మొదలుపెట్టింది.   రోజులు గడిచేకొద్దీ అను తన చుట్టూ ఉన్న ప్రపంచాన్నంతా తనదైన శైలిలో కాన్వాసు మీద చిత్రించడం మొదలుపెట్టింది. అలాగని ఆమెవి ఏదో సాదాసీతా చిత్రాల్లాగా కనిపించవు. ఆధునిక కళాఖండాలకు ఏమాత్రం తీసిపోనట్లుగా ఆమె చిత్రాలు ఉంటాయి. ఎందకంటే అను ఏదో కాలక్షేపం కోసం గీసిన చిత్రాలు కావవి. తనలోని చిత్రకళను మెరుగుపర్చుకునేందుకు ఆమె చండీఘడ్‌లోని ప్రాచీన కళా కేంద్రం నుంచి ఏడేళ్లుగా చిత్రకళలో మెలకువలు నేర్చుకుంటున్నారు కూడా. కేవలం చిత్రకళే కాదు... ఖరగ్‌పూర్‌లో తనలాంటివారి అవసరాలకు అనుగుణమైన పాఠశాల లేకపోయినప్పటికీ, తండ్రి సాయంతో, కంప్యూటర్ తోడుగా హైస్కూలు స్థాయి విద్యను కూడా నేర్చుకుంది.   అనుకి ఇప్పుడు 32 ఏళ్ల వయసు. తన వయసువారికి ఉండే అచ్చటా ముచ్చటా అనుకి లేకపోలేదు. కానీ ఆమె జీవితం హాయిగా, తృప్తిగా సాగిపోతోంది. తండ్రి రిటైరైన తరువాత ఇప్పుడా కుటుంబం బెంగళూరులో స్థిరపడింది. బెంగళూరులోనూ అను ప్రభకేం లోటురాలేదు. ఈ మధ్యే అక్కడి భారతీయ విద్యాభవన్‌లో తన చిత్రకళను ప్రదర్శించారు అను. పెన్సిల్ దగ్గర్నుంచీ వాటర్‌ కలర్స్‌ దాకా... గ్లాస్‌ మొదల్కొని ఫ్యాబ్రిక్‌ దాకా ఏ మాధ్యమంలో అయినా, ఏ పరికరం మీద అయినా అను కళాఖండాన్ని తీర్చిదిద్దేస్తుంది. అను తన ఇంటి చుట్టూ ఉన్న పిల్లలందరినీ చేరదీసి చిత్రకళలో మెలకువలు కూడా నేర్పేస్తోంది.     కేవలం చిత్రకళే కాదు! ఫొటోలు, సంగీతం, కవిత్వం... చెప్పుకుంటూ పోతే అనుకి చాలా రంగాల్లో ప్రవేశం ఉంది. అను పియానోని అద్భుతంగా వాయిస్తుంది. టెర్రకోటాతో బొమ్మలు చేస్తుంది. తీరిక సమయాలలో పిల్లలతో ఆడుతుంది. మనసు బాగున్నప్పుడో, బాగోలేనప్పుడో గొంతు సవరించుకుని పాడుతుంది. ఇంతకీ అను తనకంటూ గుర్తింపుని సాధించడానికి కారణం ఏంటి? అన్న ప్రశ్నలోనే జవాబు ఉంది. తనకంటూ ఓ ప్రత్యేకత ఉందని చాటుకోవడం కోసమే ఇదంతా సాధించగలిగానని అంటోంది అను. పైగా తన సాధనలో ఏమంత కష్టం తోచలేదని చెప్పుకొస్తోంది. మనం ఏ పనిలో అయితే సంతోషాన్ని పొందుతామో, ఆ పని చివరికి ఒక అందమైన ఫలితాన్ని ఇస్తుందంటోంది అను. ఇంక అంతకు మించి చెప్పేదేముంది. - నిర్జర.  

Anandi Gopal... First Indian Female Doctor   Millions in this world wish to achieve something. They even set high standards to fulfil their wishes. But alas! Only a few move forward to reach the heights. One among such few is Anandi Gopal Joshi- the first Indian Female Doctor. Anandi may have died at an early age of 22. But her life wasn’t futile... The Orthodox factor Anandi was born on March 31, 1865 in Maharashtra. She belonged to a Brahmin family who were of course highly orthodox. Those were the days of illiteracy and child marriages. Anandi’s parents too have decided to stay along with the society. They married her at a very early age of 9 years.     Her Husband Anandi was married to Gopalrao Joshi. Gopalrao was 20 years older than Anandi and was a widower. But he was a reformer at heart. He thought that women should also be educated along with men. Such thoughts can be considered highly radical by that time. But Gopalrao not just felt the need for educating women... he encouraged his wife to learn Sanskrit, Marathi and English! The Turning point Anandi was 14 years old when she gave birth to a boy. But the boy couldn’t survive for more than 10 days due to lack of medical facilities. This tragedy has inspired her become a physician at any chance. And Gopalrao is there to support her! He has sent a letter to an American missionary, requesting him to help his wife to pursue her goal. The American missionary was ready to help them, but not without a condition. He wanted the Gopalrao couple to get converted to Christianity... to which the couple disagreed.     The Generous Theodicia- a women New Jersey came to know about the quest of Anandi. She along with a few others began to encourage and guide her towards her goal. In 1883, Anandi got enrolled in `Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania’. But her enrolment has infuriated the Hindu society who was unwilling to send a girl across the ocean. Anandi convinced many such critics and explained them, the need for more female doctors in India. First... First... First By 1886, Anandi was graduated with MD. Thus she became... The First Indian Female Doctor, First Hindu women to set foot on American soil, First Indian Female graduate along with Kadambini Ganguly. Her graduation was such a sensation that even Queen Victoria has sent her the greetings. The Tragedy Anandi was given a great welcome back in India. She was congratulated by great leaders such as Lokamanya Tilak. Anandi was immediately appointed as in charge for the female ward of the Albert Edward Hospital in Kolhapur. But fate was so rude at Anandi. Since her teenage, Anandi has been ailing with breathing problems. Though she knew that her health could get worse due to the climate and diet of US... she wanted to prove a point to the society. She wanted to be an inspiration to the rest. On 26thFebruary 1887, Anandi has succumbed to tuberculosis. Anandi may have died at an early age of 22. But her life wasn’t futile... her life was so inspiring that even a crater on Venus was named after her. She may have died young. But she is going to live forever! - Nirjara

The complete life of Jayalalitha   Jayalalitha was born in a highly influential family. Her paternal grandfather, Narasimhan Rengachary, was a court physician to Maharaja of Mysore. The huge wealth amassed by him has indeed spoiled his son Jayaram- the father of Jayalalitha. Jayaram was addicted to all kinds of habits that deteriorated his health. The wealth amassed by Jaya’s grandfather was squandered by Jayaram for his addictions. Finally he died in mysterious circumstances in 1950, when Jayalalitha was just 2 years old. Jayalalitha and her mother were left in shock after the demise of Jayaram. Jaya’s mother Vedavalli took clerical positions in Bangalore to support her family. Later on, she moved to Madras where her sister Ambujavalli was working as Air Hostess and Film Actress. Vedavalli has changed her name into Sandhya and started acting as supporting actress in Tamil and Telugu films. Though Jayalalitha started learning Bharatanatyam from the age of 3, neither Sandhya nor Jaya were interested in her entry into films. Jayalalitha was 12 years old when leading Tamil actor Shivaji Ganesan saw her performing classical dance. He immediately predicted that, with such beauty and charm, she would be great actress. But both Jaya and her mother didn’t like the prediction. Jaya wanted to become a lawyer! Though Jaya was studying hard to fulfil her aim to be a lawyer, fate gave her a complete turn. B.R.Panthulu famous South Indian director has once saw her immediately casted her in his next film. That was a Kannada film called ‘Chinnada Gombe'! Jaya acted in ‘Chinnada Gombe’ during her holidays and has no intention to continue her film career. But, huge success of ‘Chinnada Gombe’ and her financial constraints forced her to stay in films forever. Jaya’s first movie in Tamil was Vennira Aadai (1965). That film was given an ‘A’ certificate due to scenes on Jaya. But Jaya may not have been allowed legally to watch the film, because she was just 17 years old by that time. She became the first heroine to appear in skirts in Tamil films Jaya started her marathon in Telugu movies in 1965. Her debut Telugu movie was ‘Manushulu Mamathalu’ with ANR as lead actor. Jaya has acted in 28 Telugu movies and all of them were a hit. She even has won Film Fare award for her performance in ‘Sri Krishna Satya’. Jaya was introduced to MGR on the sets of ‘Aayirathil Oruvan’, the first film in which Jaya and MGR were casted together. It was in the year 1965. MGR was 48 years old and Jayalalitha was just 17. They were rumoured to live in together as their career went forward. MGR introduced Jaya to politics and made her a prominent leader in the AIADMK party founded by him. She was even sent to Rajya Sabha in 1984 due to her fluency in English. But his death in 1987 has changed everything for ever. After the demise of MGR, AIADMK was split into two groups... one led by MGR’s wife Janaki and the other faction was of course led by Jaya. Jaya later overpowered the other faction and became the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu in 1991. It wasn’t an easy task for Jaya to handle the politicians in Tamil Nadu. She was once insulted on the grand stage of Tamil Nadu assembly by the mob of MLA’s who has even torn her sari. Jaya has even accused Chenna Reddy for misbehaving with her while he acted as a governor of the state. Though being a successful chief minister, Jaya has often faced the allegations of corruption. She has even got infamous for being first chief minister in India to be disqualified from office due to conviction in a disproportionate assets case. But she later regained the position as she was acquitted by the high court of Karnataka. Jaya now holds the post of CM of Tamil Nadu for fifth time. She was crowned as the leader of the state for second consecutive time. It was a rare record that was broken after 32 years. The love of Tamil Nadu people and loyalty of her party members seems to have made this possible. - Nirjara.

  Meet India’s Youngest Women Pilot   Ayesha Aziz... She is from Kashmir, the place torn by terrorism and dominated by separatists. But she wanted to pursue a career that’s dominated by males. Ayesha wanted to be a pilot! She always loved the take offs and landings of plane which could scare the common man. Support... When Ayesha revealed her dream to her father, he didn’t shout at her. This Mumbai based industrialist has instead joined her at the Bombay Flying Club. Ayesha took her ground classes and received her student pilot licence in 2011. She was just 16 years old at that time and became the youngest pilot in India.   NASA... Ayesha was 17 years when she was selected for a space training program in NASA. During her two-month stay in Alabama, Ayesha completed advanced training for being an astronaut. She was even lucky to meet her inspiration Sunita Williams at NASA. Commercial Pilot... Ayesha is now pursuing her B.Sc in Aviation at Bombay Flying Club. She has to complete yet another 80 hours of flight to get the commercial licence in aviation. Ayesha would then become a part of the elite group of women pilots in India at just 20 years of age. “More than being India’s youngest pilot, I am happy for having accomplished my childhood goal,” says Ayesha.   Her message... Ayesha may be a Muslim girl. But there wasn’t any conflict between religion and personality. Besides being a pilot, Ayesha has done a photo shoot for a magazine. She has even served as a model for an advertisement. “You should hold your head high and not let others put you down,” was the message that has been driving her ahead. - Nirjara  

Icecream Stick Shelves   Creative crafts are the brain children of many talented crafters and artists, they create anything interesting from anything boring and simple. Using simple icecream sticks to make additional storage shelves to display light-weight items in any room or to make fruit holders for display on dining tables or counter tops is a very creative idea. And because this craft idea doesnot need any wood work skills, any drilling, nails and tools, anyone interested can take up this craft project. We need: A pack of atleast 50 icecream sticks Any industrial strength glue or wood glue An A1 size white paper A pencil or pen Acrylic color or Spray paint of your color choice A wide painting brush Strong twine for hanging     Stencil your desired shape on a plain paper and start laying the first layer. Now stick the second layer to the first, either creating a simple second layer or a combed look. Usually a 7-layer piece is strong enough. Using the same glue stick a piece of twine to the middle layer, inorder to hang the shelf to a hook or nail against the wall. Using a painting brush or a spray bottle, color the shelf with your desired color. As this shelf is strongly glued, it wouldnot break, however, since we used light-weight icecream sticks, it can handle light-weight items for display or can hold watches or eye glasses for simple storage. You can make shelves of any practical shape with a stencil as basis. These icecream stick shelves are quick and easy additions to your decor !     - Prathyusha      

Salt is not just a taste- It’s a TIP Our kitchen is always incomplete without a packet of salt. But salt is not just a taste, if you are willing enough, it can provide solution to numerous tiny problems around us.. Those dirty rings- how often we see the water or rust rings on floor and wonder how to clean them. The cylinders and buckets would always leave such marks on the floor. Apply some salt on lemon and rub it over such stains and you can watch the floor sparkling as before. Best deodorizer- Salt can be best deodorizer if applied. Clean your refrigerators and sinks by adding a bit of salt and you would know it why. A pinch of salt when sprinkled in the shoes would absorb the moisture which often gives rise to a foul smell. Fight the bite- When you are stung by a bee, dampening the skin and covering it with some salt can relive you from the pain. A mosquito bite can also be relieved by applying some oil mixed with salt on the place. Spill- When you have lot of pickles on the dining table, it’s always hard to choose them but easy to spill them. But don’t panic if you spill something. Spray some salt quickly over the stain which would absorb the stain and makes it easier to clean the crime scene. Stained mugs- Everyone would love to serve their guests with best porcelain ware. But coffee/ tea stains in and around the coffee mugs can certainly be embarrassing. Clean those with dish soap along with some salt and you no longer feel shy to serve. Dental care- Salt is often considered as best support in oral care. Brushing teeth with salt and lemon would remove the plaque easily. Rinsing with salt and baking powder would act as mouth freshener. Gargling with warm salt water can relive us from mouth sores to throat infections. Salt for skin- We often soak our feet in lukewarm water to make them appear smooth. But it’s not just feet that deserves a pinch of salt, you can add some salt in your bathtub once in a while to let your skin look soft. Massaging your damp skin with salt crystals would also help remove the dead cells and improve the blood circulation. And well! If you are suffering with dandruff like millions in the world, massaging your scalp before a head bath would help you get rid of those dead flakes. There is an estimate that there are 14,000 ways to use salt. We have just mentioned a few of them. From removing stains to keeping away the ants... you can find hundreds of ways to use a pinch of salt.  

    Things in Your Kitchen You Need to Get Rid of Right Now     To take the clutter out of your kitchen is something that you always want to do but then keep postponing it for sometime later. But here are a few tips that could help you organize your kitchen in a better way. Check these out.   We often don't realise that we own far more bags than the ones that we need. So, there are cases when you go shopping and end up bringing back home so many bags that we end up saving them up in a rack or somewhere in the kitchen, which in turn occupies space and makes the kitchen look cluttered. Hold on to a maximum of 10 and donate the rest. Or you could also leave some in your car, so that the next time you are out shopping you would not need to buy more bags.Then you won't be that person who gets to the supermarket and realizes your bags are tucked away in a cabinet at home.     A lot of us have a tendency to pick up stuff from the restaurant that we visit for an eat out, or get back home complimentary items from a hotel that we were put up in. These may seem to be really good and the best part is that they come at absolutely no cost. But, you're always going to get more the next time you order, so there's no point in stockpiling them. You would only end up choking your kitchen space.   Most professional chefs tend to manage with just three to five knives, so it is recommended that we also stick to the same number while at home. Chances are, you rarely use more than a knife. So stop stocking up just so that you might need them someday. Which might not arise at all. So, dispose off the knives that you thing are not sharp enough or for any reason you are not able to use them now.   This may be the case with most kitchens. There might be too many reusable and disposable water bottles lying in your cupboard. But the fact of the matter is that you would only need one bottle per person, and maybe one or two extra. So clean the rest of the bottles and donate or recycle them.          If you've been using one towel to do everything, then its time for you to throw it out and get a new one. Towels are the most commonly contaminated surface in the kitchen. It is recommended that you designate one for cleaning dry surfaces and one for wet surfaces and put both in the washing machine daily, especially if you've been doing heavy duty cooking at home.   ..Divya

    Women Empowerment, Really Necessary?     Is it necessary to ask for a special Empowerment in Women? Why do such situations arise? Who forces such a state? All these and such are questions bombarding the minds of thousands of women across the world..because there still are Husbands, mostly husbands who control the lives of women in their household...Fathers are not so tough as they have love for the daughter at some corner..Husbands are the ones holding the lives and laughters of women, dominating them in various ways, intimidating them during some moments of the everyday life.   Women have a different life until they get married, they are independent, under the shelter of caring parents, in the same 'most-comfortable' atmosphere they grew up in. Everything changes soon as they get married..ofcourse, for some fortunate girls, things become so favorable after marriage, they meet the most-loving person and he takes care of her so wonderfully that she feels marriage is heavenly..and for most of us, marriages are the worst things that could happen..every such woman knows it, still endures for years, looking at the helplessness of the parents or their emotional status, and later at the innocent faces of her children and continues to long suffer...and the husband takes her for granted, the feeling of 'what will she do..nothing!' is his strength.     As someone rightly said 'A woman changes for her husband,becomes a mother to his children, they even carry his surname, not hers, she endures birth pangs and almost dies during labor, she takes care of his household and family too...he doesnot even care to show her some compassion, neither empathy when she is tired. He even has complaints with her cooking, every now and then..he doesnot want her to mingle with others anymore, he is so envious of her social relationships..she is left with no friends and no proper contact with her own family. She is capable of taking up a job but sacrifices for her kids, and stays home doing the dishes, cleaning the house..he never shows any respect for her sacrificial decisions. Finally, he says 'you did nothing for me!, or 'get out of my sight!'. Does she need such a treatment? Where is that most loved daughter of her parents?   Yes, we need Empowerment as long as there are husbands like this, we need a constant voice backing us up that things will be fine, that she is not alone, that there is someone to care for her...if that comes spiritually, then it is the most blessed and fruitful endurance. She needs diversion from the issue but how she finds it is the question...will the husband allow it, how will she even find some relief without any shame from him...this is an article not for the women but for every man to read..and learn not to live a life like the husband in this story..there are similar stories of husband suffering in the hands of a wife..even in this modern era, are such bitter relationships necessary? Can't  there be 'wonderful marriages' and 'amazing couples'. Empowerment, is it necessary?!   ..Prathyusha

  Why should we cook to please ?     Ladies are expected to be good cooks...alright , alright..! I understand, they cook so well that you get impressed...but what about others who maynot be able to cook exactly the same way you expect them to cook..they may have been trained differently, or their cultural roots have different taste preferences that dont match with yours, or they never had an oppurtunity to cook or any need to learn and cook on their own. Why should one judge the other's cooking abilities ? Men dont get evaluated for their cooking skills...however, those Men who are excellent cooks are famous, among friends, relatives, and some at a competitive level.   When women start to judge, they become so is no ones business to comment on someone else's abilities, whatever field it be. Others may possess better skills than you in some discipline, and you may fail miserably when compared to them..but, we dont want to keep quiet...comment, comment and comment until the other person realises and feels so helpless and unworthy. Everyone starts at Level 0.. No one is an expert in the first step. When two people meet, it is obvious that they either gossip about others, praise themselves or argue, very rarely, they talk about good things that dont involve negative emotions or others..there are very few people who dont touch others' personal matters and who get offended when others try to meddle with their emotions or personal topics.       Such a discussion tampers ones self esteem, motivation and encouragement.. They tend to feel demotivated, hurt and maynot want to meet others due to the fear of the same insult being repeated. Cooking, especially makes a good cook famous and a bad cook so disappointed. It is the character of the person that is important. If a person doesnot sit and brag about his/her own traits, then it is a harmless, selfless person...if somewhere ornthe other, one brags about her cooking skills or something good about her, then she either wants others to praise her always or she is a dominating personality who is ready to trample others around whenever a chance comes.   This is the same situation between Mother-in-laws and the Daughter-in-laws..mostly the latter group are targeted for their lack of cooking it mandatory to be trained in cooking to get married, or is it a gentle, good looking girl that thet seek ?! They say, days have changed, Men are friendlier with wives in these modern day life..but there are still quite some Men who compare their Mom's excellent cooking skills to the newly wed wife's rookie skills...between some couples, this torture continues for years. I wonder who made this statement 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach..feed him well, and he is yours forever...this might be yester years' dream but it is the character of a man..if he is crooked, then even though you feed him well, he will comment on your cooking skills still.   Comparing ones cooking skills need not be important when friends meet...the other person maynot have been keeping healthy, or had an emotional problem that day...that she couldnot cook to much you write, how much you try to educate others...this cooking comparison game has been there in the families, among acquaintances, at work places, ...everywhere. Pride is so bad. When two praise each other in private, it is better..rather than praise eachother while the third person is around, may trigger issues and you will but loose good friends, the so-called good cooks !! ..Prathyusha

  HEALTHY FOODS FOR WOMEN     Nuts   Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and peanuts can certainly contribute to the well health of women. Every nut mentioned above have their own benefits. While Almonds are rich in Vitamin E, Walnuts are loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids that keep your heart healthy. Peanuts are abundant with fibre and protein. Hazelnuts contain arginine, an amino acid that controls blood pressure. So, in a nutshell! Nuts are certainly useful for you unless you have a troubled record with diabetes or cholesterol in which case your doctor would suggest the limitations on the intake of nuts.   Milk   Modern way of living has left us with less time and space to be under sun. This would certainly deprive us from the benefits of acquiring Vitamin D naturally from the sunlight. Fortified milk would be the best way to gain much needed Vitamin D. Vitamin D not only helps the body to absorb calcium that’s present in the milk but has its own benefits. Vitamin D along with Calcium is said to reduce the occurrence and severity of osteoporosis- a malfunction of bones that affects most of the women in their middle age. Vitamin D is also thought to have the chances of working against tumours in breast and colon.   Eggs   It might be true that egg yolk contains huge levels of cholesterol. But it’s a rich source of nutrients as well. The ‘choline’ present in egg yolk has the chances of preventing breast cancer. Lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that were present in yolk were believed to prevent Macular degeneration. A degeneration of vision as you get old. Having your breakfast with an egg would let your stomach feel fulfilled and thereby decrease the craving for more food. But beware of the yolk if your cholesterol levels are on rise.   Beans   We normally ignore beans though every health journal portrays them as perfect foods. Beans are known to be rich in fibre which would be the best antidote for cholesterol. They also contain ‘protease inhibitors’, which may help protect against breast cancer. Beans are rich in nutrients and their regular intake is thought to have positive affect in controlling type 2 diabetes and blood pressure.   Spinach   It’s not just Popeye who gets energy from Spinach! It contains huge amount of Lutein, which keeps your artery walls clear from cholesterol. Vitamin K and Magnesium present in Spinach is known to be helpful in case of osteoporosis. Particular mention should be made about the presence of iron in Spinach. Most women suffer from anaemia which could be cured through sufficient intake of iron that’s present in Spinach. Spinach is known to contain cancer-fighting agents called methylene dioxyflavonol glucuronides. The intake of Spinach is highly recommended during pregnancy as it contains folete... an essential part of folic acid. These are just a few mentionable foods that are known to do good for women. However the list is not all inclusive and you can add foods such as Flaxseeds, Yogurt, Oats etc. A bit of research could certainly lead you to foods that are worthy to be included in your daily cuisine. - Nirjara.

  Side effects of pregnancy-Swollen feet and Vericose veins     Swollen feet are not a big concern when they happen during pregnancy...Edema, as it is called, Swollen feet, occurs due to increased fluids and increased pressure on the uterus, those fluids tend to create swelling in the feet, thanks to the law of gravity ! Mostly starting to occur between week 21-27 and goes on until the day of delivery...for some, the swelling continues and raises concerns to the medical staff too, as it happened in my case...they had to apply tens to my highly swollen feet, but the next day of delivery, swelling reduced and left.     A matter of concern is when swelling keeps increasing and creates restless feet, it is when the Gyneacologist has to be informed and met if asked to. During every prenatal visit, they check the blood pressure rate and urine levels too, but if the levels are high compared to the normal range, then it is considered as Preeclampsia and needs immediate attention as it is harmful for both Mother and Child. Otherwise, in a normal situation, a sudden weight gain during pregnancy may lead swelling in the feet, and that is the reason why, along with purchasing maternity clothes, women need to consider buying new 'maternity' footwear as the feet are usually swollen or swell atleast once for many. If they still neglect and try to fit those tired feet in their old footwear, they tend to create a burning sensation or tired feet.   Certain good habits inculcated during pregnancy help avoid swollen feet, or atleast offer relief... Keep feet elevated mostly Donot stand or sit for long hours Never sit in a crossed-legs position Drink lots of water Use the right kind of footwear to fit those swollen feet/purchase new pair during pregnancy Follow prenatal exercise routines that are safe, regularly Avoid tight fit dresses, leggings or stockings Sleep, turning towards the left side Keep a control on the salt intake, based on the Doctor's recommendations Soak those swollen feet in hot water tub for soothing   Vericose veins are the not-so-desired side-effects of pregnancy...again, not happening to many women. The increased production of blood necessary for two beings, The excess pressure the uterus puts on pelvic blood vessels are the two conditions that come together to create a vericose veins situation. They are perfectly harmless for the Mother and child but Mom is left with these undesired veins on her legs and feet even after delivery as a memory. They may itch and swell after long periods of standing and donot allow Mom to wear her old shorts or Dresses without her permanent stockings ! Not matter what, these ugly veins and swollen feet...nothing can stop her from bringing her dream child to life, safely !   ..Prathyusha

      Newspapers across the world have been mentioning the 90th birthday celebrations of Elizabeth II, the queen of United Kingdom. What could be her health secret that has given a rare opportunity to be healthy even in her 90’s? Watch out!   Though queen always had a choice to smoke, she had never gone too close to the habit. She might have certainly been affected by the fact that her father is a big smoker and has died in his young age due to the habit. Queen of course has the habit of drinking, but with a limit. Even a second peg is said to be rare for her.   Queen would either have to be a guest or host for a dinner party quite often. But she is known to eat less. She is also keen to avoid too many carbohydrates in her food. She is against processed foods and wishes to include salads in her dinner course.   Queen is said to have brought up in a playful environment. Dancing and horse riding used to be a part of her daily life. Even today, she is said to prefer walking and horse riding, which lets her to deal with strenuous journeys that were to be made. The queen is known to maintain good sleeping habits throughout her life. She is careful to have at least 7 hours of sleep at night, and would wake up early in the morning. There isn’t any need to reiterate the importance of good sleep in one’s life!   Elizabeth is the queen of United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. She obviously has to be in symphony with all those governments. Apart from the political issues, queen has faced a lot of trauma in her life such as the death of Diana. She did master the art of coping with stress that led her through every such agony.   Experts might be saying that pets are the best stress busters, and the queen was probably aware of the saying. She is fond of dogs and known to love a particular breed of dogs named ` Pembroke Welsh Corgis.’ She would spend much time with them and often walk around the palace with them.   Queen Elizabeth fell in love with Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) in her early teens. They both got married in 1947 and believe it or not... they lived happily thereafter! Prince Philip is now 94 years old. In a culture where divorce and separation isn’t rare, it’s interesting to note that the couple has kept their marriage vows alive. A steady marriage is said to have added up to her health.   Queen is a member of church and has often declared her faith in Christianity. `I, like so many of you, have drawn great comfort in difficult times from Christ's words and example’ said Elizabeth in one of her Christmas message. She is also a patron to over 600 organisations and charities. She has even helped a few foundations to raise charities. Her charity and devotion might have certainly helped her to be in solace. ..Nirjara

  Ten things to know about Dipa Karamkar     Dipa, the ultimate gymnast hails from the North Eastern state of India Tripura, which is far behind development. But that didn’t stop her from reaching the skies. She started practising gymnastics when she was just 6 years old. Dipa and her father knew that they had a goal to achieve in life.   Dipa had flat foot, which was thought to be unsuitable for gymnastic movements. She along with her coach Bisbeshwar Nandi had to work hard to get a curve in her feet.Dipa has immense confidence in her coach Bisbeshwar Nandi and thus he is her only coach till now. She knew that he is her best guide.   In 2007, she won the Junior Nationals in Jalpaiguri, when she was just 14 years old, and that was just the beginning. Since 2007, Dipa has won 77 medals at various levels. 67 of them are gold!   Dipa was one of the five women in gymnastic history who has achieved a feat called PRODUNOVA. This feat consists of a front handspring and two front somersaults. Produnova is so dangerous that some people were even demanding to ban it. Because one can always land on his neck and break his spine while trying to achieve Produnova. But Dipa just wanted to achieve the feat.   In 2014, Dipa became first Indian women to grab a medal in Commonwealth Games, by winning a bronze at Glasgow, and she was second Indian after Ashish Kumar to achieve the task.   After her victory in Commonwealth Games, people began to recognise the ability of Dipa. Even the sports icon Sachin Tendulkar lauded her for her achievement, and said that he was proud of her.   In 2015 Dipa became the first ever Indian to qualify for the final stage of World Artistic Gymnastics Championship. She missed the bronze by a feather by remaining at the fifth position.   Dipa now creates another page in the history of Indian sports by getting qualified for the upcoming Olympics in Brazil. She would now be the first Indian women to enter a gymnastics competition in Olympics and would also be the first Indian to achieve the feet after a gap of 52 years. It was only in 1964 that Indian gymnasts were qualified to enter Olympics. ..Nirjara.

  Start a Blog for your talent !   Spending the whole day running errands, behind kids, serving family...then you realise you havenot even sat for few minutes at a stretch the whole day !! Wondering if we are getting enough time for ourselves..ladies ?! Same thoughts come to me too..writing this article at close to 1'o clock in the midnight..if feel why cant we join hands with close friends or just single handed to start a blog..mostly to share our talents..of cooking, crafts, family welfare and childcare...sometimes to vent out our frustration after a long 'every'day. Some of the talented lot started a few groups on a famous social website but i wonder if such networking websites allow these on longterm basis.     Blog space is a wonderful platform to even start earning with just our talent in writing and sharing expertise and experiences. If you dont think you have any such specialities, then just gather up all those ladies and make videos or ask them to share their talents in your blog. Starting a blog is pretty inexpensive, but ends up fetching you some income through advertisements and useful marketing links. The web has tons of helpful notes on how to start a blog of your it one with your own and independent title or one that has a domain attached to it.   Some write about the movies they have watched, reviewing their opinions..some on music releases and some on community services, pet care, nature and safeguarding it for future generations, eco-farming, ....just browse the web and you will be surprised to see the variety of blogs people across the globe have created with their own interests and passions.  This is a perfect medium to shout out to everyone around that you also have a talent of your own and find people with similar interests responding to your blog, posting their comments and compliments, you can share your daily thoughts and feelings too with them for a great support from outside the home and family. Blog and you will rock !! ...Prathyusha