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Tips to Reduce Gastric Problem

Tips to Reduce Gastric Problem Tips to Reduce Gastric Problem, how to reduce gastric problem, gastric problem solution tips: What is the solution for Gastric Problem? When you suffer gas problem, you have to be aware of gas relief home remedy because it will help you provide a permanent solution and easy tips to reduce, cause, prevention, diet, complications, long-term outlook. * Don't take oily and spicy foods. * Don't drink too hot or cold beverages. * Take plenty of water, soups etc. * Topcid 40 or Femotidine tablets prior to meals twice a day for a week. * Remove causes of tension or anxiety.   గ్యాస్ట్రిక్ సమస్యను దూరం చేసే వంటింటి చిట్కాలు గ్యాస్ ఉన్న వారు సరిగా తినకపోవడం, తొందరగా తిన్నది జీర్ణం కాకపోవడం. కడుపులో మంట. పులుపు, కారం లాంటివి ఎక్కువ తినలేకపోవడం వంటి ఎన్నో బాధలు పడుతున్నారు.గ్యాస్ వల్ల పొట్టలో ఉబ్బరం కలుగుతుంది. త్రేన్పులు వస్తాయి. కడుపులో నొప్పి, అజీర్ణం కలుగుతుంది. అపనవాయువుతో ఇబ్బంది. కడుపులో గ్యాస్ ఆపుకుందామంటే ఆగాడు. ఆపితే విపరీతమైన నొప్పి. వాసన ఉంటే భరించడం కష్టం. దీని నుండీ బయటపడడం ఎలా? గ్యాస్ ఎందుకు తయారవుతుంది. దాని నివారణకు ఇంట్లోనే చేసుకునే చిన్నపాటి చిట్కాలు మీ కోసం. ఎందుకు తయారవుతుంది? 1) మనం తినే ఆహారం. 2) నమలకుండా గబగబా మ్రింగడం 3)మాట్లాడుతూ తినడం. 4)నోరు ఎక్కువగా తెరచి నమలడం 5)బీర్, కోలా వంటి కార్బోనేటేడ్ పానీయాలు కూడా గ్యాస్ కి కారణం. 6)స్మోక్ చేయడం. 7)ఆహారనాళంలో జీర్ణం కానీ షుగర్స్ ను కోలన్ లో బాక్టీరియా స్వీకరించి, గ్యాస్ ను విడుదల చేస్తాయి. 8)ప్రేగులలోని కొన్ని బాక్టీరియ గ్యాస్ ను ఎక్కువగా ఉత్పత్తి చేస్తాయి.   గ్యాస్ రాకుండా ఉండాలంటే: * ఆహారాన్ని బాగా నమిలి, నెమ్మదిగా, తక్కువగా తినాలి. * ధూమపానం, జర్దా తినకూడదు. * కొన్ని వ్యయమ పద్ధతులు పాటించాలి. * కూల్ డ్రింక్స్, తీపి పదార్థాలు తగ్గించాలి. * వేళకి భోజనం చేయాలి. * రోజుకు 10-12 గ్లాసుల నీరు త్రాగాలి.   నివారణకు వంటింటి చిట్కాలు: * ధనియాలు నమలండి. అది గ్యాస్ ను పోగొడుతుంది. కడుపునొప్పిని తగ్గిస్తుంది. * కప్పు మరిగే నీటిలో కొద్దిగా అల్లం, తేనె కలిపి త్రాగండి. * తాజా అల్లం ముక్కని నిమ్మరసంలో ముంచి అన్నం తిన్నాక తింటే ఆహారం తొందరగా జీర్ణమవుతుంది. * గ్యాస్ రిలీఫ్ కి ఇంగువ బాగా పనిచేస్తుంది. * ఒక గ్లాసు మరుగుతున్న నీటిలో పీచ్ ఆకులూ వేసి 10-15 నిమిషాల తర్వాత త్రాగాలి. రోజుకు మూడు సార్లు చేస్తే తొందరగా ఉపశమనం కలుగుతుంది. * అరచెంచా వాముపొడి, చెంచా యాలకుల పొడి, ఒక చెంచా మిరియాల పొడి, శొంఠి పొడి చెంచా కలిపి ఉంచుకోవాలి. రోజుకు రెండు సార్లు 400మి.లీ నీటితో తీసుకుంటే అజీర్ణం, గ్యాస్, ఉబ్బరం తగ్గుతాయి. * తులసి ఆకులు నిమితే కడుపులో గ్యాస్ ఏర్పడదు. * మిరియం,శొంఠి, ఏలకులు ఒక్కొక్క్ టీ స్పూన్ చొప్పన తీసుకుని పొడి చేసి అరస్పూన్ నీటిలో కలిపి భోజనం తరువాత అరగంట ఆగి త్రాగాలి.

Myths About Breast Cancer

Myths About Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Myths, Myths Facts Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Facts: Although many advances have been made in breast cancer detection and treatment over the last quarter century, the fact is we still don't know much about the breast cancer. * The risk is only for women who have a family history of breast cancer? In fact, there are no identifiable risk factors from about 70 percent of women diagnosed with this disease. But your risk may be double if you have sibling, child or parent (‘first-degree relative’) with breast cancer. Therefore, this means that the risk should not only be directed for a woman with a family history of this disease -- although her risk especially if she has a first-degree relative with this disease may be relatively higher. In the other words, most of women diagnosed with this disease are not hereditary, which only about 5% of them who get a gene predisposing them to breast cancer. * The risk can be higher if you wear an underwire bra! Can underwire bras cause breast cancer? As well we know that underwire bras are usually designed with a thin wire along the sides & bottom of the cups. And therefore there are some women who may feel uncomfortable pressure occasionally in the breasts due to a metal underwire! But it is not true if you say that underwire bra can cause breast cancer, because there are still no scientific studies that can find the link between this disease breast cancer and underwire bra! The point is if you feel uncomfortable when using an underwire bra, then it is much better to avoid using it -- but don’t judge directly that it can cause breast cancer, because once again there is no scientific evidence for the correlation of them. * About breast lumps! In fact, most of breast lumps in women (almost 80 percent) are usually caused by cyts, benign changes (non-cancerous), and other conditions! Therefore don’t take conclusion directly if you find breast lumps, ask your doctor for more detailed information. However, we all agree that catching breast cancer as earlier as possible is so important and better for the treatment. Therefore, for better result, get a routine mammogram screening to keep monitor well your body, particularly if you are over 40 (do this screening -test once a year if necessary). * Can breast implants raise the risk of breast cancer? Breast implants can result several risks for the body, especially if the implant is not properly injected. Therefore, it is so important to understand all risks completely before deciding to choose breast implants. But there is also still no scientific link between breast implants and breast cancer. However, it is much better to avoid breast implants. Furthermore, for women with breast implants, the standard mammograms are not too effective to monitor the breast tissue. Therefore, X-rays is required sometimes to optimally examine breast tissue on these women. * Does the size of the breast influence your risk? You may familiar with the popular opinion that says ‘the smaller size of the breast will have less chance or lower risk of breast cancer’. In fact, there is also no correlation between this issue and the risk of developing breast cancer. But one thing that you should clearly understand is small breasts may be easier to examine than large breasts. And like mentioned before, catching breast cancer as earlier as possible will be helpful to make easier for the treatment. Don’t forget also to read the previous related article about some foods to lower the risk of breast cancer!

Organizing for Your Personality

Organizing for Your Personality The format depends on a combination of your personality and that which you want to accomplish. You must organize your portfolio so that it clearly shows your. Organizing Habits * Left-Brainers You tend to crave designated locations for everything. Because you like to sort, options with compartments can be especially satisfying. Left-leaners often prefer to keep things out of sight, so boxes that stack nicely in drawers or closets are appealing. Categorizing by date or event comes naturally, and multiples of identical storage options (say, matched photo albums) feed your urge for extreme order. * Right-Brainers Forget about trying to adhere to strict rules. Your keep-it-neat plan should capitalize on your pull toward the creative and the emotional. Containers you already own and love can be motivating. Investigate your clutter patterns: Do you drop your necklace on the bathroom counter when you're getting ready for bed? Maybe you need a wall hook by the sink to catch jewelry. If it works for you, it's correct. Ideas for the Left-Brainer * Keepsakes Varied in shape, keepsakes can be a headache for the neatnik. Think in terms of matched containers (your usual preference) in different sizes for the just-right fit you crave -- one for letters, one for theater programs, for example. Inexpensive divided boxes with depth let you sort ephemera (matchbooks, seashells) and stack it all nicely in a drawer. Where to buy: Medina boxes by Tozai Home, small, $82, and large, $98: Birch boxes, $30 for four, Unfinished-wood divided boxes, unfortunately, are no longer available. * Left-Brainer: Jewelry Divided acrylic trays play to the left-brainer's love of customization, providing the option to subcategorize (one tray for rings, another for necklaces) or implement a plan that speeds up a morning routine (accessories that are worn together stored in a row). All pieces are easy to locate, and earrings stay with their mates. High-frequency trays can stay out, while others can be stashed in a dresser drawer. * Left-Brainer: Photos Boxes with photo labels are great for single-subject sorting (one for each child, say). They can hold discs, too, so you can unify your digital and print collections. Flat archival boxes protect larger prints and vintage photos. Small albums are perfect for individual trips or events.   Ideas for the Right-Brainer * Keepsakes A memento collage above a desk lets you bask in memories. Start in the center of a bulletin board with a bright piece and build out, creating a dense but relaxed grid. Funky boxes, like those here masquerading as vintage books, hold 3-D items. Found containers (chocolate tins, gift boxes) catch random objects, like ticket stubs, and glass shows off shells. * Right-Brainer: Jewelry You're prone to tangles and forgetting what you own. A display keeps everything visible and knot-free. Hang jewelry from elegant insect pins on a foam-core board that's been covered in velvet and framed. (Pushpins stuck into a small bulletin board are fine, too.) A bust can hold a special necklace (or five). Flip over a glass and perch a bowl on top for rings and pins. * Right-Brainer: Photos Load pictures into bright boxes (which are easy to spot), and buy some scrapbooks. (Stash decorative tape, photo corners, and labels nearby.) When you have a few minutes, stick a couple of photos into a book, jotting down the corresponding memories. Use broad themes, like "kids" or "parties," so there's no pressure for detailed sorting.  

Healthy Heart Diet Tips

Healthy Heart Diet Tips You can lower your chances of getting heart disease by eating healthy. For a healthy heart, Weight control and regular exercise are critical for keeping your heart in shape but the food you eat may matter just as much. * Eat a diet low in fat, especially animal fats and palm and coconut oils. (These foods contain saturated fat and cholesterol. Saturated fat and cholesterol can cause heart disease.) * Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium. * Maintain or improve your weight. * Eat plenty of grain products, fruits and vegetables. * Choose milk with 1% fat or skim milk instead of whole milk. * Eliminate fried foods and replace them with baked, steamed, boiled, broiled, or microwaved foods. * Cook with oils which are low in fat and saturated fat like corn, safflower, sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, olive,canola, peanut and sesame oils. Stay away from oils and shortenings that are high in fat and saturated fat. * Smoked, cured, salted and canned meat, poultry and fish are high in salt. Eat unsalted fresh or frozen meat, poultry and fish. * Replace fatty cuts of meat with lean cuts of meat or low-fat meat alternatives. * In recipes requiring one whole egg try two egg whites as a lower fat alternative. * Replace sour cream and mayonnaise with plain low-fat yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, or low-fat sour cream and mayonnaise. * Substitute hard and processed cheeses for low-fat, low-sodium cheeses. * Use herbs and spices as seasoning for vegetables and potatoes instead of salt and butter. * Replace salted crackers with unsalted or low-sodium whole-wheat crackers. * Substitute canned soups,bouillons and dry soup mixes which are high in salt for sodium-reduced soups and bouillons. * Replace white bread, white rice, and cereals made with white flour with whole-wheat bread, long-grain rice, and whole-grain cereals. * Substitute snacks high in salt and fat with low-fat, low salt snacks. Cut-up vegetables and fruits are a quick healthy snack.  

Early Signs of Pregnancy

Early Signs of Pregnancy Many women feel very tired early in pregnancy (it takes lots of energy to create a baby!). In fact, fatigue is often one of the first signs of pregnancy. If you are signs and symptoms of pregnancy - find out what are commonly the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Pregnancy symptoms can be different not only for Early Pregnancy symptoms, signs of pregnancy and possible other causes for the symptoms of pregnancy are discussed.   * Prickling, tingling nipples This can be one of the very earliest signs of pregnancy, kicking in within a week or so of conception. You may feel a tingling sensation as pregnancy hormones increase the blood supply to your breasts, particularly around the nipples. Once your body gets used to the hormone surge, the sensation will subside.   * Spotting and cramping It's common to have some spotting, a slight pink or brown-coloured stain in your knickers or when you pee, as well as cramping. Spotting in very early pregnancy could be caused by the egg implanting in your uterus. A little bleeding at around the time you'd normally expect your period may be caused by the hormones that control your periods breaking through.   * Feeling sick If you're lucky you'll escape this completely. However morning sickness is a common symptom of early pregnancy. It often starts when you're four to six weeks pregnant. You may feel nauseated and queasy, or even vomit. Despite its name, morning sickness can affect you morning, noon or night.   * Tender, swollen breasts From about six weeks pregnant, your breasts may become increasingly tender to the touch. It’s similar to how they feel before your period, only more so. You may notice that your breasts are larger and swollen, with blue veins visible just below the skin. Tenderness tends to be most common in the first trimester, easing as pregnancy progresses.   * Fatigue Feeling tired? No, make that exhausted. You may find yourself diving for your duvet as your body cranks up to support your baby right from the early stages of pregnancy. Though fatigue is not a sure-fire symptom on its own, it's a common pregnancy symptom. You may find tiredness wipes you out most in the first and third trimesters.   * Needing to pee frequently From about six weeks pregnant, you may notice that you're going to the loo more often. This is down to a combination of pregnancy hormones, a larger volume of blood in your system and your kidneys working extra hard. Watch out though, if you get pain or a burning sensation when you pee, it might be a urinary tract infection.   * Darkening of your nipples Skin changes are common during pregnancy. One of the first ones you may notice is the circle of skin round your nipples (your areolas) getting darker. This can happen from about eight weeks. You may also find that the bumps around your nipples become more pronounced or your nipples are more erect. At this time your vulva and vagina may change to a deeper, purplish red too.   * Altered sense of taste You may go off some foods, but develop a craving for others. Some women report a metallic taste in their mouth, others that they can’t stand the taste of coffee, tea or a food they usually like. It's a cliché, but food cravings or aversions sometimes can be a sign of pregnancy. If they're accompanied by some of the other symptoms on this list, start counting the days from your last period.   * A missed period If you're usually pretty regular and your period doesn't start on time, you'll probably take a pregnancy test before you notice any other symptoms. A missed period is one of the surest signs of pregnancy. But if your periods are irregular or you lost track of when your next one was due, you won’t realise your period is late. In this case, tender breasts, feeling queasy and needing extra trips to the loo may be early clues that you’re pregnant. And finally...   * The proof: A positive home pregnancy test Most home tests will give you a reliable result if you wait until at least the first day of a missed period. If a blue line appears in the test window, you're probably expecting. Make an appointment with your midwife, read our article, 50 reasons to be glad you're pregnant. Congratulations!

How To Feel Better During Your Period

How To Feel Better During Your Period When you are on your period. You really feel like doing is lying on rest. Not overcommiting ourselves is a good thing too during our periods.. We can still reap the feel good benefits of orgasm through masturbation. Here is a list of things you can do to feel better during your period. * Avoid stress. We often hear that stress is the main cause of all modern problems. It really is. So, try to avoid stressful situations during your period as stress tends to make your flow heavier. Ask for a day off from work if it is possible and get some rest. * Take a warm bath. While you might think taking bath during your period is not very hygienic, it is not actually true. Don’t worry about it. Instead, focus on your sensations. Warm water relaxes and eases cramps. Pour some scented body wash or throw a bath bomb to boost the effect. * Warm Up. To easy muscle spasms and feel better during your period try putting a hot (not too hot!!!) water bottle on the lower part of your belly, or wrap up in a blanket to get warmer. Drinking chamomile tea can also be helpful. * Take medicine. If you are in great pain there is no need to suffer. Take ibuprofen, acetaminophen or an OTC medication to alleviate cramps. The choice of a pill depends on what helps you best. Trust your organism. * Eat something really delicious. It’s simple – when we feel bad both physically or emotionally we can eat something really delicious and get better. But try to choose healthy and natural foods. You don’t want to work out hard when your period is over to shed those extra pounds you gain during those darned days, right? * Do something interesting! Positive emotions are often best healers. So, don’t just sit in front of your flat screen. Do something you love! Chat your friends, read favorite magazines, do puzzles or whatever that makes you happy! * Wear comfortable clothes. If you really feel bad during your period you will hardly want to go out much. So, stay at home and wear something which is very comfortable long t-shirts, sweats, fuzzy socks, etc. * Work out! Yes, it might sound horrible even to think about but if you are an active person working out can be a better remedy than anything else. Don’t overdo though. * Change your diet. Some doctors advise women who suffer strong pains during their periods to change their diets. Eat foods which contain plenty of potassium (such as bananas), reduce amount of salty and sugary foods.

Ear Infection Symptoms and Treatment

Ear Infection Symptoms and Treatment Some tips that you can consider to get relief ear infections, ear infection treatment and reduce ear infection Ear Infection Symptoms. Symptoms of ear infection include: * ear pain, * fullness in the ear, * hearing loss, * ringing, * discharge from the ear, * nausea, * vomiting ,  * vertigo. Ear Infection Treatment * Avoid further scuba dives, coughing, sneezing, bending, and attempts to equalize the ears. * Pain may be relieved with 1-2 acetaminophen (Tylenol) every four hours and/or 1-2 ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) every 6-8 hours. * Pseudoephedrine (the active ingredient in over-the-counter medications such as Sudafed) 30 mg tablets, one every six hours for 2-3 days, may ease ear pressure. (People with a history of high blood pressure should avoid this product.) * For infections of the ear canal (otitis externa): neomycin (Ak-Spore HC, Cortisporin, Neotricin HC, Ocutricin-HC), polymyxin B, and hydrocortisone (Cortisporin, Otocort, Poly Otic), two drops in the ear canal four times per day for five days, may also be used. * If pain occurs, discontinue treatment and seek medical attention. * Oral antibiotics are usually recommended for discharge from the ear, nose, or mouth. If infection develops, continue antibiotics for at least five days after all signs of infection have cleared. Tell your doctor of any drug allergy prior to starting any antibiotic. The doctor will recommend the right antibiotic. Some can cause sensitivity to the sun, so use a sunscreen

Lung Cancer Treatment

Lung Cancer Treatment లంగ్ క్యాన్సర్ - జాగ్రత్తలు లంగ్ క్యాన్సర్ అనేది క్యాన్సర్ వలన చనిపోయే కారణాలలో ప్రముఖమైనది. ఏ క్యాన్సర్ అయినా ముందుగా సూక్ష్మ పరిమాణంలోనే మొదలవుతుంది. అది పెరిగి పెరిగి నిర్దిష్టమైన పరిమాణానికి చేరే వరకు గుర్తించడం కష్టమే. ఎందుకంటే మనం చేసే పరీక్షలన్నీ క్యాన్సర్ కణితి పరిమాణాన్ని బట్టి గుర్తించేవిగా ఉంటాయి.   నాలుగు దశలు.. లంగ్ క్యాన్సర్‌ను నాలుగు దశలుగా విభజించారు. రెండో దశ కంటే ముందుగానే మనం దీన్ని కనుక్కోగలిగితే నయం చేయగలిగే అవకాశాలు ఎక్కువగా ఉంటాయి. ప్రస్తుతం అందుబాటులో ఉన్న అధునాతన సాంకేతిక పరిజ్ఞానంతో రెండో దశ క్యాన్సర్లన్నింటినీ నయం చేయగలిగే మందులు కనుగొనే అవకాశం లేదు. సాధారణంగా లంగ్ క్యాన్సర్‌ను ముందుగా కనుక్కోవడానికి స్క్రీనింగ్ పరీక్షలు చేస్తారు. అవి.. ఛాతీ ఎక్స్‌రే, కళ్ళె సైటాలజీ, స్పైరల్ కంప్యూటర్ టోమోగ్రఫీ. ఈ పరీక్షల ద్వారా క్యాన్సర్‌ను కనుక్కోగలిగే శాతం ఎంత? దాని వలన కలిగే ఉపయోగాలు ఇక్కడ ముఖ్యం కాదు. అసలు లంగ్ క్యాన్సర్ బారిన పడకుండా ఉండాలంటే ఎలాంటి జాగ్రత్తలు తీసుకోవాలో చూద్దాం.   "రేడాన్ అనేది రాళ్ళలోను, మట్టిలోను యురేనియం విచ్ఛిన్నం కావడం వల్ల ఏర్పడుతుంది. ఈ రేడాన్ గ్యాస్ మోతాదు ఇళ్ళలోను, ఇతర భవనాలలో అధికంగా ఉండి, ఆ గ్యాస్‌ను పీల్చడం వలన లంగ్ క్యాన్సర్ వస్తుంది. ముఖ్యంగా సెల్లార్‌లలో, అండర్‌గ్రౌండ్ బిల్డింగ్‌లలో దీని మోతాదు ఎక్కువ..'' రాకుండా ఉండాలంటే.. లంగ్ క్యాన్సర్ రాకుండా ఉండాలంటే రిస్క్ ఫ్యాక్టర్స్‌కు ఆమడ దూరంలో ఉండాలి. ధూమపానం, సెకండ్‌హ్యాండ్ స్మోక్, పర్యావరణానికి సంబంధించిన రిస్క్ ఫ్యాక్టర్ల నుంచి రక్షణ పొందాలి. ఆల్కహాల్‌ను సేవించకూడదు. పర్యావరణ రిస్క్‌ఫ్యాక్టర్లు : రేడాన్ ఎక్స్‌పోజర్ - రేడాన్ అనేది రాళ్ళలోను, మట్టిలోను యురేనియం విచ్ఛిన్నం కావడం వల్ల ఏర్పడుతుంది. ఈ రేడాన్ గ్యాస్ మోతాదు ఇళ్ళలోను, ఇతర భవనాలలో అధికంగా ఉండి, ఆ గ్యాస్‌ను పీల్చడం వలన లంగ్ క్యాన్సర్ వస్తుంది. ముఖ్యంగా సెల్లార్‌లలో, అండర్‌గ్రౌండ్ బిల్డింగ్‌లలో దీని మోతాదు ఎక్కువగా ఉంటుంది. గాలి కాలుష్యం : గాలి కాలుష్యానికి లంగ్ క్యాన్సర్‌కు చాలా దగ్గరి సంబంధం ఉంటుంది. కాలుష్యం అధికంగా ఉండే ప్రాంతాలలో నివసించే వారికి ఈ రకం క్యాన్సర్ వచ్చే అవకాశాలు చాలా ఎక్కువగా ఉంటాయి.ఇక, ఇతర పర్యావరణ కారకాలలో.. ఆస్‌బెస్టాస్, ఆర్సెనిక్, క్రోమియం, నికెల్, తారు, తారు పొగ వంటివి ఉంటాయి. వీటన్నింటికీ సాధ్యమైనంత దూరంగా ఉండడం వల్ల లంగ్ క్యాన్సర్ బారిన పడకుండా కాపాడుకోవచ్చు.   ఆల్కహాల్, ధూమపానం : ఆల్కహాల్ పుచ్చుకోవడం, ధూమపానం వల్ల క్యాన్సర్ వచ్చే అవకాశాలు మరింత పెరుగుతాయి. లంగ్ క్యాన్సర్ బారిన పడకుండా ఉండాలనుకున్న వారు ధూమపానం, మద్యపానం వంటివి చేయకూడదు. ఈ అలవాట్లు ఉన్న వారు తక్షణం మానివేయాలి. ధూమపానం నుంచి బయటపడడానికి పల్మనాలజిస్ట్ ఇచ్చే కౌన్సెలింగ్, మందులు ఉపయోగపడతాయి. పోషకాహారం కూడా.. క్యాన్సర్ నిరోధంలో పోషకాహారం కూడా ముఖ్యపాత్ర పోషిస్తుంది. ఎక్కువగా తాజా కూరగాయలు, పండ్లు తీసుకోవాలి. అలాగే ప్రతి ఒక్కరు శారీరక వ్యాయామం తప్పనిసరిగా చేయాలి. కొంతమంది విటమిన్-ఇ తీసుకుంటే లంగ్ క్యాన్సర్ రాదు అనుకుంటూ ఉంటారు. కానీ ఇది నిజం కాదు. అంతేకాదు, ధూమపానం చేసే వారు కెరోటినాయిడ్స్ ఎక్కువగా తీసుకుంటే లంగ్ క్యాన్సర్ వచ్చే అవకాశాలు ఎక్కువగా ఉంటాయి.

Dental Care Tips

Dental Care Tips Maintain good oral health by practicing regular dental care habits and reporting problems to your dentist promptly. Clean your teeth daily and see your dentist one to two times a year to prevent gum disease and other oral health problems. Brushing for oral health Brush your teeth at least twice a day and ideally after every meal, using fluoride-containing toothpaste. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush — it's gentler on your gums. To brush properly, hold your toothbrush at a slight angle against your teeth and use short back-and-forth motions. Brush the inside and chewing surfaces of your teeth. Brush your teeth for about two minutes each time you brush. Brush your tongue. Avoid vigorous or harsh scrubbing, which can irritate your gums. Replace your toothbrush every three or four months, or sooner if it becomes frayed. Consider using an electric toothbrush, especially if you have arthritis or other problems that make it difficult to brush well. Flossing for oral health A toothbrush can't reach all the tight spaces between your teeth or the areas under your gum line.That can allow plaque to build up, threatening your oral health. Flossing, though, removes those particles and improves oral health. Follow these tips on how to floss your teeth: When you floss, gently ease the floss between your teeth. Pull the ends of the floss against the front and back surface of a tooth so that the floss forms a "C" as it wraps around the tooth. Gently pull the floss from the gum line to the top of the tooth to scrape off plaque. Floss the backs of your teeth. Use fresh floss as you progress through your teeth. If you have trouble getting floss through your teeth, try waxed floss. If it's hard to manipulate the floss, try using a floss holder.