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Nose Care in Winter

Nose Care in Winter

Winter is a season that causes the high incidence of flu.The concrete method is to rub both of your hands until you have a feeling of warm in your fingers, then massage along the lateral bridge of the nose, and both sides of your nose for 30 times or so. method can dredge the meridians, enhance local blood circulation, and greatly enhance the ability to prevent coldness. It may also be effective in preventing influenza and nose diseases, and it can treat a cold or stuffy nose as well.

* Every day, we breathe through our nose, inhaling the air with a lot of dust, bacteria, sulfur dioxide and other emissions and viruses. As the human body’s first barrier of air, the nose always suffer from dirty air.

* Although the nasal mucosa can filter useless substance and clean the surface of inside nasal cells, if you regularly clean the nose, you can promptly remove dry scab from the nasal cavity, which will help the nasal cavity work well. First, put some warm water or warm salt water into your palms, and bend your head, inhaling the water through your nose.

* Then spit out from the mouth, repeat these for several times. Or you can also hang the warm saline bottle high, which is connected with infusion tube, inserted the tube into the nasal cavity for about 2 - 3 cm, and in the meantime, you can wash the nose with the war saline water.

* As a fact, you should clean the nose with cold water all the year around, particularly when you wash your face in the morning. With the help of cold water, blood circulation in nasal mucosa can be improved, the nose ability to adapt to the changes in the weather can be also strengthened, colds and other respiratory diseases can be prevented as well.

* Since the damage will not only affect the normal nasal function, cause purulent nasal infection, but also may lead to both brain and ear diseases.