ఈ రోజు వరల్డ్ బార్బీ డే

  ఆటబొమ్మలంటే చిన్నపిల్లలు ఎవరికైనా ఇష్టమే. అందులోనూ  బార్బీ బొమ్మలని చూడగానే దానిని కొనేంతవరకు పిల్లల మనసు కొట్టుకుపోతూనే ఉంటుంది. ఇంట్లో ఎన్ని బొమ్మలున్నా ఇంకో స్టైల్ లో బార్బీ కనపడితే అది కూడా కోనేయాల్సిందే. ముఖ్యంగా ఆడపిల్లలకి ఈ బొమ్మలంటే ఉన్న మోజు అంతా ఇంతా కాదు. మొట్టమొదటిసారిగా ఈ బార్బీ బొమ్మని 1959లో అమెరికాలో జరిగిన ఇంటర్నేషనల్ టాయ్ ఫెయిర్ లో ప్రదర్శించారు. రూత్ హాండ్లర్ అనే యువతి రూపకల్పన చేసిన ఈ బార్బీ  బొమ్మ అసలు పేరు బార్బరా మిల్లిసెంట్ రాబర్ట్స్. ముద్దుగా బార్బీ అని పిలుచుకుంటున్నాం  మనం. ప్రపంచం మొత్తం మీద ప్రతి సెకండ్ కి 3 బార్బీ బొమ్మలు అమ్మబడుతున్నాయంటే వీటికి ఎంత క్రేజ్ ఉందో అర్ధమవుతుంది.     బార్బీ బాయ్ ఫ్రెండ్ 'కెన్' ని 1961 లో రూపొందించారు. అంతే  కాదు బార్బీ అన్నలు, అక్కలు మొత్తం కలిసి  ఏడుగురు ఉన్నారట. వాళ్ళే skipper, stacie, chelsea, krissy, kelly, tutti, todd. వీళ్ళందరితో కలిసిన బార్బీ సెట్లు కూడా మార్కెట్ లో దొరుకుతాయి. బార్బీ కి పెట్ ఆనిమాల్స్ అంటే ఎంతో ఇష్టం కదా. తన మొదటి పెట్ ఎవరో తెలుసా- హార్స్. ఈ హార్స్ మాత్రమే కాకుండా తనకి ఇంకా 21 డాగ్స్, 6 కాట్స్, ఒక చింపాంజీ, పాండా, పార్రేట్, జిరాఫ్ ఇంకా ఎన్నో పెట్ ఆనిమల్స్ ఉన్నాయట.     అందరి మనసులు దోచే ఈ బార్బీ డాల్ ఇంకా ఎన్నో కొత్త కొత్త రూపాల్లో వచ్చి పిల్లల మనసులు దోచేయ్యలని ఇలాంటి పుట్టినరోజులు మరెన్నో చేసుకోవాలని కోరుకుందామా.   ..కళ్యాణి

Let us celebrate caring and nurturing on this women's day

If you are a male reading this, can you imagine your life without a women's tenderness in your life, as a mother, sister, wife, daughter or just as a loving friend? Of course, you don't have to be a male to appreciate it. Women are amazing source of love and tenderness. On this women's day, let us celebrate women's presence in our world by just saying heartfelt thanks to at least one of the women in our lives, the more the better. We often say, a woman takes the place of divine to make us experience love, compassion and tenderness. In fact, I can let you into a cosmic secret. Divine presence is nothing but an infinite and all encompassing tenderness, definitely a feminine principle.   I have seen many lives disrupted by premature death of one of parents. But what I noticed most is, a mother can take up the role of the provider and still be source of tenderness for her child. But most single fathers find it difficult to play the role of mother even if they try their best, they struggle to fill that gap in love and affection a female can provide for children. I am not downplaying father's love but I just mean to convey how love and nurturing flow naturally from a women, a divine built-in mechanism to nurture this world. Don't you find that true?     Being a source of love and nurturing for others is one thing but loving and nurturing yourself is a completely different ball game. Many, many female clients I see daily fail to do this. Even the best of mothers never take time to attend to their own needs. This women's day, I would like to emphasize again and again how important it is for a women to nurture herself. Unless you feel loved and nurtured, you cannot fully provide that for others. Even if you do, you just drain yourself in the process and end up not being able to be a source of love for others. I often ask my clients, can you fill other glasses from an empty glass? So let us see a few pointers how you can do this!   Know yourself. Many of us feel unloved or uncared for, sometime or other during our lives. If I have to summarise all the cases I have dealt with, the only emotional reason for any illness is lack of love. Whatever else we speak of, it boils down to feeling of not being loved or being rejected in life. But honestly, do you really know what exactly makes you feel loved and cared for? Most of us don't know. I ask you to spend time to reflect, 'what makes me feel loved and cared for?' Trust me, each of us have a different idea about it. Unless you know what makes you feel cared, loved and nurtured, how can you get that from others or even how can you give it to yourself. There is no point feeling bad about it or manifesting illness when you do not even have a clue what your pain is all about. First know what feeling loved means to you, then express it in an honest, open and loving way to your loved ones, then give them a chance to do it for you. It helps to do it yourself for them, it is like setting an example. Sometimes you need to use both words and actions to demonstrate what you expect from others. Or even when they care for you, they will have their own idea of love and care and it may not match with what you look for.  More importantly, you will know how to give yourself that feeling. Why not? Be your own cheerleader, that's the secret of peace and happiness.   Don't ignore your pain. Give yourself time to attend to your hurt. As a mother, a wife or a sister, you often provide crying shoulder for other's pain. Give exactly same amount of support to your own emotional pain. Like a tigress licking her wounds, take time to spend time with your hurt. If you give loving attention to what you feel in any situation, you will not allow it to pile up into a major trauma in life. Spend just a few minutes every night to extend your love and attention to any hurtful situation or event you faced that day. 'How does it make me feel?' It is that simple. It also helps to have a support mechanism, a sister, a friend, mother, or someone who can listen to your pain without judgement of you or other person. You do not have to make yourself or the other person wrong, you just need to acknowledge I feel pained by this situation. More importantly, be your own support mechanism. It is part of nurturing self.     Extend your loyalty to yourself. Women's loyalty amazes me. Honestly, I witness this aspect of females so much in my line of profession. So many women come to me with emotional issues but their loyalty to their loved ones is amazing. I have an extreme example to narrate. We had a maid for cleaning our premises, she was quiet but cheerful lady. One day she asked me if I can help her like I help others in office. She told me she had some issues with her husband, he abused her physically sometimes. I wanted to support her to stand up for herself, so started explaining her how to protect herself. Immediately, she jumped to say he is a good man, just beats her when drunk, which is not that often anyway. Really, I was taken aback at that look of loyalty and affection for her abusive husband. Many would take it as ignorance, for me it’s a woman's forbearance, for good or evil, they are very loyal. I would say, extend same amount of loyalty to yourself. Commit to be with yourself no matter what happens, just the way you play this role for your husband, child or any other. If you notice closer, you make yourself wrong more times than find fault with others. You don't need to, just stand by yourself as your own champion. There is nothing wrong to fix in you, or fill a gap in you or make better about you. You are perfection itself. Once you do this, you will never find fault with others, you will be understanding and compassionate. Try it.   Love yourself. It is easy to say this but what does it mean really? If you are from corporate world, you must have seen 'pat on back' awards. Give a pat on your own back, appreciate yourself. How many things do you appreciate in yourself? Have you ever thought about what you really appreciate in yourself? If not, make a list of them. Not just for one day. Every night or at least weekly once, make a list of things you can appreciate in yourself in that day or week. Make another list, what did you make yourself wrong for, in that day or week. Make it a priority to accept yourself for that without judgement. Give yourself a nice, big hug for each item on each of the lists. Love is nothing but unconditional acceptance and appreciation of who we are.   There are many more things you can do, to care and nurture yourself, but this is a good start, if you really follow sincerely. What I tell my clients is, commit to just one practice and stick to it, you will start enjoying it. Obviously, it is not just for women, but definitely women may find it easier to do these than men.   Because, if you notice, all women do all of the above things for others already. I just ask women to extend it to themselves. I should say caring and nurturing self is honoring the feminine principle in this universe. So on this women's day, let us   honor and celebrate it by committing to self-care and nurturing. Ramakrishna Maguluri Engaging with life ELAI engagingwithlife@yahoo.com

పొడవు వారు.. గట్టివారు..

పొడవుగా వుంటే జీవితంలో అన్నింటా ముందుంటారు.. నిజం నమ్మండి అంటున్నారు ‘ఎకనామిక్స్ అండ్ హ్యూమన్ బయాలజీ’ పరిశోధకులు. దాదాపు నాలుగు లక్షల మందితో వారు చేసిన సర్వేలో ఈ విషయం తేలింది. సుమారు ఐదడుగుల పదంగుళాలకు మించి ఎత్తుండే మగవారు తమ తోటివారితో పోలిస్తే చదువులోనూ, సంపాదనలోనూ, సామాజిక సంబంధాల విషయంలోనూ, ఆనందంలోనూ ముందుంటారట. వారి ఎత్తుతోపాటు వారిలో ఈ లక్షణాలు ఎక్కువగా వుండటం గుర్తించారు ఆ సర్వేలో. ఇక ఆడవారి ఎత్తు 5.4 అడుగులు మించితే ఇంచుమించు వారిలో కూడా ఆత్మవిశ్వాసం, చురుకుదనం, తెలివితేటలు ఎక్కువగా ఉండటం గుర్తించారు. ఇంకా ఈ విషయంలో అధ్యయనం కొనసాగిస్తున్నారు. ఇంకెన్ని విషయాలు మనల్ని ఆశ్చర్యంలో ముంచబోతున్నాయో వేచిచూడాలి. ప్రస్తుతానికైతే పొడవు వాళ్ళు గట్టివాళ్ళు అనుకోవాలి. -రమ

అంతర్జాతీయ నాటక దినోత్సవం

  1.ఈ రోజు ఇంటర్నేషనల్ ధియేటర్ డే. ఇప్పటిలా సినిమాలు , వీడియో లు లేని  రోజుల్లో జనాలని తన ప్రతిభతో ఒక ఊపు ఊపేది ఈ నాటకం. రాజుల కాలక్షేపానికి, వినోదానికి ప్రదర్శించబడ్డ ఈ నాటకాలు కాలక్రమేణా ఎక్కడ జాతరలు జరిగినా లేదా  ఉత్సవాలు జరిగినా అక్కడ ప్రదర్శించబడటం ప్రారంభించారు.   2. మన దేశంలో సుమారు 1800 సంవత్సర కాలంలో ముఖానికి రంగులు వేసుకోవటం అనేది మొదలయ్యింది. 1800 కాలం ముందే ఈ రంగుల (కాస్మెటిక్స్) వాడకం ప్రజల్లోకి వచ్చినా, నాటకాలలో వాడడం మాత్రం ఇంగ్లీషు వారే మొదలు పెట్టారు. ముఖ్యంగా షేక్స్పియర్ నాటకాలతో రంగుల ప్రాభవం మరింత పెరిగింది. వివిధ రకాల పాత్రల్నీ ప్రస్ఫుటంగా స్టేజి మీద కనిపించేలా చేయడానికి ఈ రంగులు చాలా వరకూ దోహదం చేసేవి.   3. కాళిదాసు మహాకవిని నాటక పితామహుడిగా చెప్పుకోవచ్చు. అయితే ఆధునిక నాటక రచన 1860 ప్రాంతాల్లో ఆరంభంకాగా నాటక ప్రదర్శన మాత్రం 1880 లో ప్రారంభమయ్యింది. ఆధునిక కాలంలో వెలువడిన తొలి తెలుగు నాటకం" మంజరి మధుకరీయము" . దీనిని కోరాడ రామచంద్రశాస్త్రి 1860 ప్రాంతాల్లో రచించాడు.     4. ఆధునిక నాటక రచనకు ఆద్యులు ఆయనైతే  ఆధునిక నాటక ప్రదర్శన ఆరంభ దశకు కందుకూరి వీరేశలింగం పంతులు, కొండుభొట్ల సుభ్రమణ్యశాస్త్రి, నాదెళ్ళ పురుషోత్తమకవి వడ్డాది సుబ్బరాయుడుగార్లు రూపకర్తలు. వీరేశలింగం సంభాషణ రూపాన 'బ్రాహ్మ వివాహము' అనే కామిక్ ని తన "హాస్య సంజీవని" అనే  మ్యాగజిన్లో రచించారు.ఆ తరువాత 'వ్యవహార ధర్మబోధిని' అనే నాటకాన్నిప్రచురించారు . ఇది వ్యావహారిక భాషలో రాయబడింది. వ్యావహారిక భాషలో మొత్తం రచన సాగించడం ఆ రోజుల్లో  ఒక సాహసం. పైగా ప్రదర్శన భాగ్యం పొందిన తొలి తెలుగు నాటకం కూడా ఇదే.     5.ఆ తరువాతి కాలంలో అంటే 1880 లో వీరేశలింగం నాటక సమాజాన్ని స్థాపించి 'రత్నావళి', 'చమత్కార రత్నావళి' అనే  రెండు నాటకాలను ప్రదర్శించారు. తెలుగునాట తొలి నాటక సమాజాన్ని స్థాపించిన ఘనత వీరేశలింగం గారిదే.     6.. అలాగే రామకృష్ణమాచార్యులు అనబడే ఆయన 30 నాటకాలు రచించారు. అన్నీ స్వతంత్ర రచనలే. ఈయన తన నాటకాలలో పాటలు ప్రవేశపెట్టారు. అంతేకాకుండా పద్యాలను రాగయుక్తంగా పాడడం కూడా ప్రవేశపెట్టారు. ఈయన చేసిన 'సారంగధర' తెలుగులోని మొదటి స్వతంత్ర విషాద రూపకం. ఈయనకి ముందు తెలుగు నాటక రచనకు సుప్రసిద్ధమైన మార్గం లేదు. అందుకే వీరిని "ఆంధ్ర నాటక పితామహ" అని బిరుదునిచ్చి సత్కరించారు.   7. 1887లోప్రాచుర్యంలోకి వచ్చిన గురజాడ అప్పారావుగారి 'కన్యాశుల్కం' వ్యావహారిక భాషలో రచించబడ్డ అత్యుత్తమైన నాటకం. ఆ తరువాతి కాలంలో సురభి నాటకాల జోరు బాగా పెరిపోయింది. ఎక్కడ సురభి నాటకాలు ప్రదర్శిస్తే అక్కడికి జనాలు బండీలు కట్టించుకుని వచ్చి మరీ చూసేవారు. సినిమాలకి ఏ మాత్రం తీసిపోని విధంగా రకరకాల సెట్టింగ్స్ వేసి ఈ నాటకాలు ప్రదర్శించేవారు. నాటకం ఏంతో మందిని బతికించి కడుపునిండా అన్నం పెట్టింది. అలాగే కొన్ని తరాలని రంజింప చేసింది . ఇప్పటికి దానినే నమ్ముకుని బ్రతికేవారు లేకపోలేదు.   8.అయితే కాలక్రమేణా సినిమాల ఆవిర్భావంతో నాటకాలకి తెరపడటం మొదలయింది. చాలా కాలం వరకు ఒక పక్క సినిమాలు విడుదలవుతున్నా నాటకాలకున్న క్రేజ్ అలానే ఉంటూ ఉండేది. రానురాను నాటకాల కన్నా సినిమా చూడటానికి ప్రజలు ఎక్కువగా ఇష్టపడడంతో  ఇక గెలవలేని నాటక ప్రపంచం చతికిలపడాల్సి వచ్చింది. టివీల జోరు పెరిగాక నాటక ప్రపంచం దాదాపు కనుమరుగు అయిపొయింది. 9. అయితే కొన్ని చోట్ల ధియేటర్ ఆర్ట్స్ పేరుతో ఇప్పటికి కూడా నాటక ప్రదర్సనలు జరుగుతూనే ఉన్నాయి. నాటకాల పట్ల ఆసక్తి ఉన్నవారు వెళ్లి చూస్తూనే ఉన్నారు.  నాటకం ప్రజల జీవితాన్ని ప్రతిబంబిస్తుంది , వారి ఆలోచనలని ప్రస్పుట పరుస్తుంది , వారిని ఉత్తేజ పరుస్తుంది . అందుకే నాటక కళ ని  సజీవం గా ఉంచుకోవలసిన అవసరం ఎంతో వుంది .   ....కళ్యాణి

Speaking up your truth helps in Hypothyroidism

In the last 5-6 years, the face of social networking has changed so much, that it is so very easy and takes just seconds to get in touch with anyone across the world. I used to struggle to use Skype call few years back. Communication was through mail or Google Chat. Now we have so many new apps that can help us keep in touch with our family and friends. Too many, in fact. I doubt if these apps are really helping people to connect better or actually making the situation worse. With so much of communication happening with friends and family, are we really connecting with the other person? Forget about people outside of family, are we able to have a heartfelt connection with our own family? Are we really speaking our heart with the family members or those who make a difference in our lives? Being connected is different from communicating.   Last week one lady client walked into my office with two very adorable cute kids. I stroke a conversation with the little ones and was so impressed with their English. They are hardly 5 years old and were speaking such good English with no grammatical mistakes. I was reflecting back at my own life, my teacher used to punish us for not speaking English in the class at least till I was in standard VIII. Of course, education moved into a different level altogether. I appreciated my client and her kids for their wonderful English, she enjoyed the compliment and started telling me that she wanted her kids to have wonderful communication skills and explained me the pains she takes to ensure her kids speak good English.   When we moved on to discussion about her health challenges, she said her TSH levels were on higher side and she had hypothyroidism from the time she gave birth to her elder kid. The issue first showed up in her regular checkups during her first pregnancy and continued till date. In order to understand emotional issues behind this, we started discussion about her childhood and her life post-marriage.   Her childhood story is not so very different from many of my other female clients. She was princess of her house, even before she could ask for something, it was given. She was the priority for her parents. Any issue or challenge she faced in her life, her parents stood beside her to handle the challenge. But things changed post her marriage, the status which she enjoyed at her mother’s place is no more available to her. She is not anyone’s priority, not even husband's. Circumstances were different, people were different, their understanding of situations and life were different. At times, she even felt ridiculed for her point of view. Because she didn't know how to express her true feelings, she felt her feelings were never taken into consideration at in-laws place. Not too different story from many of the lives we look around us. This frustration has shown up in different ways, she had become a very angry person, shouting and yelling at even a small issue. Aggression has become a major part of her life now. People now recognise or acknowledge her aggression if not her by default. It gives a satisfaction that she is recognized by the family. But the real connection and communication never happened.   A girl who lived 20 plus years as a Princess of her house, when gets into a new family expects a somewhat similar treatment. But if faced with different experiences altogether within her new family, she would obviously experience trauma. Because she wasn’t heard a couple of times, she stopped communicating with others including her husband. She stopped speaking her truth. What do we mean by speaking our truth? Does it mean that we are speaking lies? When we say speaking your truth, it is expressing your true feelings and thoughts or even emotional needs in any situation or simply being authentic. Why is it important to express your truth? We assume how we feel is understood by others because it seems obvious to us. Especially with spouse or intimate relations, we feel, don't you understand even this obvious thing. But for any event there can be many points of view, our feelings depend on which perspective we are experiencing the event. And our emotional needs also differ from person to person. Unless we express effectively, others will not be able to understand. Say we are at a cross roads and we have seen an accident, along with us ten other people also witnessed the event. If we go and speak to all the ten people, we will get ten different truths. Event is one, but ten people having different versions, because for each of them what they have seen is the truth. When you stop speaking or communicating your truth, then your thyroid glands would start to dysfunction.   If we think it’s only females who experience hypothyroidism then we are mistaken, even males experience hypothyroidism. I had a male client who was around 30 years, has come to me with a complaint of hypothyroidism. I wondered how come a male can have this complaint. When we discussed further about his life, he felt suppression during his childhood and also post marriage. Being a single child of the family, his mother controlled his life and never allowed him to do something which he liked but had to follow whatever his mother asked him to do so. And being a shy and sensitive child, he really never expressed what he liked to do but obediently followed her lead. He thought life would change post marriage. In fact, he can’t invite anyone as life partner other than one like his mother. We all choose a partner who is exactly like the parent we had most problems with. His wife, like his mother controlled him. My client couldn’t open up himself in front of his wife too. He never learnt how to express himself. He suppressed his true feelings and thoughts because no one would listen to whatever he says. He was never felt heard in all his 30 years of life, his job is just to follow his mother and wife. In the process, he attracted hypothyroidism.   In this case, my client has become submissive instead of aggressive like the previous client. He always lived in a constant fear that he opens mouth, many more issues would surface and the whole situation would become worse. It’s better to keep mouth shut rather open up and invite challenges in life. So he swallowed all the emotions and kept them for himself.     Going back to the first example of my female client, wanting to impart good communication skills to her two little ones, any mother would love to do so. What we need to understand is, what exactly do we mean by communication skills? Are they just good language(s) or authentically expressing yourself? Having a good language doesn’t necessarily mean that we can communicate well. Communicating well is the ability to express our self, ability to speak up our truth, without fear of rebuke or rejection.   A simple technique to manage this disorder would be, open up with your family members and speak up your truth. Speaking up your truth doesn’t mean you have to fight to prove your point. You can speak up your true emotions and feelings and express your point of view with a little tact, it is family member’s choice if they would want to take it or leave it. It can be a simple and straight forward discussion with mutual good will and openness.   If you still think you can't speak up in front of family members, then take up a paper and pen, choose a place at your home and a suitable time to practice free-form writing for a few weeks. Just allow all your thoughts, feelings to come out and put them all down on paper without judging or thinking about them. Trick of the trade, is to ensure that you follow same time and same place. And also ensure you are alone by yourself in that room while you practice. As you release all suppressed emotions and reactions on to paper, you will notice your verbal communication improves too.   Once all the suppressed emotions are released, automatically your thyroid gland would start working properly. However, you really need to be authentic with yourself while doing the exercise. When we say being authentic with yourself, it means acknowledging to yourself your true feelings and emotions, no window dressing. When you can be authentic with yourself, you will also be able to express your true feelings with others without fear of rejection.   Medical Disclaimer: Ignoring Hypothyroidism can lead to dangerous situations. Not addressing Hypothyroidism can lead to multi organ failure and can lead to death also.  The above discussed are some of the emotional reasons for Hypothyroidism from the author’s experience. This is no replacement to medical attention / assistance. Please consult your doctor for medical help. Ramakrishna Maguluri Engaging with life ELAI engagingwithlife@yahoo.com

Rheumatoid arthritis? Step back and take life easy

  I happened to overhear a teacher and parent lecturing their ward about studies, life and how need to be in control of his life. If I were in the place of the ward, it would have sounded to me like I am an inmate in a jail and rule book is given to me as how to behave and live my life in the jail. I feel for the poor little kid. Are we living our lives like we are in some disciplined organization, where rule books are given telling us as how to be while on premises? Life is not such a serious game. Relax. We are here to experience and enjoy life, just going with the flow. Divine is not a task master but a loving parent and Universe is our best friend. Ignoring this basic truth, we push ourselves and people around us into control mode, criticizing people who are not following the instructions and fighting against the natural flow of life. We end up being stubborn and not heading to anything other than what we think is right. Is it a fair game that we are playing? When we ourselves are going against the natural flow of life, defeating the purpose of our life, is it any wonder our own immune system defeating our life by going against it? When this happens, we may end up having auto immune disorders in our body. One of the most common cases that came to me is that of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), other than Lupus and Psoriasis.     In my experience, RA affects women a lot more than men. All of my clients for this disorder were females. RA is an auto immune disorder, which causes pain and swelling (internal inflammation) in joints. It is such a painful disease that it cripples life style of the individual to a very large extent. The pain would be so very excruciating during winters than in summers. It doesn’t mean RA clients would enjoy summers without pain. The intensity of pain would be a little less during summers than in winters.   In all the cases I have come across so far, I could not help but notice resentment as a common theme. Clients usually strongly hold on to anger that is piled up over a period of time, unwilling to let go of it. Someone hurt me so badly that I cannot forgive him or her. Usually, it is about being controlled or criticized by someone. Most of these clients had a controlling environment while growing up. Mother, father or some authority figure at home were so controlling that these individuals were not allowed to move an inch without being told what or how to do things or without being criticized for doing things wrong way. Either they hold resentment for criticism they faced in their families or they turn into first class criticism experts or control freaks as they grow up. It is a good self defense technique, I criticize or control you before you even think of doing it to me.   Why do people control? I still remember a hitler-like figure I have seen as a small lad,  my next door neighbor. He had such controlling tendency that he literally used to tell his grown up children which dress to wear any day! Wearing a dress to post graduation, everything should be done only his way. Attitude was it’s always my way and My way is the only high way. He constantly used to shout with rage at each and every one of his family for doing things any other way than that was ordered by him. What did he really try to control, his kids & family or his own life? Actually he was trying to control his own insecurities. Observe any individual who has extremes of anger or rage, he or she would be operating from fear and insecurity. Understanding this may help RA sufferers to let go of resentment towards such hitlers.     Most of us find ourselves wanting to control one aspect or other in lives. Some want to control course of life, some want to control other people, some want to control their thoughts, feelings or emotions. Some types of control does not feel like control on the face of it but there is an element of control underneath. For example, unreasonably high expectations from others! Have you observed highly accomplished parents and their kids? Or parents who have very high expectations from their kids, “I cannot bear to see you doing anything less than the best”. The child feels controlled by this spoken or unspoken expectation. I had a RA client who is cleanliness freak, even this is need for control. But let us focus only on obvious control we see around us.   Why do any of us have a need for control? Because we don’t have faith in the flow of life, we feel very insecure when we are in auto control mode and our lives are being operating by Universe. Just imagine you get onto a flight and it is announced that it is pilotless, will be operated by auto pilot. How does it make you feel? We don’t trust even if the best of the software is provided. Say, if pilot is available and the flight is on auto pilot mode, we feel safer. We got used to doing things our way. We believe in ourselves but stopped believing in the Universe, because we were never taught to believe in the Source. Secondly, having no faith or less faith around the people we deal with. It is fear that other people cannot do things right and everything may just end up in a mess. Having no faith in others around us reflects the amount of faith we have in ourselves. In fact, because we don’t have faith in ourselves, we don’t believe in others. Have you heard about Pygmalion theory?   Let’s take an example. Imagine standing at a cross roads and looking to the farthest end. Our vision can help us look at objects which are say 2kms away, not more than that. Say if we take a chopper and go to 10,000 feet high, we may see the entire city. Agreed? What if we are the Universe? Is there something that can miss from our awareness? Nothing. Everything is captured in our awareness. If we reflect, whatever amount of controlling we do, we can see or know only to an extent of 2kms nothing more than that. Universe is an intelligent energy that is full awareness. And Universe is our best friend, ready to help us. When we ask Universe to handle, initially, few things may appear as if they are going wrong, but when we go with the flow and give it enough time, it will turn out for our highest best. I like what Amir Khan says in 'Three Idiots', 'All is Well'. It is a very wise mantra, nothing idiotic about it. So I tell most of my RA clients, step back and just observe what is happening, you don't have to get involved and control.   One of the best traits RA clients have is, they are best of the critics, either about themselves or people around them. Put them through awards for best critic category,   they will take one. What we don't realize is, while we may appear to judge others, we are judging ourselves the harshest. What is it that we are trying to criticize within our own Self? A very strong conditioning of right and wrong from childhood would certainly lead to criticism. Obviously we all want to be only on the right side. But what is so very right and wrong about life? Right for us can be wrong for someone else and vice versa. We have just come here to play this game of life with the divine within us as a witness. Don't take life too serious, go with the flow. Accept the fact that you are good the way you are and there is nothing to change within you or wrong with your life. You will be able to let go of resentment, control, criticism and stubbornness. Allow life to flow through you, any auto immune disorder will be gone within no time.     Medical Disclaimer: This article is speaking only at a high level emotional issues. This deals only with some of the emotional causes and doesn't dwell deep into physical aspects or reasons for RA problems. Please consult your Orthopedic specialist or GP for your issues. This is no replacement to medical assistance. The above discussed are just the experiences and opinions of the author.   -Ramakrishna Maguluri Engaging with life ELAI engagingwithlife@yahoo.com

హ్యాపీ వాలెంటైన్స్ డే..

ప్రేమ..ఈ పదం కంటే తీయనిది మరొకటి లేదేమో.. ప్రేమకు స్పందించని మానవహృదయం ఉండదు. ఆ మాటకొస్తే, జంతువులు, చెట్లు కూడా ప్రేమకు స్పందిస్తాయి. ఇలా ఎన్నో ప్రేమల జీవితాల్లో, మధురమైనది ఇక జంట మధ్యలో ఉండే ప్రేమ. దాన్ని సెలబ్రేట్ చేసుకునేవారికి ప్రత్యేకమైన రోజు వాలంటైన్స్ డే..అసలు వాలంటైన్స్ డే అనేది ఎలా మొదలైందో తెలుసా..? మూడో శతాబ్దంలో రోమ్ సామ్రాజ్యానికి చక్రవర్తి క్లాండియస్ పరిపాలిస్తుండేవాడు. అతనికి వివాహ వ్యవస్థపై అసలు నమ్మకముందేది కాదు. మన్మథుడులో నాగార్జున పాత్ర లాంటివాడన్నమాట. పెళ్లి చేసుకుంటే మగాళ్ల శక్తి, బుద్ధి నశిస్తాయనే అపోహలో ఉండేవాడు క్లాండియస్. దీంతో తన రాజ్యంలోని సైనికులు, అధికారులు వివాహం చేసుకోకూడదని ఆజ్ఞ జారీ చేశాడు. ఈ దెబ్బకు రాజ్యవ్యాప్తంగా ఉన్న పురుషపుంగవులందరూ అల్లాడిపోయారు. వీడు చేస్కోకపోతే పోయాడు. మమ్మల్నందర్నీ పెళ్లి చేసుకోవద్దనడం ఎంత వరకూ న్యాయం అని మూగవేదనతో రోదించారు. అలాంటి టైంలో పుట్టాడు ఆ వ్యక్తి. అతని పేరు వాలంటైన్. చక్రవర్తి క్లాడియస్ చేసిన ఆజ్ఞను వ్యతిరేకించాడు వాలంటైన్. మగాళ్లు పెళ్లి చేసుకున్నా చేసుకోకపోయినా, బుద్ధికి ఏమీ కాదు. శక్తి అలాగే ఉంటుంది అన్న విషయాల్ని చక్రవర్తికి తెలియపర్చాలనుకున్నాడు. దగ్గరుండి సైనికులు, అధికారులకు వివాహం జరిపిస్తానని పిలుపునిచ్చాడు. అప్పటి వరకూ ప్రేమకు ముఖం వాచిపోయి ఉన్న సైనికలు అధికారులందరూ అతని పిలుపుతో ఒక ఇంటివారై, ప్రేమలోని ఆనందాన్ని అనుభవించారు. కానీ తన ఆర్డర్ ను వ్యతిరేకించిన వాలంటైన్ కు శిక్ష వేసేవరకూ నిద్రపోకూడదనుకున్నాడు క్లాండియస్. చివరికి క్రీ.శ. 269 ఫిబ్రవరి 14న సెయింట్ వాలంటైన్ కు ఉరిశిక్షను అమలు చేశాడు. ప్రేమికుల కోసం, ప్రేమ కోసం తన ప్రాణాల్ని అర్పించిన వాలంటైన్ కు గుర్తుగా, అప్పటి నుంచి ప్రేమికులు ప్రతి సంవత్సరం ఫిబ్రవరి 14న సెయింట్ వాలెంటైన్‌కు నివాళి అర్పిస్తూ, తమ ప్రేమను సెలబ్రేట్ చేసుకుంటారు. ఇదండీ వాలంటైన్ కథ. ఇంకా ఏంటి ఆలోచిస్తున్నారు. అర్జెంట్ గా మీ లవర్ కు ఫోన్ చేసి వాలంటైన్స్ డే శుభాకాంక్షలు చెప్పేయండి..!! హ్యాపీ వాలంటైన్స్ డే...!!!

చైనీస్ న్యూ ఇయర్

న్యూ ఇయర్ అన్ని దేశాలు జరుపుకుంటాయి ఇందులో ప్రత్యేకత ఏముంది అనుకుంటున్నారా? ఉందండి. ప్రతి దేశం  కొత్త సంవత్సరాన్ని  ఒక ప్రత్యేక  తేదిలో జరుపుకుంటుంది. కాని చైనా అలా  కాదు. ప్రతి ఏడాది న్యూ ఇయర్ డేట్ మారుతూ ఉంటుంది. ఎందుకంటే వాళ్ళు చాంద్రమాన క్యాలెండరు ప్రకారం కొత్త సంవత్సరాన్ని ప్రారంభిస్తారు కాబట్టి. ప్రతి ఏడాది జనవరి 21 మొదలు ఫిబ్రవరి 20 లోపు ఈ న్యూ ఇయర్ వస్తూ ఉంటుంది. అంతే  కాదు మనకి 12 రాశులతో కూడిన పంచాంగం ఎలాగయితే ఉంటుందో వాళ్ళకి 12 జంతువుల పేర్లతో కూడిన పంచాంగం ఉంటుందిట. అందులో 12 రకాల జంతువులు ఉంటాయి. క్రిందటి సంవత్సరం జంతువూ మేక అయితే ఈ సంవత్సరం జంతువూ కోతి. ఈ ఇయర్ పుట్టిన వాళ్ళు అందరూ ఈ కోతి రాశి  కిందకి వస్తారన్నమాట. చైనీయులు కొత్త ఏడాదికి స్వాగతం  పలకటం కూడా చాలా చక్కగా ఉంటుంది తెలుసా. ఈ రోజున తమ కుటుంబంలోని పెద్దవారి అందరితో కలిసి కూ ర్చుని భోజనం చెయ్యటం వారి సాంప్రదాయం. ఎవరు ఎంత దూరాలలో ఉన్నా ఈ రోజుకి అంతా  ఒకే దగ్గర చేరి సమిష్టి భోజనం చేస్తారు. పెద్దవాళ్ళు తమకన్నా చిన్న వారికి రెడ్ ఎన్వలప్లలో డబ్బులు పెట్టి ఇస్తారు. ఇలా తీసుకున్నవారికి పెద్దల ఆశీర్వాదం దొరుతుందనే నమ్మకం. ఎరుపుని శుభాసూచికంగా భావించే చైనీయులు ఇంటిని మాత్రమే కాదు నగరానంతా  ఎరుపు రంగుతో నింపేస్తారు. మూఢనమ్మకాలకి పుట్టినిల్లు అయిన చైనా వారికి వాళ్ళు న్యూ ఇయర్ రోజు తినే ఆహార విషయంలో కూడా చాలా పట్టింపు ఉంది  సుమా! ఏడాదిలో మొదటి రోజు చేపలతో చేసిన ఆహారం తింటే ఏడాది మొత్తం లెక్కలేనంత డబ్బు వచ్చి పడుతుందని, ఎలాంటి అరిష్టాలు దగ్గరకి రావని కూడా వారు నమ్ముతారు. ఇంతే  అనుకుంటున్నారా ఇంకా ఉందండి. ఈ రోజు మొదటిగా మూడు సార్లు పేలే ఒక బాంబు ని  వెలిగిస్తారు. ఆ మూడు బాంబులు గట్టిగా పేలితే ఇంక వాళ్ళ వ్యాపారానికి ఆ ఏడాది మొత్తం డోకా లేనట్టేనట. ఇంకొందరు సంవత్సరం మొదలైన మూడు రోజుల దాకా తలంటు పోసుకోరట,అలా  తలంటితే వారికొచ్చిన అదృష్టం కొట్టుకుపోతుందని నమ్మకంట. ఇంట్లో ఉండే చిన్నపిల్లలు ఆ రోజు ఏడిస్తే అపశకునంగా భావిస్తారు కాబట్టి పిల్లలు ఏడవకుండా అన్ని కొనిపెట్టి వారిని సంతోషపెట్టి ఏడవకుండా చూసుకుంటారట. వారి నమ్మకాలు ఎలా ఉన్నా మొత్తానికి అందరు  కోరుకునేది ఒక్కటే అందరు ఎలాంటి ఇబ్బందులు లేకుండా సుఖసౌభాగ్యలతో వర్దిల్లాలనే. వారి కోరికలు నెరవేరాలని ఆశిద్దాం. విష్ యు హ్యాపీ న్యూ ఇయర్ చైనా.   కళ్యాణి

True freedom lies within

Republic day may seem like just another holiday for most of us. But who can deny the patriotic spirit that rises in us when we listen or watch an inspiring national sentiment in movies or popular media? In fact, it is a beautiful experience even today to watch live stream of Republic Day celebrations from Rajpath, Delhi. At least on Independence and Republic Day, we thank the generations who staked their lives for the freedom we enjoy today. It’s Love and Peace which won us our freedom from British. It’s liberation from slavery, experiencing right to speech or expression, no coercion. We have to feel truly like free birds to govern ourselves and our actions. But do we really feel that we are free to act as we feel like? Imagine if someone takes control over our house, our loved ones and we all have to operate as per the instructions laid down by them. How does it make us feel? What a dreadful feeling it is, if we are at the mercy of someone! If such a dreadful feeling is created when someone takes over our physical boundaries, what happens if our personal boundaries at mental and emotional space are taken over by someone? Although we are in an independent country, do we experience true freedom? Are we not at the mercy of someone or other all through our lives for our happiness? We may or may not realise but at emotional level, we are all bound, we don’t truly experience freedom. We perform actions because we don’t want to hurt people around us. We do most things in life because we seek love, acceptance, approval and validation from the people who are around us. When we are always dependent on someone else for our happiness, is there any real freedom for us? I still remember those days, where we were told someone else’s happiness is more important than ours. Someone has to approve of what we do or don’t do. Someone else has to love us. So in order to receive this acceptance and approval from others, we don’t mind moulding ourselves to meet their requirements, ignoring our peace and happiness. While doing all this, the whole world may be appreciating us but there is one person who is left to feel sad and that person is within us. Many of us do things not because it makes us happy, but because the other person may make us happy. If we look keenly, the other person for whom we were running that extra mile can also never remain happy with whatever we do for them. In the initial days, it may seem to be a good thing to run that extra mile to keep someone happy. Within few days, you would realize that you are unhappy from the time you started running that extra mile. And an action done in your unhappiness cannot bring the other person true happiness. By seeking something outside of us, we tend to bind ourselves, we let go of our freedom wilfully. It’s like asking invaders to come and take over our place. But do we really need to exchange our freedom for seeking happiness or love? I recently came across our old family album, the old fashioned physical photo album. I was flipping through my oldest snaps, when I was just one year old to five years, ten years old and till the recent picture. I was reflecting, along with my physical body, my own definition of me changed over the years. Not only that, my own definition of me is different from definition of me as others saw me. Over all those years, many people have walked into my life and many walked out of life. When I was a kid, my parents were the center of my life and their approval or validation was very important for me. When I started going to school, my friends and teacher’s approval or validation was important. Over these years, many people have contributed to many experiences, feelings and emotions. But people kept changing, the only one that was constantly there in my whole story was me! I was WITH ME all the time, in all situations. It was me who was feeling the way I am feeling and it was only me who could understand exactly what I am experiencing. But the irony is, I was never really there FOR ME. I was always waiting for someone outside of me to understand me, to approve or validate my actions and feelings and to love me. How many of you resonate with my story? We all want to have a close friend or a partner who can fully understand us and be on our side constantly, a best friend and a cheer leader. Someone whom we can buzz even at middle of the night if we need to.  It’s a wonderful feeling to have such friends all through our lives. Unfortunately, not many of us have that luxury to have someone all through our lives. People come and go out of our lives, change is such a constant thing in our lives. Isn't it lovely to have someone to accept us just the way we are, without any kind of condition? Someone to love us for who we are, without expecting anything in return? Someone in our lives all through to validate and appreciate us that we did a great job? It is definitely just too wonderful. So just to achieve this, we tie up all of our feelings, thoughts and actions with someone or other, to please them or to make them happy so that they can accept us, love and approve us. In the process, we become utterly dependant on that one person, the person may change from time to time in our lives but our shackles remain same. While all along, there is such a wonderful friend already waiting for us. That one is always with us and within us, our own Self! We do not have to crave for someone outside of us to give love, to accept us the way we are and to validate what we do. We just have to be fully available for our own self. Can you be there for you? Can you spend a little time with that one within you, the only one who stood by you, understood you, never let you down at any time, during all those happy and sad times, the one who can never dislike you because of what you did or didn’t do? If you can, you become free - you achieve freedom from expectations, freedom from seeking love, freedom from emotional dependency, freedom to feel and act as you choose. The moment we start spending more time with the one within us, start acknowledging and extending love to this one, it sets us free from all those bindings, from the eternal seeking of approval, love, acceptance, validation from outside. Only then we can say we are truly free and as a bonus, even be a source of love for others. -Ramakrishna Maguluri Engaging with life ELAI engagingwithlife@yahoo.com


“Oh yes, the past can hurt.  But you can either run from it or, learn from it!” –Lion King How often do we dwell upon our past and forget to live in the present moment. How many times have you judged people by their past? Quite often? That is one important mistake we have been committing all this while. As we keep driving towards the future, we keep leaving behind traces of our past. Let them be traces only. Do not follow them back! At the end of the day, everyone is a learner, everyone has something to study, to observe, to learn!! If you know you have made a mistake, learn from it. Try not to make the same mistake again. My dad always said, “it doesn’t bother me when you make a mistake, but it does when you repeat it once again!” Every day is a blessing. Live it! Not everybody gets a chance to live as long to correct their mistakes. Not everybody gets a second chance. Sure everyone deserves one, but not everybody is as lucky as you. Be grateful.   Don’t keep reminding yourself of the past. That’s no good. Once it has brought you down. It’s time for you now to keep your head together, get up, dust yourself off and move on with your life. Again be conscious enough to not get yourself in the same position again. Also don’t think too much about what’s going to happen in the future. Sure have an idea as to where you are heading, but don’t stress yourself on it. What happens , happens for your good. Listen to your heart , try as hard as you can. Leave the rest. When it comes to the other people, we tend to not have the same thinking process while analyzing them. We get too judgmental. Everyone has a different story to tell. Everyone has a unique history. It might be good or bad. What really matters to you is the attitude the person has right now and his present outlook towards life. Do not assume stuff. Just because he chose wrong people over the right doesn’t mean he would do the same again. Give him a chance. May be he did learn from his past mistakes. Give him a chance to understand what it is like to feel right and do right. Help him. You have no idea what it is like to get over your mistakes and start anew. It’s so hard to keep telling yourself and to keep reminding yourself of the fact that a mistake again will cost you even more. There is so much self-doubt that they usually run extremely low on confidence. So if you find people like this, please try not to judge them, but help them gather themselves up and stay with them until they can walk right again. After- all what are friends for. So the past is the past. It’s done and dusted. You cannot do anything about it now. The future is highly unpredictable. What you have is this very moment. Use it wisely. Having said this don’t be afraid to take risks. You are either going to achieve something out of it or you are definitely going to learn something, aint ya! ;);) “The past is an interpretation. The future is an illusion. The world does not move through time as if it were a straight line, proceeding from the past to the future. Instead time moves through and within us in endless spirals”  -  Shams of Tabriz Kunde Sanjana


  Any Home would come alive with good furniture. With the advent of readymade furniture, we have hundreds of shops to step in and thousands of designs to choose. The online shopping portals too were on a rise! But a few tips were being suggested by the experts, before we purchase the furniture…   Quality inside! With all the painting or decorative laminates, a piece of furniture might look gorgeous. But let’s know its contents. There is no harm in asking some questions, because furniture is supposed to stay with us for decades together! Find out the raw material with which the stuff is made of. Because even the particle boards (made out of sawdust and wood chips) can look attractive outside! If the seller is patient enough, try to probe into the kind of wood or the quality of plywood that was used. Space While we go on shopping furniture, we often forget the space constraint. It’s better to have clarity on the dimensions. A book shelf might look awesome in the store, but it may kill the space in your hall. Note down the maximum space you can afford for furniture. Be sure that it won’t prove to be an obstacle for a walk or to open a door. Purpose As you stand before a cabinet and has almost decided to purchase it… pose a question to yourself! Would it suit your requirement? You might have chosen the stylish and strongest cabinet, but requirement is something else. You may have a huge collection of miniatures or a complete set of encyclopedia. Choose the furniture in such a way that it would of maximum benefit to store and display your hard earned valuables. Suitability A piece of new furniture would completely change the look of your house. So be careful that it won’t be an eyesore. The color of the furniture should match the walls, and its make should be uniform with the rest of the furniture. There is no harm in trying old furniture to suit your requirement. Indeed, old furniture is often stronger but cheaper than the new ones. Price burden People often purchase all the furniture at once. It might be due to the temptation for a combo price, or the zeal to fill up the new house. But it’s always better to purchase the furniture as per the growing requirements. Bargains, comparisons and festival offers would also save some bucks. Some sellers may even offer payments through installments. But don’t alter your judgment just for the sake of availing the installment benefits. A few more precautions need to be mentioned before making any conclusions about the furniture. The process of installation, terms of warranty and conditions for returning the goods should also be studied carefully. - HAPPY FURNISING   - Nirjara.


As the days of New Year pass by, one of the first things we remember is a DIARY. Most of us would certainly purchase a diary, though we might not use it. But writing a diary is always suggested to be a good way to keep a track of our life. Writing a diary would help us to re visit the past. It helps to analyze the past for a better future. A few tips to maintain the diary in an effective manner… A Diary need not glitter!   The main purpose of a diary is to be written. So while choosing a diary, it’s not the photos or the design of the diary that should be considered. Diary is often supposed to last forever. So it’s the durability and the usage of the diary that should be considered. The paper should be thick and the columns should be wide enough. Bound should be hard and should promise a few years of service. Purpose of the diary! Some people use the diary as a memorabilia filling it with every piece of document they wish to cherish. From a plane ticket to a parking bill… some people love to stick every memoir in their diary. Some others use diary as an account book. With all incomes and expenses… their diary would look like a ledger. If you wish to keep a diary to write down your day to day experiences, it’s always better to keep it that way. The purpose of a diary should not be diluted by using it for varied reasons! Writing a diary!   Making a few entries in our diary should be a part of our routine. The entries should be honest and legible. If we are in leisure, it’s better to make the entry in detail. Writing down the events of the day in the form of an analysis would teach us something.  If we don’t have the habit of writing the diary daily, it' better to maintain a dairy without the date! Or else, the dairy would look half baked at the end of the year. Secrecy….. Ah! It’s the main concern we have regarding a dairy. We feel embarrassed to share our most intimate thoughts with the readers. Diary is a personal thing, and we wish to retain it as such. So be sure to place it in a safest place. If you are not sure about the safety of your diary, it’s better to maintain a digital diary. You can either make your entries in online diaries such as ‘PENZU.COM’. You can also download the digital applications such as ‘MY DIGITAL DIARY’. Diaries in digital format may not have the personal touch with them. But they can be useful in protecting the data and maintaining the secrecy! - Nirjara.

In gratitude towards Self

It is now time to bid adieu to one another wonder filled year and welcome the new, juicy year. I am sure many of you might be ready with the new list of resolutions for 2016. How big is the list? Did you meet the resolutions you made for 2015 or some of them fell through the cracks? For those you adhered to, start appreciating yourself and for those you didn't, don't beat yourself. The best gift you can give yourself at this time of year is appreciation and gratitude so that you can start new year with fresh hope and best of possibilities. So are you ready for it? The year 2015 might have left behind many memories in our memory lane. Think back on the year past, what all events left a memory for you? How many of them are happy and how many unhappy memories? If we try recollecting events in our lives, I doubt any of us would remember even 10-15 events in the entire year. Why not take a pencil and a small diary to note down the events in your life in 2015. It is good to be musing over past events, isn't it? As we get into reminisces, we can express our gratitude for each of those happy events and the participants who played their role in the event. But what does you real good is, a big hug and a gleaming thank you for each significant event and a pat in your own back saying 'Buddy, you did a wonderful job, I am so proud of you'. Have you ever hugged yourself and told yourself 'I Love You'? If you never did that, please take a moment now, close your eyes, take a deep breath, hug yourself and tell yourself 'I love you'. You MUST MEAN every word you say. What a wonderful feeling it is, isn’t it. Now comes the tough part, how can we appreciate self, the event and the participants in the event when the event is not a happy one? What will be there to appreciate in an event which triggered unhappiness? How can we say thank you to the event that had hurt us? It sounds so very ridiculous isn’t it? It is NOT. In fact, any event is an opportunity to appreciate and love yourself a bit more. Take just one event that had left an unpleasant taste in you. Allow yourself to feel all there is to feel in the situation. Allow all the emotions with love and compassion for yourself. It is you who had been through the situation and only you can appreciate how much you have gone through. You can refer to our last article "How to embrace your emotions" if you need help with this. Now it is time to give yourself the gift of a deeper appreciation. As you recollect the event, ask yourself "if there is one thing I appreciate in myself, my attitude, my behaviour or feeling or anything at all in that event, what would it be?" What ever comes up for you, pat yourself on your back for it. Say, you felt your mom controls you but you did not shout back at her or may be you did stand up for yourself by being firm, anything is a cause for appreciation. Tell yourself, "I appreciate myself for being considerate or obedient or firm, etc".  Let that be a heartfelt appreciation. If you do not appreciate yourself, who else would? Do it just once and see what a delicious feeling it is to appreciate self. Are you ready for a bigger gift? Recollect the key person involved in the event, if anyone caused you pain. Again ask, "if I could extend my understanding to this person in this situation, how can I do it?" Let me explain this a bit. Let's say you have a very stingy mother in law who shouts at you for every expense you make on yourself or your family. It is annoying or can be exasperating to you. Once you deal with your own feelings and emotions involved in that situation and identify something to appreciate in yourself, ask this question. You may realise, may be she does that out of insecurity because she had a tough time financially in her life. Here, you are not finding excuses for other's behaviour but you are just willing to be open for possibility, may be there is some reason why she is like that. You are gifting yourself a huge release of stuck up energy. Try this after you complete the first two steps. It is easier to extend understanding to other person  after we have dealt with our own pain with genuine compassion. The situation may not change, but your reaction will definitely change. Once you do these simple exercises, you will want to keep doing it more because it will give such a spacious, happy feeling within you. You may start appreciating yourself for taking time to try this, for being through such a variety of experiences in life, for being such a beautiful person. In fact, there will be more and more reasons to say, "I love myself, I appreciate myself and I am grateful for being me". Why wait for end of year, do it as often as you can and see the magic. Just take a moment now, close your eyes, allow yourself to relax and allow the situations of year to glide in front of you just like slides in a presentation. Say to yourself, "I thank myself for being with all the situations in life, for creating so many opportunities to love and appreciate myself". Or in any other words you can express heartfelt gratitude for yourself. Love for Self is so very addictive and contagious. Once you start to love and appreciate yourself more, the world within you and around you would become as beautiful as Manas Sarovar. You don’t require government permissions, passports or visas to visit this one, you will always be there in that calm space of serenity. As we get ready to say welcome to 2016, let us take a moment to Love Self, Appreciate Self and Thank Self. After all, Self is the real hero in all the events in our lives. Your world doesn't exist without yourself, isn't it? -Ramakrishna Maguluri Engaging with life ELAI engagingwithlife@yahoo.com


  Some people look into New Year as just another day, while some others treat it as an occasion to celebrate. But New Year can be more than that! It can be a time to review the past and plan the future. This is how!   The past year resolutions: We start every Year with great hope and huge resolutions. But, ‘Have we achieved them as the time passed?’ should be the question that shouldn’t be evaded. As the year comes to an end, let’s list out the decisions we have made while we started the year. Let’s judge the way we have complied on to them. From purchasing a bike to attaining a promotion… let’s review our goals. Let’s rejoice if we have achieved a few of them and let’s think of the cause if we couldn’t make some of them. The changes that occurred: Life moves on from year to year. It gathers something and looses something else, while it makes a move. Take a note of the changes that took place in your life this year. You might have to do more exercise if you have gathered some weight. You may have to start some savings if you are blessed with a child. Make sure that you have decided to act according to every change that took place this year. Resolutions for the New Year: ‘How you wish to see yourselves after a year?’ would always depend on your goals. Whether it’s your health or your bank account… get committed to certain resolutions for the New Year. It’s better to spend some time to think of your goals for the future. Then write them down on a safe piece of paper. Being committed to achieve some goals would add certain discipline to our effort. Be precise in setting your targets. Ambiguous targets would reduce their intensity. For example: Don’t just resolve to reduce your weight. Instead state a number and time limit such as ‘I wish to shed 15 kgs of weight by the coming Christmas’! Be sure that you are making resolutions that are achievable. Keep in touch: As the New Year celebrations fade out, don’t let your resolutions die too!  Create an action plan to achieve each of your resolution. Review them for at least once in a fortnight. Assess your movement towards the goal. Mark your progress or deviations from the goal. Make needed adjustments as your time and strength demands.History has always proved that people who have planned have always achieved. Let’s prove it again this New Year! - Nirjara.


We have been using it forever, and still we have no courage to enter the depths of the MS WORD options! Well, we can also know a new command as we search the options and drop down menus in the Tool Bar. But a few options you would wish to try are as follows. Though the below explanation is based on Word- 2007 version, the other versions of the word might support them too…   Have too many things to paste!   Have you ever got frustrated when you feel that ‘WORD’ provides only one selection to be pasted! Whenever you select a text with the option ‘ctrl+c’, you are almost sure that it would be the latest selection that gets copied when you click ‘ctrl+v’. It would be amazing to know that there would be 24 selections available to be used in the word 2007! How? Just open the clipboard bar at the extreme top left of the document and you can get access to your 24 previous selections. Just click on the particular word selection in clipboard, and it would get the text pasted at the position of your cursor. Hyphenation:   People select various alignments for text to make it attractive while reading a passage. But all of them would just align the text. This would lead a lot of white spaces in the document. If we have aligned the text to the left, there would be huge gaps at the right side of the document. If you wish to utilize the space of the document to the maximum… go to ‘page layout’ at the top row of the tool bar. Select ‘Hyphenation’ and would find the option ‘None’ clicked in it. Change the option to ‘Automatic’ and BINGO… you will find most of the words at the right side being halved. Protecting the document:   Who won’t love to retain the secrecy of their document? More so, when you are either working in a hostile environment or if you have something personal to hide. You can certainly make your document password protected. Click the office button on the topmost left corner of the screen and you will find the option ‘Prepare’ in the menu. When you move the cursor over that option, you will additional options. Select ‘Encrypt Document’ and enter your password twice. Hereafter no one can open with document without the required password. If you wish to remove the protection, click the option again and delete the password. Macros:   Majority of the ‘WORD’ users are not aware of the term MACROS. Macros are a list of commands that can be repeated just by clicking a simple shortcut. For example: you need to change the font, color and size of all sub-headings in the document… you need not repeat the process every time! Select the text you wish to apply a set of commands; press the VIEW option in the tool bar and you will find the option ‘Macros’ at the end of the drop down menu. Click on ‘Record macros’ and you will be asked to assign either a keyboard button (ex: spacebar) or a shortcut with ‘ctrl’ button. Create your shortcut and start the series of changes you wish to apply on the text. From the next time onwards, you just need to select the text and click the shortcut you have assigned. - Nirjara.


    Some time back I had written an article on Indians at weddings. I had mentioned a few types. In this article let’s look at more strange ones.   The Fussy Photographers These people are photographers(obviously). I don’t know if they want to show that they can really take photographs or want to just annoy us, but sometimes they  are really weird. The bride and the groom are in for treat. After getting tired from the entire ceremony and the constant advertisement for a tooth paste company showing  their teeth, these people  ask the fortunately unfortunate duo to stand in such awkward poses that it is highly embarrassing to pose and also to look at them pose. And the main part is that this is all happening in front of  the annoying aunties and the baraati chachas!!! Also sometimes they take so long to just freakin’ click the cameras that our cheeks  feel like screaming at them. And the most annoying part is, they take photographs of me right when I open my mouth to eat. Oh.MY.GOD !! Why in the world would anybody want to see their relative eating with their mouth half open and something all around their mouth.( See,I don’t have any etiquettes while eating alright. I eat the way I like). I keep turning my back towards the video guy and the photographer and they keep coming in front me. It’s always a tom and jerry chase!!! Actually sometimes I feel bad for these guys. Why? Because of our annoying aunties. They go like  “Bhaiyya, I should come slim and trim and also highlight my face”. “I should look like tamannah in the pictures”. The ladies frustrate them so much but what else can they do. They get paid to put up with this. But aunties, with that “rear”, Oh please!!! Any enhancements in photographs wont work!! The Elderly!! With all due respect to all the elders, this is not a mockery but just a situation we get into while around you!! This group has those dada daadis and nana nanis from both the sides. Half the marriage, they are constantly arguing if the ritual is right or wrong. “ we don’t do this in our functions.”. “We have to use yellow cloth only!! Why is there a white cloth? This is all wrong.” “This is my grand son’s wedding, it will happen according to the boys side’s policies” All you can do is just sit and wait for them to be done with their argument and just put up with their constant nagging!! Oh yeah, also when you come across them and your parents ask you to touch their feet, they are like “God bless you!! What are you studying?” “Engineering, first year” “Oh anyway, next it is your turn only to get married!! Sujatha, You have to start searching for a boy. If it gets late, the girl will get out of hand!! And I am standing right there,not understanding if I have to smile at this stupid joke or scorn at her attitude!! I mean c’mon, what do u think, I’ll marry in engineering when I am not even 18 completely. Please!! Leave me alone!! :P:P Well!! There you go!! These were the types!! Hope you like it and hope no offense was taken!!!   -sanjana kunde

How to embrace our emotions

In our last few articles, we talked a lot about accepting emotions and how important it is for a peaceful life, many people started to ask me how exactly to do this. They say, all this theory sounds fine but I get so angry or sad or jealous every day how do I deal with it? So let's see what you can do with any emotional situations you face in life. The other day one of my client walked in, she is a lady who generally wears a smile all the time, but that day she was different, like a fuming volcano. Without even pleasantries, she started telling how annoyed she is with her friend for the last couple of days. Somehow, she was unable to move out of the situation where she got annoyed with her friend. I wanted my client to handle the situation immediately rather than asking her what exactly happened in the background. I asked her to close her eyes and allow the entire anger, which she is holding against her friend, to rise through her. When she allowed the anger to come up, I asked her to observe her anger (be mindful of anger) rather becoming anger. She couldn’t understand the difference between becoming anger and observing the anger. This is very normal with anyone who is taking this exercise for the first time. Let me explain with a simple example, we inhale and exhale breath but we never give attention to the quality of the breath that is inhaled and exhaled, we don’t observe if the air is soft or hard or hot or cold, we don’t observe if the inhalation is going till throat or lungs or abdomen, we just inhale and exhale. When you bring focus on to the bridge of your nose and start observing the inhalation and exhalation, we get many insights about breath. Do you want to give a try? Just do it for a minute and see. When you observe your breath, you are mindful of breath, your entire attention is on it. Similarly, when we are angry about something or someone, anger takes over us. We tend to become anger rather observing the anger. Coming back to my client, my client started observing anger rising through her. I asked her how it feels like when the anger is rising through her. I asked her to observe how exactly the anger feels, how deep it is. Does she feel like it is frustrating or irritating or furious or something else? She observed for a moment and said she felt very furious with her friend and entire situation. We don't have to worry about what is coming up, we just observe and allow it to pass through. Then I asked my client how this feels in her body, how the body is responding to the anger? She started experiencing heaviness in chest, chocking in throat and a throbbing pain in head. I asked her to be with these sensations and try not to change any of the sensations. I asked her to be with the emotion and each of the physical sensation. The trick is just BE with the sensation, not to hold on to the emotion and physical sensation. Observe. Don’t become. Some people feel a tightness in chest, or jaw or shoulders, or heaviness in tummy, the sensation of anger in body is different for each person. It’s like what we see in the movies, in the mirror scene, one part of the actor standing in front of the mirror and the other part of the actor appears in the mirror and the discussion goes on. Exactly in the same manner, one part of you will be observing your emotions and physical sensations and the other part just to Be with the emotions and sensations. The final step is to just embrace the emotion with all the compassion and love towards self. The moment we embrace the emotion, the emotion will start dissipating and the physical sensation will be gone within seconds to minutes. Within a couple of minutes, everything will be subsided. You just feel a relief in that body part and the anger gone. My client's immediate question is how can she embrace anger? Anger is bad. Everyone told her not to express anger because anger is bad, even if you get anger, suppress it or manage it. How can she embrace anger? Anger takes away relatives, friends from her world. She was not ready to embrace it. You remember those days when we were kids, very small kids. We play in the garden with dirt all over the body, dress in a mess and a running nose, rubbing it with one hand and some part with tongue. Wonderful times, aren’t they? We come running to mom and mom without a bit of hesitation or thinking, she embraces the kid, she doesn’t feel bad to hug the kid with all the dirt on or a running nose. That’s the love of a mother for her kid. She loves the kid without any judgment even if she is in a social place. For mother, the kid is part of her, no different from her. What a loving feeling? So very divine, it lights up both mother and child with love. Why can’t we become like that mother for our own feelings, after all they are just part of us. Why can’t we be compassionate and loving to our own feelings? Why don’t we embrace them without a judgment? As we were growing, we learnt so much. So much of right and wrong, good and bad, positive and negative, so many conclusions, decisions, judgments. We learnt to set goals, expectations, and comparisons. With each passing day in our life, we come across so many people, situations / events. Each situation or event or person trigger so many thoughts, feelings, emotions within us. This is life and that is absolutely perfect with all of the above. When all the feelings and emotions are perfect, why is this discussion? When many thoughts, feelings and emotions arise within us, we embrace all those which are triggering happiness within us, when same situations trigger anything other than happiness it’s our tendency not to embrace them. Any situation that triggers anything other than happiness, gives us pain, so we don’t entertain nor embrace it. We suppress it. We make those feelings, emotions to be wrong. We don’t want to experience pain one more time. It’s an unpleasant feeling to experience pain. But painful emotions won't go away when you ignore them. Have you observed or gone through this experience, especially during summer holidays, the kids are at home and create havoc. Mother pulls the naughtiest kid and puts him out of house for being naughty. The kid would cry, beg, plead, make noise, runs from door to window to kitchen window and will try all possible ways to grab mother’s attention. Within few minutes, mother opens the door and allows the kid into the house. The kid without any noise will go and sleep off. How different are emotions from the kid? Are they not asking for our attention because we shut the door on them for creating havoc in our lives?The moment you embrace them, they will come in and sleep off like the child. Once my client realized this, she accepted anger as a part of her and embraced the emotion with all the gentleness, compassion and love towards herself. It just took a couple of minutes for the anger to subside and the physical sensations to dissipate. She returned back to peace within no time. I asked her to remember the event where she got annoyed with her friend, she tried remembering it but the anger is no more present there. She is at peace. In fact the memory of the event is feeble. Good news is you too can do it. You don't need to walk into my office, or need anyone's help to embrace your emotions. Next time you get angry, just try to embrace your anger this way and see how well it works for you! All emotions are part of us, they are not outside of us. Emotions are like built in apps of a smart phone, we can’t delete them. They seek attention from us, the moment we give them our loving attention, they calm down and we get back to our peace. If we don’t give attention for our own emotions, who else would do it!! The moment we start embracing all the emotions without judgment, life flows through us like a flowing river which is serene, peaceful and beautiful. When we hold on to past pain and painful emotions, they become like a stinking lake. It is our choice if we would choose a beautiful river or a stinking lake. -Ramakrishna Maguluri Engaging with life ELAI engagingwithlife@yahoo.com


Everyone loves to enjoy a party. But when we are the person who is conducting the party, it would certainly act on our nerves. Taking care of few details would definitely make a party success.   When and Who: We can’t alter the date if the party is made for an occasion (ex: birthday or a wedding anniversary). But if the party is just for the purpose of a celebration, it’s better to choose the date and time that’s convenient for the guests. Make a checklist of the guests whom you wish to invite. Be sure that you’ve missed none. Don’t tick them off unless you have intimated them about the party. Course of the party: Plan the movement of your party. Questions such as… Would there be a cake cutting? Will there be any games conducted? Should someone deliver a speech? What kind of music should be played? – has to be dealt in clarity. Keep the resources available in view while planning. Acquire or borrow (for ex: sound system) the resources if you lack some. Food: Food of course is the life of a party. Decide the menu beforehand. Food that’s served in the party would always depend on your budget. So, be sure of the amount you wish to spend on it. Decide upon whether you wish to go for catering or would you cook by yourselves? Choose the way you wish to serve the food. Keep in your mind, the food habits of your guests (ex: vegetarians, diabetic). Make sure that you have enough cutleries to serve, store and eat the food. If you are relying on the disposables, be sure that you have a good supply of them. Make enough arrangements to throw off the disposables. Seating: Be certain that you have arrangements for everyone to be seated. Decorate the stage in such a way that it won’t kill the space. Space is the most essential factor for a party. So, utilize every bit of free space in and around your house. Place some chairs in your lawn, balcony or corridor. It would make your guests feel comfortable. Let them sit in groups and enjoy the party in their own way. During the party: Striving for the party would certainly leave you tense and frustrated. But greet the guests with a broad smile. Share the pleasantries. Give equal importance to each and every individual. Find out their requirements while serving the food. Give them a good send off with a parting gift. If the party has gone late night, make sure that they would reach their home safely. - Nirjara.