మెరుపుతీగలా మెరిసిపోతారు ఇలా చేస్తే... ఎంతందంగా ఉన్నావే ఎవరే నువ్వు?? అని సినిమాలలో హీరో పాట పాడితే.. హీరోయిన్ తన అందాన్ని చూసుకుంటూ మురిసిపోతుంది. ఆమె అందం కూడా నిజంగానే చూపరులను ఆకట్టుకుంటూ మెరుస్తూ ఉంటుంది. హీరోయిన్లు తాము అందంగా కనిపించడానికి పడని పాట్లు ఉండవంటే నమ్మండి. చర్మాన్ని, శరీర ఆకారాన్ని ఎప్పటికప్పుడు కాపాడుకుంటేనే వారికి అవకాశాలు వచ్చేది. అయితే అందమంటే హీరోయిన్లే కాదు. సాధారణ అమ్మాయిలు కూడా హీరోయిన్ అంత అందంగా ఉండచ్చు. సహజంగానే కాస్త ఖరీదైన బట్టలు వేసుకుని, ఖరీదైన వస్తువులు పెట్టుకుని, మంచి మేకప్ వేస్తే ప్రతి అమ్మాయీ హీరోయిన్ లాగే ఉంటుంది. కానీ… ఈ పూతలు పూయడం, ట్రీట్మెంట్ లు ఇవ్వడం వంటివి వదిలేసి సహజంగా అందంగా మెరిసిపోతే ఎంత బావుంటుంది కదా… ప్రతి అమ్మాయి మనసులో ఏదో ఒక సందర్భంగా అనుకునే ఉంటుంది ఈ మాట. అయితే అలా అనుకోవడం అత్యాశ ఏమి కాదు. ఎక్కువ డబ్బు ఖర్చు పెట్టకుండా.. ఎలాంటి కృత్రిమ పూతల జోలికి వెళ్లకుండా అద్భుతమైన దేహకాంతిని సొంతం చేసుకోవచ్చు.. ఎలాగంటే..ఇదిగో ఇలా… ◆విటమిన్ ఎ ను పుష్కలంగా కలిగి ఉండి, కళ్ళ ఆరోగ్యాన్ని కాపాడే దుంప  కూరగాయ క్యారెట్. ఇది సహజంగానే ఆకర్షణగా ఉంటుంది. ఈ క్యారెట్ ను కూరల్లోనూ, స్వీట్ చేయడానికి, జ్యుస్ చేసుకుని తాగడానికి, మరికొందరు నేరుగా డైటింగ్ పేరుతో తినడానికి ఎక్కువగా ఉపయోగిస్తారు. అయితే ఈ క్యారెట్ ను ఇలా కాకుండా విభిన్నంగా ఉపయోగిస్తే కాంతులీనే చర్మం సొంతమవుతుంది. క్యారెట్ ను బాగా ఉడికించాలి. ఆ తరువాత బాగా మెదిపి గుజ్జులాగా చేయాలి. ఈ గుజ్జును శరీరమంతా పట్టించి అరగంట సేపు ఆరనివ్వాలి. ఈ గుజ్జు బాగా ఆరిన తరువాత కొన్ని పాలు తీసుకుని ఈ ఎండిన క్యారెట్ గుజ్జుమీద కొద్ధికొద్దిగా పాలు వేసి మర్దనా చేస్తూ క్యారెట్ గుజ్జును తొలగించాలి. దీని తరువాత సాధారణంగా స్నానం చేయాలి. స్నానానికి ఎలాంటి సోప్ ఉపయోగించకూడదు. ఇలా చేస్తుంటే చర్మం మృదువుగా మారి మంచి రంగులోకి వస్తుంది. ◆కొరియన్ స్కిన్.. సాధారణంగా ఇప్పట్లో యూట్యూబ్ ఓపెన్ చేస్తే కొరియన్ ప్రాంత అమ్మాయిల్లా చర్మం కావాలంటే ఇలా చేయండి అలా చేయండి అంటూ బోలెడు టిప్స్ చూపిస్తూ ఉంటారు. అయితే కొరియన్ స్కిన్ కావాలంటే కింది చిట్కా ఫాలో అవ్వాలి. బఠానీ పువ్వులు ( బఠానీ కాయలు కాయడానికి ముందు పువ్వులు కాస్తాయి) తీసుకుని వాటిని ఎండబెట్టి పొడి చేయాలి, ఓట్స్ పొడి తీసుకోవాలి, ఇందులో పన్నీరు కలిపి మెత్తగా గుజ్జులాగా చేయాలి. దీన్ని శరీరమంతా పట్టించి బాగా ఆరిన తరువాత స్నానం చేయాలి. ఇలా చేస్తే రబ్బరు బొమ్మలగా కొరియన్ స్కిన్ సొంతమవుతుంది. ◆అందరికీ అందుబాటులో దొరికేది బొప్పాయి కాయ.  బాగా పండిన బొప్పాయి కాయను తీసుకుని పొట్టు తీసేసి బాగా మెదిపి గుజ్జు చేయాలి. బొప్పాయి కాయ గుజ్జును శరీరమంతా పట్టించి ఆరిపోయిన తరువాత కడిగేయాలి. ఇలా చేస్తుంటే… క్రమంగా చర్మంలో జీవం పెరుగుతుంది. చర్మం మీద మచ్చలు, మంగు, మొటిమల తాలూకూ గుర్తులు వంటివి అన్నీ పోయి చర్మం స్పష్టంగా తయారవుతుంది. ◆నారింజ కాయ గురించి తెలియనిది ఎవరికి?? తింటాం తొక్కలు పడేస్తాం. అయితే ఈ నారింజ తొక్కలను కూడా ఉపాధి వనరుగా మార్చేసుకున్నాయి నేటి వ్యాపార పోకడలు. నారింజకాయ తొక్కను ఎండబెట్టి పొడిచేసి నిలవచేసుకోవాలి. నారింజ తొక్క పొడి, ఓట్స్ పొడి, పాలమీగడ మూడింటిని సమాన భాగాలుగా తీసుకుని బాగా కలిపి శరీరమంతా పట్టించాలి. సుమారు 15 నుండి 20 నిమిషాల పాటు అలాగే ఉంచాలి. ఆ తరువాత స్నానం చేయాలి. ఇలా చేస్తే శరీర చర్మం నునుపుగా, కాంతివంతంగా తయారవుతుంది. పై చిట్కాలు పాటిస్తే హీరోయిన్ లాగా మీరూ తయారవుతారు అందంగానూ… మెరిసిపోతూనూ…                                   ◆నిశ్శబ్ద.

చుండ్రును ఇలా తరిమికొట్టండి! తల దువ్వగానే తెల్లగా పొట్టు పొట్టు రాలుతుంది. తల మొత్తం దురద, ఎక్కువగా దువ్వినా, గోకినా తలలో మెల్లగా మంట, దానికి తోడు పుండ్లు ఏర్పడటం, కుదుళ్లను బలహీనం చేయడం. వీటి కారణంగా జుట్టు రాలిపోవడం, జుట్టు రంగు మారడం ఇలాంటి కారణాలు ఎన్నో వస్తున్నాయి కేవలం చుండ్రు అనే ఒకే ఒక సమస్య వల్ల. ఇంతగా ఇబ్బంది పెట్టే చుండ్రు చలికాలంలో మరింత పెరుగుతుంది. చాలామందికి ఈ చలికాలంలో చుండ్రు విశ్వరూపం దాలుస్తుందని అనడంలో సందేహమే లేదు. అయితే ఈ చుండ్రును సులువుగా అధిగమించే ఉపాయాలు ఉన్నాయి. వాటిని ఫాలో అయితే చుండ్రు చక్కగా పారిపోతుంది మీ నుండి. జుట్టుకు నూనె పెట్టడం అందరూ చేస్తారు. అయితే చుండ్రు పోవాలంటే కొబ్బరి నూనె లేదా ఆలివ్ ఆయిల్ లేదా ఆల్మండ్ ఆయిల్ మూడింటిలో ఏదో ఒక నూనెను కప్పులో  తీసుకుని దాన్ని వేడి చేసి తలకు బాగా మసాజ్ చేయాలి. ఇలా మసాజ్ చేసిన తరువాత ఒక మందం టవల్ తీసుకుని వేడి నీళ్లలో ముంచి పిండి, దాన్ని తలకు చుట్టెయ్యాలి. వేడి తగ్గిపోయిన తరుణం తలకు చుట్టిన టవల్ ను విప్పేయాలి. ఇలా కొన్ని రోజులు చేస్తుంటే తల చుండ్రు క్రమంగా తగ్గిపోతుంది. తల చుండ్రుకు మరొక చక్కని పరిష్కారం కోడిగుడ్డు. కోడిగుడ్డులో ఉండే సొనను తలకు పట్టించి ఆ తరువాత తల స్నానం చేయాలి. ఇలా చేస్తుంటే… కొన్ని వారాలలో క్రమంగా తలలో చుండ్రు తగ్గిపోతుంది. కాసిన్ని వేడినీరు తీసుకుని అందులో కొబ్బరిపాలు, నిమ్మరసం వేయాలి. వాటిని బాగా మిక్స్ చేసి తలకు పట్టించాలి. అరగంట తరువాత గోరువెచ్చని నీటితో తలస్నానం చేయాలి. ఇలా చేస్తున్నా కూడా చుండ్రు తగ్గిపోతుంది. తలలో చుండ్రు తగ్గించుకోవడానికి ఎన్ని మార్గాలు ఫాలో అయినా దానికి ఆహారం కూడా ఒక పరిష్కారంగా పనిచేస్తుంది. విటమిన్ బి, సి, ఇ లు పుష్కలంగా కలిగిన ఆహారాన్ని తీసుకుంటే తలలో చుండ్రును అరికట్టవచ్చు. మెంతి ఆకు చుండ్రుకు చక్కని పరిష్కారం. మెంతి ఆకులను పేస్ట్ చేసి జుట్టుకు పట్టించి ఒక పావుగంట అలాగే ఉంచి, ఆ తరువాత తల స్నానం చేయాలి. ఇలా చేస్తుంటే… చుండ్రు మెల్లగా తగ్గుముఖం పడుతుంది. తల చుండ్రుకు మరొక శక్తివంతమైన టిప్ ఉంది. వేడినీటిలో వెనిగర్ వేయాలి. దీన్ని జుట్టుకు పట్టించి రాత్రంతా అలాగే వదిలేయాలి. మరుసటిరోజు ఎగ్ ఆధారిత షాంపూ తో తల స్నానం చేయాలి. ఇలా చేస్తుంటే చుండ్రు సమస్య పరిష్కరమవుతుంది.  అన్నిటికంటే ముఖ్యంగా చుండ్రు ఉన్నవారు వాడే దువ్వెనలు, తువాళ్ళు, దిండు కవర్లు మొదలైనవి ఎప్పటికప్పుడు శుభ్రం చేసుకుని మారుస్తూ ఉండాలి.  జుట్టు చల్లగా ఉన్నట్టే దువ్వడం, జడ వేయడం వంటివి చేయకూడదు. ఇవన్నీ పాటిస్తూ పైన చిట్కాలు ఫాలో అయితే  చుండ్రును తగ్గించేసుకోవచ్చు.                                       ◆నిశ్శబ్ద.

పరువాల పాదాల కోసం మనలో చాలా మంది అందం విషయంలో ముఖానికిచ్చే ప్రాధాన్యత పాదాలకి ఇవ్వరు. దాని పర్యవసానమే జీవం కోల్పోయిన పాదాలు వాటి వల్ల వచ్చే పగుళ్ళు. మొహం ఎంత అందంగా ఉన్నా పగుళ్లతో నిండిన పాదాలు చూసుకుంటుంటే మనకే బాధగా ఉంటుంది కదా. అందుకే వాటి మీద కూడా శ్రద్ధ  చూపించి పాడాలని కూడా మెరిసేలా చేద్దాం. సాదారణంగా రోజు కాళ్ళని బాగా కడిగి కొద్దిగా నూనే రాసుకుని పడుకునే వారి పాదాలు ఎంతో మృదువుగా కనిపిస్తాయి. ఇలానే ఇంకొన్ని చిట్కా వైధ్యాలతో బ్యూటీ పార్లర్ కి వెళ్ళాల్సిన పని లేకుండానే పాడాలని సంరక్షించుకుందాం. *  రోజ్ వాటర్, గ్లిజరిన్ సమపాళ్ళలో తీసుకొని దానిలో దూది ముంచి దానిని పాదాలకు రాసి పదిహేను నిమిషాలు ఆరనిచ్చి కడిగెయ్యాలి. ఇలా రెండు రోజులకి ఒకసారి నెల రోజులు చేస్తే చాలు పాదాలు మృదువుగా మారిపోతాయి. *  బొప్పాయి గుజ్జులో నాలుగు చుక్కల నిమ్మరసం కలిపి మర్దనా చేస్తే మడమలకున్న మురికి పోతుంది. క్రమంగా ఇలా చేస్తే మురికి తొలగడమే కాకుండా పగుళ్ళు కూడా దరి చేరవు. *  గోరువెచ్చని  నీటిలో  తేనే వేసి ఆ నీటిలో పాదాలని 20-30 నిమిషాలు ఉంచి తర్వాత కడిగినా మంచి నిగారింపు వస్తుంది. *  రాత్రి పడుకునే ముందు కాళ్ళు శుభ్రంగా కడిగి ఇంట్లో ఉండే వేసలైన్ ని పాదాలకి పట్టించి పడుకోవాలి. ఇలా చేస్తే రెండు మూడు రోజుల్లోనే మీ పాదాలలో వచ్చిన తేడాని మీరే గమనించవచ్చు. *  పాదాలు మృదువుగా తయారవ్వాలంటే నాలుగు చెంచాల ఓట్ మీల్ పొడి, మూడు చెంచాల ఆలివ్ నూనె కలిపి మర్దనా చేసి, అరగంట తరువాత చల్లని నీటితో కడగాలి. దీంతో మృతకణాలు(డెడ్ సెల్స్) కూడా తొలగిపోతాయి. *  అరటిపండుని  గుజ్జులా చేసి దానిని పాదాలకి పట్టించి పదిహేను నిమిషాలు ఆరనిచ్చి గోరువెచ్చని నీటితో కడిగినా మెరిసే పాదాలు మీవి అవుతాయి. * నువ్వుల నూనెను గోరు వెచ్చగా వేడి చేసి రాత్రి పడుకునే ముందు రాసుకుంటే పాదాలు మృదువుగా తయారవుతాయి. *  ఆలివ్ ఆయిల్ లో దూది ముంచి ఆ దూదిని గుండ్రటి ఆకారంలో తిప్పుతూ పాదాలని ఒక పది నిమిషాలు మసాజ్ చేసి సాక్స్ వేసుకుని ఒక అరగంట ఉంచి తర్వాత వేడి నీతితో కడిగినా  చాలు పదాలు మెరిసిపోతాయి. చూసారా పాదాల సంరక్షణకి ఇంట్లోనే ఎన్ని జాగ్రత్తలు తీసుకోవచ్చో. మరి మొదలుపెడదామా ఏదో ఒక చిట్కాని.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ....కళ్యాణి

6 Best natural ways to clean your make up!     With so many chemicals being spread onto your face every time you apply make up, it only gets easier if you could use a natural home made make up remover which will help reduce the damage being done to your glowing skin by those chemical. Recent research shows that there are more than 10,000 chemicals found in personal care and beauty products. Only 10% of those products even have safety data. And some ingredients that we know are bad are still being used in the stuff you use every day. So instead of heading to the store, look no further than your refrigerator or your kitchen to get these wonderful homemade natural cleansers and make up removers. Milk & Almond Oil Make up remover: You would need Almond Oil and Milk for this. Add a few drops of almond oil to a tablespoon of whole milk in small bowl. Use a cotton ball and gently dab milk and oil mixture onto face, then remove with a fresh piece of cotton. To maintain hygiene be sure to rinse thoroughly, removing all traces of the milk. Cucumber as a make up remover:  There are many beauty products that use cucumber in them to help remove makeup.Cucumbers have anti-inflammatory properties, so they will help to soothe irritated skin or acne-prone skin. Take one cucumber and blend it into a paste. Use it as a cleanser on your face. If you have tough makeup to remove, add a little bit of milk or olive oil to the mixture.  Banana for moisturizing while cleaning your make up:  If you like to moisturize while you clean, look no further than the most easily available fruit - banana. Mash up a banana to a paste before applying it onto your face like a mask. Let it sit for five minutes while the enzymes remove makeup, dirt and grime from deep down in your pores. Rinse off with a warm wash cloth for smooth, clean skin that’s dreamily hydrated. Olive oil:  This is best for people that have dry skin. Just put a few drops of olive oil on your face and spread it everywhere by gently massaging it. Remove with a tissue soaked in warm water. If your face gets too oily, rinse with neutral soap and warm water. Olive oil is great for removing makeup on your eyes because it won’t make this delicate area irritated. Baking Soda and Honey:  Pour honey on a wet soft cloth used to clean make, now sprinkle some baking soda on it. This helps you remove the most stubborn of the make up and also is the best natural way to do so, while you are causing no harm to your skin with those chemical based cleansers which are out there in the market. Also baking soda might not suit all skin types, so test it on a small patch before you use it entirely on your face. Then wash it out thoroughly with lukewarm water. Cow Milk:  Plain old milk from your fridge works just as well for makeup removal. Simply dab a cotton ball in a cup of milk and gently rub it all over your face and eyelids. Not only will it remove all your makeup and refresh your skin, the lactic acid present in cow’s milk will also gently exfoliate your skin. For oily skin, use skim milk; if you have dry skin, you should use whole. Make sure to rinse your face thoroughly afterwards; your skin will feel smooth and oh so clean. Curd:  Curd is another kitchen staple that is great for your skin because it serves a number of different purposes. Using yogurt on your skin can help to moisturize it, and it’s perfect for relieving sunburns. Take a clean cotton round and dip it into some plain yogurt, rub it all over your face in a circular motion, and then rinse off with cool water to easily get rid of the stubborn make up. ...Divya

    Is Your Hair Turning Grey Because Of Stress!     Hair is something both men and women love to take care of and also flaunt new styles will a lot of excitement. But one thing which sends distress signals across is the discovery of a grey strand in those lustrous locks! Research says that the first silvery strands of hair normally appear around age 30 for men and 35 for the women. However for some people, graying can start in as early as high school, and for some as late as their 50s. There could be various reasons in play for this. Initially, hair is white. It gets its natural color from a type of pigment called melanin. The formation of melanin begins before birth. The natural color of our hair depends upon the distribution, type and amount of melanin in the middle layer of the hair shaft or cortex. Hair has only two types of pigments: dark (eumelanin) and light (phaeomelanin). They blend together to make up the wide range of hair colours. There are various reasons for hair turning grey. Some of the most prominent ones are, you’re exposed to cigarette smoke, your hormones are changing, your environment is polluted, you’re super stressed, and your age. You may not be ready for the grey hair, but your hair is. Melanin production, what gives hair its pigment, decreases with age. For every decade after you turn 30, your risk of going gray increases 10 to 20 percent, according to research. So while some people may be able to maintain their natural hair color for longer, it’s inevitable. In time, everyone’s hair goes grey. A lot of general health practitioners have reported that clients who have reported to be living under stress for a few years have accelerated graying processes. Scientists surmise that while hair graying is genetically outlined, stress and certain lifestyle choices can give you a variation of about plus or minus 10 years. Since stress causes hair loss, it's possible that losing some pigmented hair can make those gray hairs more noticeable. Our heads contain hundreds of thousands of follicles, and each follicle is charged with producing one hair. Cells known as keratinocytes build the keratin that becomes our hair, our skin and fingernails are also composed of keratin.  Before hair emerges from the follicle, though, other cells known as melanocytesinject a pigment called melanin into the keratin. When our hair turns gray, it's due to lowered amounts of melanin, and when hair is completely white, our hair lacks melanin altogether. Grey hair caused by ageing is the result of exhaustion and loss of melanocyte stem cells, and stress could cause similar results. There are two prevailing hypotheses. The first is that aging wears down your DNA, somehow inhibiting the production of the cells called melanocytes that produce melanin. Most of the studies supporting this hypothesis have been done in mice, however, and so far haven’t closed in on a complete explanation of how this would work. Whatever could be the scientific results of it. Its always more healthier to stay happy and stress free. You never know you are warding off various beauty issues by it and would be leading a healthier life!     ...Divya

    Beauty tips to make you look lovely this Monsoon!   The rainfall gives joy and happiness. However, this time brings some skin problems also. The skin becomes oily, irritable and dehydrated during this time. Here is how you could take care of the skin in the monsoon. First and foremost drink loads of water. This is one of the best and the cheapest way to attain good, healthy and flawless skin, irrespective of the season. Try to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday and you would definitely notice a drastic change within 2-3 months.It is essential that you exfoliate your skin daily to rid it of dead cells but do so gently.   Make your own homemade face peels and packs using ingredients from your kitchen. They are natural and will do a world of good for your skin. If oily skin is your problem then moisturizers that are water based are a great option to help keep oil secretion in check. Use a reliable sunscreen with a good SPF. It may be cloudy but that doesn’t stop the sun’s UV rays from wreaking havoc. Also cleanse your skin at least 3 times a day to remove excess grime and oil that can clog your pores. Some ladies regularly apply bleach over their face to get a glow. But, skin care tips for monsoon include avoiding of bleaching. You may use bleach in any other season but monsoon is the season when bleaches should be strictly avoided. This can even make your face rough.   Here are some best ways to remove excessive oil during monsoon. If your skin is oily, the best way to  is through the oatmeal scrub. This is also a skin care tip for all those with limitless oil secretion during monsoon. You have to add little honey to the oatmeal and apply over your face. Rub it to use as a scrubber and then wash away. The skin care tip for dry skin during monsoon includes a combination of almond and honey. You have to grind almond and make very small grains and then apply honey to mix it proportionately. Apply it on your face and rub with finger tips. The dead skin so formed will be easily removed with this skin care treatment.   Monsoon is the time of humidity which creates itchiness on the scalp. It is recommended that warm coconut oil massage will help to get rid of itchiness.  If there is dandruff in the scalp, massage with neem oil. While shampooing and conditioning your hair twice a week will suffice during any other season you might want to do so more frequently during the monsoons. This is because the humidity that is pervasive during the wet spell makes you sweat; and sweat makes it easy for grime and germs to latch on to your skin.   For some care for your feet, do let your feet breathe. Wearing closed footwear will make your feet sweat, which in turn will lead to fungal and bacterial infections. Instead wear waterproof footwear like sandals and floaters. Also do make sure when you go for a pedicure that the tools are sterilized. While most salons do maintain hygienic conditions, wet spells make it hard to do so. Check that all the tools are disinfected; if required ask them to do so in front of you.     ..Divya

    Suffering from painful acne? Here is a remedy     Acne or pimples, is one issue a lot of women are forced to face in their lives quite often. While what you eat and how you look after your skin makes a whole lot of difference in putting them off your face, you sometimes invariably have to find a way to get rid of it. The painful acne which is under the skin and does not  rise up like whiteheads or blackheads is also called cystic acne. They're clogged pores filled with oil and dead skin that have become inflamed. They turn into cystic acne when the pore ruptures under the skin, causing the inflammation to spill out into the surrounding tissue. Your body forms a cyst around it to stop the inflammation from spreading further. Cystic pimples also can leave scars if left untreated.   Honey and cinnamon make a great combination when it comes to acne. Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties, so it can help stop bacteria from getting out of hand while honey is a natural anti-biotic. You could mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and make a paste out of it. Keep it aside. Rinse your face with water and pat dry. Now apply the mask to your face and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off completely, and pat your face dry. Repeat it regularly to see lasting effects on the skin.   According to a recent study, acne in women may be connected with a hormonal imbalance, either the normal hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual period, or an abnormal hormonal imbalance such as that which occurs with polycystic ovarian syndrome or one that results in elevated levels of male hormones. Women who suspect a hormonal connection should check with their doctors for testing. Often treating the underlying condition will help clear up the acne. Hormonal changes are also a factor in teenage cystic acne.   Another incredible approach to get rid of pimples is to use lemon juice. The gentle citrus extract will work as a germicide and kill the microscopic organisms in the organ while functioning as an astringent to go away overabundance oil.  Also for more persistent pimples, make a mixture of lemon juice and cinnamon powder and spot onto pimples for throughout the night treatment. This will help dispose of pimples rapidly, however this is not suggested for individuals with sensitive skin.   Steaming is one technique which has extraordinary results. It has some stunning advantages for the skin, opening up your pores and flushing all the terrible stuff out. This functions admirably for individuals with pimples. Fill a huge wide pot with high temp water and position your face so it comes into contact with the rising steam. Wait for thirty minutes. After that apply moisturizer over the whole face. This does wonders in getting rid of the painful pimples. Tea tree oil isn’t like the oil your skin naturally produces, rather it is more like a solvent that cuts through the extra sebum and dead skin cells, and unblocks the pores. Its antibacterial properties also kill off the acne causing bacteria, and prevent further outbreaks.  Its mitigating properties help decrease the redness and aggravation of pimples. It additionally bails dry out pimples and whiteheads. Blend a couple of drops of tea tree oil in 1 tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel. Apply it on your pimples and imperfections, leave it on for 20 minutes and after that wash your face. But note that this technique is not for people with sensitive skin.     ..Divya

  Ways to give your eye lashes the much needed care       Its always a girl's wish to have long, thick and curled eyelashes. But most of us make some common mistakes like excessive rubbing of the eyes or being too aggressive when cleansing off mascara which can also lead to eye lash loss. Also while buying a mascara avoid one that contains ethel alcohol because it’s very drying, causing the lashes to be brittle and resulting in breakage. Look for mascaras that are also free of parabens and phthalates. In order to promote the growth of the lashes you could use a lash conditioning serum that promotes density, length and most importantly, diameter of the natural lashes. In order to maintain healthy lashes, thoroughly clean your face, including the eye area, before going to bed every night.    Just like you would apply night cream or serum to your face, applying a conditioning serum before bedtime is key. Moisturizing your eyelashes can prevent them from breakage and help them grow faster and stronger, and is one of my best tips on how to care for eyelashes. You can also use natural oils like castor or sweet almond oil. After cleansing before bed, apply a small amount of Vaseline to your lashes using your fingertip. Make sure not to rub the product into your eyes, as it can cause puffy eyes in the morning for some women.   Also Biotin is necessary for cell growth. Your eyelashes are dead skin cells. Care for them by taking a daily biotin supplement that helps with growing healthy skin, hair and nails. If you want your eye lashes to stay curled all through the day one of the simplest things you can do is to apply a waterproof mascara before your regular mascara. A waterproof formula can seal the curl to ensure your lashes won't droop throughout the day.   Never  heat an eyelash curler with a hairdryer and use it, because the skin around the eye is so much thinner and more sensitive than other areas, it is surprisingly easy to burn using this method.While thicker, darker lashes can tolerate a little more heat than finer, lighter lashes, it can be difficult to know just how much heat is being applied to the lashes. And too much can actually cause lashes to break off with the curler when it is squeezed.   Your fingers could be your best eye lash curling option. Warm your fingers up. You can run them under warm water for a few minutes or just rub them together to heat them up.Push up your eyelashes. Take your pointer finger and push your eyelashes up against the top of your eye. Hold the position for at least thirty seconds. Repeat with your lower lashes and your other eye. Apply two coats of mascara to set the curl. Carefully run the wand from roots to tips. If you need to comb your lashes, do so gently so you don't lose your curl.   The most important of all is to treat your eyelashes kindly as after all, they are one of your most important assets. Avoid rubbing your eyes by all means because this can lead to pulling and breaking your lashes. If they feel itchy then try to pat them gently with your finger. You also need to avoid using eyelashes curlers too often because using those curlers frequently will lead your eyelashes to break and fall out.   ..Divya

    Fullers Earth - Your Go To Product For Beautiful Skin     Fuller's earth, or Multani Mutti as we call it in India, is a one stop solution for your beauty woes. Multani Mitti  is a type of clay that contains various minerals, including magnesium, quartz, silica, iron, calcium, calcite and dolomite. It has oil-absorbing, cleansing and antiseptic properties that make it very helpful in treating various hair and skin conditions. This natural ingredient is highly safe to use and there are no side effects ofusing it.   Multani mitti masks are very effective in making your skin glow as well as improving the texture of the skin. It also makes it radiant by removing acne and blemishes to a great degree. It is well capable of removing all the impurities from your skin so that your pores are not clogged anymore and thus prepares your face for serum or cream application. In this way the cream gets more absorbed and works more effectively. Being a natural absorbent, fuller’s earth can be used to remove excess oil from oily skin. It can also unclog skin pores and balance the natural pH level of the skin and hence is commonly used as a homemade face pack.   Droopy or sagging skin due to age is a common problem. Multani Mitti can improve skin elasticity to help tighten and keep your skin smooth. For visible improvement you could make a pack by mixing one tablespoon each of fuller’s earth, glycerin and honey to make a smooth paste. Mix in one beaten egg white. Apply the paste on your face. Without moving your facial muscles, relax until the paste dries naturally. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. Use this remedy once a week to feel the difference of your skin.   Multani mitti also reduces sun tan and helps to reduce pigmentation. It can also heal your scar marks. Add some essential oil with multani mitti for your face pack and it will give soft supple skin in no time. One of the most popular uses of multani Mitti is for those with oily skin. Multani mitti with rose water makes an excellent  face masks for oily skin. For dry skin, add milk and almond paste with it. It improves blood circulation also.   Multani Mitti also treats the dandruff amazingly well. For this you could make a hair pack with equal amounts of orange peel powder and multani mutti. Apply it on your scalp and hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes, and then wash it off with water. Use a mild shampoo to wash your hair. Follow this home treatment once or twice a week to reduce dandruff effectively. Alternatively you could  mix four teaspoons of fuller’s earth and two teaspoons each of lemon juice and honey in one-half cup of plain yogurt. You can also add a few drops of water to get a better consistency of the paste. Apply it on your hair and scalp and leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing it off. Finally, shampoo and condition your hair. Do this once or twice a week to get rid of dandruff for good.   ...Divya

    Perfume Selection Tips   Perfume Advice, Perfume Selection Tips, Fragnance Selection, Perfume Tips: Women have a wide range of perfumes to choose from. There are perfumes specifically meant for the day and those that are specially meant for the night.     * The same perfume will smell different on different people because it will react differently to each person's body.   * Try the perfume before you buy it.   * Try buying new perfumes. While buying new perfumes limit yourself to three perfumes, as your nose will not be able to differentiate between the perfumes if you try too many.   * Wait for 10 minutes after applying the perfume, it will give you the right smell after it reacts with your skin.   * After buying the perfume of your choice your would like to get the most out of the perfume. Here are a few tips on how to get the best out of the perfume:   * Do not expose your perfume to extreme temperature and sunlight. After the perfume bottle is opened the perfume will change and exposure to sunlight will disturb the delicate smell of the perfume. Store it in a cool dark place to keep the fragrance intact.   * Use shower gel, body lotions and body sprays of the same fragrance as your perfume it will last longer if you do this. Use your perfume as a highlight on your pulse points finally.   * Perfumes should be used throughout the day. Even concentrated perfumes do not last for the whole day. You will have to re-apply every 3-4 hours.   * Use a different perfume for the morning and a different one for the night. Choose a perfume according to your mood.   * Women have a keener sense of smell than men.   * The sense of smell is affected by your medication, diet and lifestyle.   * Perfumes react differently on blondes, brunettes and redheads.   * Our ability to remember smell is greater than the ability to remember things that we have seen.   * Our sense of smell is sharper in the latter half of the day.   * The older you grow the less sharp your sense of smell is.   * Perfumes rise and if worn only on the face or behind the ears, it will rise and vanish quickly.   * Oily skin holds perfumes better than dry skin.   * Perfume once opened will fade with time.   * Increase in altitude reduces the lasting ability of a perfume.

    వర్షాకాలం జుట్టు పాడవకుండా ఉండాలంటే..!   అసలే వర్షాకాలం.. ఎప్పుడు వర్షం పడుతుందో తెలీదు.. అందునా మనం ఎప్పుడైతే గొడుగు తీసుకెళ్లమో అప్పుడే వర్షం పడుతుంది. ఇంకేముంది మొత్తం తడిచిపోతాం. అయితే ఈ వర్షాకాలంలో జుట్టు ఎక్కువగా తడవడం వల్ల పలు సమస్యలు వస్తాయి. అలాకాకుండా.. ఈ చినుకుల కాలంలో కూడా జుట్టు మెరిసిపోయేలా చేయాలంటే కొన్ని చిట్కాలు పాటించాల్సిందే. అవెంటే చూద్దాం..   * ఈ కాలంలో గోరు వెచ్చని నూనెతో తలకు మసాజ్ చేస్తే చాలా మంచిది. అంతేకాదు ఏదో ఒక్క రకం ఆయిల్ మాత్రమే కాకుండా.. కొబ్బరినూనె, ఆలివ్ ఆయిల్, బాదం ఇలా రెండు మూడు నూనెలు కలిపి ఓ అరగంట తలకు మర్ధన చేసి... మరుసటి ఉదయం తలస్నానం చేస్తే జట్టుకు మంచిది.   * ఈ కాలంలో ముఖ్యంగా వేధించే సమస్య చుండ్రు. తల తేమగా ఉండటంతో చుండ్రు, దురద లాంటివి వస్తుంటాయి. వాటిని నివారించడానికి.. నిమ్మ నూనెలో.. టిట్రీ నూనె కలిపి తలకు పట్టించి ఓ గంట తరువాత తలస్నానం చేస్తే చుండ్రు సమస్య పోతుంది.   * ఇంకా రెండు చెంచాల వేపపొడిలో రెండు చెంచాల సెనగపిండి వేసి దానిని పేస్టేలా కలిపి తలకు పట్టించి తరువాత నీటితో కడిగేసుకుంటే చుండ్రు, దురద సమస్యలు పోతాయి.   * జుట్టు పొడిబారినట్టు అనిపిస్తే తలస్నానానికి ఓ అరగంట ముందు తలకు పెరుగు పట్టిస్తే జుట్టు మెత్తగా మారుతుంది.   * నిర్జీవంగా మారిన జుట్టు నిగనిగలాడలంటే.. ఓ గుడ్డు సొనలో.. రెండు చెంచాల బాదం పొడిని కలిపి.. దానికి జుట్టుకు పట్టించి.. ఓ అరగంట తరువాత తలస్నానం చేస్తే మంచి ఫలితం ఉంటుంది.

    Skin care gets easy with usage of Baking Soda     Best Shampoo:  Instead of spending tons of money on dry shampoo, sprinkle a little baking soda at the root and tousle your hair. The result is the same for a fraction of the cost. You can add volume to your hair just by mixing a quarter size of baking soda to your daily dollop of shampoo. The baking soda will help remove impurities, leaving your hair lighter and full of volume.   Get Rid of Acne:  You don't need harsh chemicals to fight acne. Try a mixture of baking soda and honey to help clear skin. Apply for 15 minutes and rinse. Alternatively After washing your face, mix a few drops of baking soda with warm water until you have a paste and apply it all over your face. Leave it on for about 5-10 minutes and rinse off with warm water. Baking soda will not only clean and smooth your skin, as we found from the previous recipes, but it also helps remove blackheads!   Clean feet:  The skin on our feet is usually the last place we think of when it comes skin care, but they need love too! After a hard day or even a not so hard day, treat your feet to a relaxing soak of baking soda and warm water.Using baking soda as a foot soak will not only get your feet clean but it'll also soften your skin! For this you could mix ½ cup of baking soda for a bucket of water. Soak for about a half hour and follow it up with a thick cream for sparkly and smooth skin! Also if you wish to give yourself a spa pedicure at home. Mix two to three tablespoons of baking soda with water for a soothing foot soak. Add your favorite essential oil (like lavender oil) and soak for 20 minutes. Then scrub your feet with a paste of baking soda and water to help exfoliate rough spots.   Home made Face Scrub:  The many uses for baking soda for skin care also include using it as an exfoliator. Some people find that plain baking soda on its own is grainy enough to be a gentle scrub. Add a tablespoon of baking soda to your usual facial cleanser and form a paste. Massage into your skin in circular motions to help exfoliate and leave skin feeling soft. You can also add a teaspoon to your cleanser or add a tablespoon each of baking soda and water along with 2 teaspoons of oat flour to get a deeper cleaning.   Goodbye to yellow nails:  Leaving nail polish on too long may leave your nails looking yellow. Get rid of stains by mixing baking soda and peroxide and scrubbing it on your nails. You can use baking soda to give your nails and cuticles a good cleaning or you can use it to treat nail fungus. To clean your nails, pour some baking soda on your nail brush and scrub. To treat nail fungus, mix two parts baking soda and one part water to make a paste to apply all around the infected nail. Let it sit for 10 minutes and repeat up to two times a day until the fungus is gone.   Detox bath soak:  Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your bath to neutralize acids on the skin and help wash away oil and perspiration, it also makes your skin feel very soft. Be sure you try this in the evening because you’ll likely feel tired. You might even feel weak or flu-ish from detoxing, so make sure you stay hydrated and drink lots of liquids.   ...Divya

Say Good bye to Dark Circles With these Tips!   Dark circles are the most common issues which a lot of people, especially women, face in their daily life. There are various reasons why one gets dark circles under the eyes. Over time, skin naturally loses collagen and grows thinner, so regardless of what kind of skin you have or what good habits you maintain, veins will inevitably start to show through the thin skin around your eyes. As we already know, exposure to the sun speeds up the process of collagen breaking down, so your best weapon against undereye circles are disciplined and consistent sunscreen lotion application habits from a young age. Genetics are the biggest culprit. If you inherit fair or thin skin under the eyes, it’s more obvious when blood pools there. Age is another factor. Also getting stressed out and not getting enough sleep also result in it. So here we suggest some easy home remedies which you could follow to have a brighter face sans the dark circles. Get Adequate sleep: Another important tip on how to get rid of dark circles under eyes is to remember that you need to have a good 8 hour sleep regularly, every night, drink plenty of water and eat healthy.  Sleeping on your back can prevent gravity from causing fluid build-up around the eyes. Consider adding an extra pillow under your head as well, but make sure it is a pillow that is effective for good sleep for if you can’t sleep, that can add to the dark circles under the eyes problem. Remove Your Makeup Before Going to Bed: Leaving your eye makeup on can irritate your eyes, causing them to water and and get puffy. Make sure to gently remove your eye makeup before hitting the hay to help eliminate any added irritation around the eyes. Regularly follow Simple home remedies: Most commonly, you can place cold cucumber slices directly on your closed eyelids for 10-15 minutes to help reduce the circles under your eyes, or something similarly cold like cold potato slices, chilled tea bags, cold metal spoons, or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel. For a more esoteric self-spa treatment, you can also use crushed mint leaves, almond oil, or a cotton ball soaked in rose water to help reduce eye puffiness. Stop Smoking: Smoking cigarettes dries out the skin and weakens the skin on your face as well as your whole body. It also causes premature aging around the eyes, in particular. The chemicals found in cigarettes are toxic and can cause irritation around the eyes, which could result in dark circles or bags in addition to a wrinkled, droopy appearance. Alcohol consumption makes it worst: The same concerns excessive alcohol consumption. If you want to say good-bye to under eye circles forever, you need to get rid of those two bad habits and then, you will see an improvement. Alcohol dehydrates your body and skin. This dehydration can cause the delicate area around your eyes to appear sunken and dark. Also, alcohol can cause bloodshot, tired eyes. Reduce salt consumption: The parts of your body that are low in sodium (salt) contain more water, while the parts of your body with more sodium contain less water. When your body doesn’t have enough water but too much salt, you can look and feel puffy and bloated. The skin around your eyes is especially thin and vulnerable to dehydration. When you eat a salty meal but don’t drink enough water, your body will literally “look” dehydrated. - Divya

Did you know Curd had these amazing beauty benefits   Its always a tough task to find the best cosmetics and beauty care products that benefit your skin on a daily basis. But did you know that the there are various everyday items that you could choose to use which are benefit you enormously. Lets look at one such magic ingredient in your beauty routine which is does wonders to your skin and hair and that is 'Curd'. So here is how it helps you maintain your beauty. Go to product for Oily skin: Curd is one of the most popular home remedies for oily face. Lactic acid in the curd helps to gently exfoliate the skin and absorbs excess oil from the face. This could be best used by applying one tablespoon of plain curd thoroughly over your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then rinse it off with cool water. Do this once daily. Alternatively, mix one tablespoon each of curd and finely ground oatmeal. Then stir in one teaspoon of warm honey. Apply the mixture on your face. Leave it on for 10 to 15minutes and then rinse with warm water. This could just do wonders to your skin.   Gets rid of Acne: If your acne is annoying you too much, then you can rely on sour curd to fight this problem. Just dab sour curd on the affected area and wash off after 15 minutes. Your acne will start diminishing after regular use.   Priceless Conditioner for your tresses: Curd is an excellent conditioner for your hair. Just apply curd on your hair for 30 minutes. Afterwards, wash off with cold water and experience softer and glossy hair within minutes. Curd can be added to henna and eggs hair mask to bring shine and volume to your hair. Secret to soft smooth skin: Add lemon juice to curd and apply this solution on your face. This application will grant fairer and softer skin in an instant. You can massage this solution on your hands and nails also to get shiny and healthy cuticles. Alternatively add rose water and turmeric to curd. Massage your face with this mix for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water. You will get softer and fairer skin right after the application.   Reduces Wrinkles: You can combat the wrinkles and fine lines by using a curd scrub on a weekly basis. Curd has lactic acid, which works well as an exfoliator. It removes the topmost layer of dead cells, revealing brighter and younger skin. Add the oats to the yogurt, and wait for it to get mushy. Stir to get an even consistency. Apply it all over your face and neck, and massage using gentle, circular motions. Keep the scrub on for 15 minutes,then rinse with cold water.   Reduces dark circles: A sleepless night and good old genetics are the reasons behind dark circles. Using curd can help reduce them. curd helps reduce dark circles because it has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces puffiness. The lactic acid in it also reduces persistent dark circles. Dip the cotton balls in the yogurt. Gently dab it under your eyes. Keep it on for 10 minutes and rinse. - Divya

    Easy Home Made Scrubs for Glowing Skin!     Summer is done with, so its going to be a troublesome time for skin to cope with the climate change around. Especially with the climate getting cold it is much more necessary to start exfoliating your skin at regular intervals. So here we present to you some easy to make scrubs at home which you could use once or twice a week to keep your skin in tip-top shape. It's important year-round to exfoliate both your face and your body so go ahead and use these wonderful options.   Green Tea, Sugar and Honey Scrub: Green tea is said to have anti-aging effects when applied to the skin. It reduces wrinkles and blemishes, and even repair scar tissue. For best results, use loose green tea and a tea ball or strainer, rather than using a bag of green tea. If you're using bagged green tea, go with plain tea, rather than flavored. This will give you a more concentrated result.   Pour a tablespoon or two of already prepared tea decoction into a bowl. Allow the tea to cool.Pour a tablespoon of sugar into the tea. Keep adding sugar until the mixture has a consistency that's gritty enough to scrub your skin, but still wet enough to apply easily. Stir in a tablespoon of honey. Make sure it's thoroughly mixed in. Honey has great moisturizing and antibacterial properties.   To store this scrub for later, put the mixture in a jar sealed with a lid. Keep it in a cool, dry place. It should last for several weeks.Apply the scrub to a freshly washed face. Rub the scrub all over your face, concentrating in spots that are dry. Use a wet washcloth to remove the scrub, and splash cold water over your face when you're finished. Homemade sugar scrub: Primarily composed of sugar, oil and essential oil (for fragrance), this scrub is exactly like the expensive scrubs available at spas and department stores, for a mere fraction of the cost. Even better, this scrub is simple to make, and works perfectly on hands, body and face and most definitely, feet.   For the preparation of this sugar scrub you would need the following: ½ cup sugar (white or brown), ¼ cup oil (olive, coconut or almond oil), essential oil (optional)   Mix ingredients together and you’re done. The sugar won’t dissolve in the oil and acts as an exfoliant. The oil moisturises your skin, leaving it silky smooth. And the essential oil is added for fragrance. Rub the scrub on your skin in a circular motion, then rinse completely. The scrub can be stored in an airtight container on your countertop and will last up to 2 months.   Honey and Cinnamon Scrub: Clean your face with lukewarm water first then clean it with a soft cloth, then apply the following scrub. Put 1 1/4 teaspoons of cinnamon in a small bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the bowl. Stir until it forms a thick paste. Apply in circular motion. Wait for 30 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water. Pat dry gently so that the skin remains soft and smooth.   Cleansing cream and Sugar Scrub: Wash your face thoroughly. Splash a little lukewarm water on your face, and use a soft and clean cloth to gently scrub it. You may also use some facial soap, whichever you prefer or is best for your skin. Put about a teaspoon of cleansing cream in the palm of your hand. This can be whatever you have on hand - just make sure it is creamy in texture. Pour 2 teaspoons of sugar over the cleansing cream. use both hands to mix the cleansing cream and sugar together, creating a gritty paste.   Use a fine grained sugar, rather than course or turbinado sugar. Larger grains can scratch your face. If you want to make extra scrub for later, mix the cleansing cream and the sugar in a bowl, adding the right amount of both ingredients to create a gritty texture. Place the mixture in a jar with a lid, and store on your bathroom shelf for next time. Apply the mixture to your face in a circular motion. pay close attention to the side of the nose and any little lines or dry spots. Be careful around the eyes. Then splash water on your face and pat dry with a soft cloth.   Oatmeal and Almond Scrub: Oatmeal is incredibly soothing to skin, but it must be finely ground up to be used as a scrub. To make 1/2 cup of ground oatmeal for scrubs, use a blender, small food processor or coffee grinder. Grind 3/4 to 1 cup of oatmeal until it's has the consistency of flour. The ingredients for this include 2 cups finely ground oatmeal, 1 cup ground almond, 1 cup sugar, few drops of your any essential oil which is optional, whole milk, at least half a cup. Place all the dry ingredients in a Ziploc bag and shake it. Pour the ingredients in a bowl and then add a few tablespoons of milk until you have formed a paste. Just add drops of it until I get a perfect paste. Apply in a circular motion. Let it dry and then rinse. After that apply moisturiser to the skin. ..Divya

    6 Most effective home remedies for oily skin     Oily skin is very tricky to deal with. Managing oily face is really a challenge, especially for people having large pores. The excess oil which gets accumulated on the outer skin layer often leads to whiteheads, blackheads, blind pimples and other skin irritations. It needs to be treated with the right products which suit such a skin type to get a flawless and glowing skin. The excess oil results from the sebaceous glands in the skin producing excess sebum. Those who have this condition usually have shiny skin and large pores. But research shows that oily skin is not that bad too as it tends to age better and develop fewer wrinkles than dry or normal skin. While especially women are more prone to oily skin during menstrual cycles, pregnancy, or menopause and while taking birth control pills, there could be  various reasons why one's skin tends to be oily, it could be genetics, dietary choices, too much stress or hormone changes in the body due to puberty. Here we present to you some of the most effective face packs for oily skin which will sure surely bring back the liveliness on your face.   Curd:  Yogurt is one of the most popular home remedies for oily face. Lactic acid in the curd helps to gently exfoliate the skin and absorbs excess oil from the face. This could be best used by applying one tablespoon of plain curd thoroughly over your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then rinse it off with cool water. Do this once daily. Alternatively, mix one tablespoon each of curd and finely ground oatmeal. Then stir in one teaspoon of warm honey. Apply the mixture on your face. Leave it on for 10 to 15minutes and then rinse with warm water. This could just do wonders to your skin Apple Cider Vinegar:  Apple cider vinegar is great in exfoliating the skin. Applying apple cider vinegar is best done before going to bed. Let it stand for 5-10 minutes, then wash with cool water. To see good results, you have to do this remedy for at least 3 weeks. If you have sensitive skin, add a half cup of water into the apple cider vinegar. Alternatively during summers you can also freeze the vinegar into ice cubes, and then apply it to your face for effective exfoliation.   Lemon Juice:  Another great home remedy for oily face is lemon juice. Lemon juice is a good source of citric acid that works like an astringent. It also has antiseptic properties that can lighten skin discolorations and restore the skin’s pH balance. In order to use it on your face you could combine 1 tsp. of fresh lemon juice with ½ tsp. of distilled water. Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and apply it to your face. Let it stand for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. Lemon juice can dry facial skin, so use some moisturiser after cleaning your face just to keep it soft and avoid over drying go your skin. Alternatively you could also mix one tablespoon of lemon juice, one-half tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of milk. Apply this paste on your face and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water. If done once daily, this remedy will give you great results within a week of using it.   Egg whites:  High in vitamin A, egg whites can effectively dry out skin blemishes as well as tone and tighten up oily skin. You could beat one egg white until it appears stiff. Spread it evenly on your skin. Let the egg white dry and rinse with warm water afterwards. Repeat the process at least twice a week. Another alternative is to whip one egg white and add lemon. Apply the mixture on the face and let it stand for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water.   Cucumbers:  Cucumbers have soothing and cooling properties, which is beneficial for oily skin. It is a good source of vitamins andminerals, including vitamin E, vitamin A, potassium and magnesium, which are good for oily skin. Cut fresh slices of cucumbers and rub it into the skin and put them on your face for as long as you can. For best effects wash it the next morning with warm water. In an alternative method, you could also mix one-half teaspoon each of cucumber juice and lime juice. Apply this mixture to your skin, let it dry, and then wash it off with warm water. Do this daily. This remedy can also be used to lighten freckles and reduce sunburn.   Tomatoes:  The high vitamin C content in tomatoes is very helpful for acne-prone skin. Tomatoes are great for oily skin due to their cooling, clarifying and astringent properties. Also the natural oil-absorbing acids in tomatoes help get rid of excess oil. You could cut a tomato in half and rub it on your skin. Allow the juice to soak into your skin for at least 15 minutes.   Rinse your skin with cold water, pat it dry and apply a light oil-free moisturiser. Alternatively you also could make a face mask by combining three tablespoons of tomato juice with one tablespoon of honey.     ..Divya

     7 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Pores on Face     Pores on the face are the biggest enemies of women, with so much of exposure to the environment outside we tend to reduce the quality of our skin. Here are some tricks and natural ways you could use to get rid of these pores which hinder your beautiful skin to look flawless.   Steam your face:  One of the simplest ways to get rid of the pores on your face is to take a steam for your face. Often this is what is also done at the beauty salons that we visit. Ladies you need to follow the process of steaming at least once a week to clear dirt, oils and dead skin from face and nose and reduce the chances of clogged pores filled with blackheads and whiteheads. Take hot water in a bowl and let the vapours pass to skin for 10 minutes. This will soften the impurities and make it easier for the scrub to clear the dirt.   Curd- your go to face mask:  Curd is the best natural product that you could apply on your face. Curd contains probiotics and lactic bacteria, which keep the bad bacteria that cause acne in check, therefore reducing the appearance of pore size. It's also agood cleanser that will help unclog the pores of impurities. Stir the curd well and apply the paste on your face and leave it on for ten minutes. Then rinse it off with cold water and repeat once a week.   Use a good Make up remover:  Make up should be wiped off at the end of the day. It is the biggest culprit in creating blocked pores on your face.  Sleeping with makeup blocks the route of oils coming to skin and thus make your pores look big. Use a good quality makeup and remove it at night to keep face skin beautiful and clear.   Mixture of Lemon and Egg will do the magic:  Egg whites are known to tighten the skin and draw out excess oil, improving the condition of oily skin. Lemon juice contains citric acid that helps in toning the skin and improving its elasticity. Together, they're a match made in skin heaven. Whisk two egg whites and add some lemon juice and apply the paste to your face and let it sit till it dries. Rinse the mix off with water and pat dry.   Cool your face with ice cubes:  Take ice cubes in a soft clean cloth and gently rub it to your face. Using ice is a natural treatment used by many to shrink their skin pores and make them less visible. This treatment will make your face look red due to circulation of blood hence don’t panic.   Veggies face pack will do wonders:  Tomato contain lycopene, acids and anti-oxidants that can be used to clear oils, blackheads and other skin impurities. Anti-oxidants act as catalyst in two ways. First it slows aging of skin and second it helps to repair skin quickly. Keep the paste of tomato on skin for 15 minutes and then clean your face with cold water. While you could also use cucumber as it has skin lightening properties and provides a cooling sensation when applied to skin. Rub a slice of cucumber on face for 10 minutes and then cover it with cucumber paste. Cooling agents, moisture and lightening properties in cucumber will help you to fix your problem of large pores.   Baking soda to your rescue!:  Baking soda will balance the pH of your skin and remove dirty particles from the surface of your face. If your skin is very sensitive, be careful with this as it may cause irritation. Mix a little water to baking soda and apply this paste to your face for 15 minutes. Baking soda will not only make pores smaller but will also make skin clear and fair.   ..Divya

    6 Ways to Get Rid of Dark Knees!   The skin of your elbows and knees is naturally thicker and loses moisture quickly. This often leads to the accumulation of dead skin cells that produce a darkened appearance. And if you are also one of those who is fond of wearing shorts or dresses that are above the knee, then worry not, because here were present to you some tips to make sure that you look neat and tidy in those wonderful outfits. But before we look at the solutions lets just look into why does this problem occur to so many women. Some of the possible causes of having dark knees are frequent rubbing of knees, dry skin. Sometimes, darkened knees can be passed on from one generation to another. Also there are instances when the excess fat causes some areas of the skin to darken. So make darker knees a thing of the past, make sure you use the following on your skin to make it lighter.   Almonds:  Almond oil is extremely beneficial for your skin because of its skin-nourishing properties. It maintains your skin tone and gives your skin a lovely glow. use warm almond oil to massage your knees for five minutes every night before you go to sleep and you will soon see an improvement.   Aloe Vera:  Aloe Vera is mostly used for hair but it is also known to be good for the skin. In fact, a lot of people use Aloe Vera in order to get rid of different skin problems. In this case, Aloe Vera can also be used for the darkening of the knees.   Lemon:  Lemon has exfoliating and bleaching properties, so its application will help lighten your skin tone. It works effectively on your dark knees and elbows as well. cut a lemon into different sections and rub them on the knees. This can be done in the evening and the lemon juice can be washed off from the knees in the morning. Milk and Baking Soda:  The combination of baking soda and milk will make your skin feel smooth and lighten its tone as well. Mix both ingredients together to form a thick paste. Rub it directly on your knees in circular motions. Keep repeating this for a while to see visible difference in skin tone. You can then store the excess paste inside the refrigerator since this paste is going to be used often. Gram Flour and Yogurt:  Gram flour contains several minerals, vitamins, and proteins that help exfoliate your skin and remove the dead skin cells that make your skin look dark. It works amazingly well to treat skin blemishes, pigmentation, and dark skin tones. Using yogurt is a great idea because it helps keep your skin moisturised.   Coconut Oil:  You may choose to mix in coconut oil and olive oil together or you may do it separately. After taking a bath, place the oil on the affected or darkened area of the skin. This will help keep the skin moisturized. This can be repeated throughout the day. This will lighten the skin eventually.   ...Divya