What can I Teach my daughter


What can I Teach my daughter

For a girl her father is the first and the most special man in her life. The special bond between a father and a daughter is the seed for the girl’s future relationships to bloom, as the influence or lack of the fathers’ influence on her impacts her life with others. The fun but sometimes scary thing about raising a daughter is that every dad has the opportunity and responsibility to show her what a “real man” is and to give her confidence to face the world with happiness and strength.
In today’s world where the father’s image as the provider who kept his daughters at a distance has changed and the new-age fathers are completely involved in raising their girls. Be it dropping them at school or taking them for adventures, from teaching them science to handling themselves at puberty the role of the father has come a long way. Apart from these we wanted to share a few things a father could teach his beautiful girl so that she can be a stronger woman.
  • Teach her to be self-reliant and independent
  • Teach her to count on herself
  • Teach her to be tough when she needs to be 
  • Teach her to care for herself and other around her.
  • Teach her to appreciate her natural feminine qualities
  • Teach her that beauty is more than the physical appearance. Tell her that she is the most beautiful girl, any girl would love to hear that from her father.
  • Teach her that she is not an object—she is your daughter!
  • Show her how men should treat women and set yourself as an example 
  • Teach her the value of having a kind heart , mind and character.
  • Teach her that strength is not masculine or feminine; it has to do with character. 
  • Teach her and help her learn to say “no” to people and to stand up for what she deems right, even when it’s uncomfortable
  • Teach her to treat others with kindness and to seek to add value to others rather than to take it away.
  • Teach her to be strong both in body and mind and caution her about the perils of danger about being alone in strange and unsafe places

To be the “real man” in your daughter’s life you will have to trust her and give confidence and the capability to face any kind of situation in her future endeavours.


For Daddy’s Little Girl...