Hair Worries in Women
posted on May 26, 2016
Hair Worries in Women
Beautiful Tresses are very important for women...thick, luscious hair on a woman's scalp is a beauty symbol..but it is also an area of concern when there is an imbalance..hairfall, hair thinning, hair greying, overly dry and rough hair, these all create restless feelings in women, more than in men, across the world. These could be signs of nutritional deficiencies, serious health problems or minor correctible diet imbalance. Nutritional deficiency of vitamin D is said to have side effects such as hair thinning and hair fall issues. Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies such as lack of Copper, Zinc, Amino acids, Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D supply to the body create a biological imbalance that appears first on the scalp in the form of hair fall and thinning of the previosly thick hair strands. Some hormone imbalance matters also are related to hair problems, such as thickening of hair on the upper-lip area or on hands and legs and strangely, vice versa, thinning of scalp hair..example, imbalance of thyroid gland, like the thyroid production being low.
Yearly medical examinations, sometimes, twice a year health checkups are so necessary to keep a track of every important health aspect, proper functioning of hormones, vitamin and mineral deficiencies if any, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels etc. 30s are when Women are supposed to be very careful and actively checking on their health, regularly.
Stress can also have adverse affects on hair health..high stress levels in anybody can damage the production of healthy hair on the scalp and have a negative impact, immediately, such as hair loss followed by thinning or early hair greying. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through good diet, fitness and stress management can help relieve hair problems and recover from hair loss or thinning.Keeping away from harmful chemicals in haircare products is very important besides following good diet and trying to correct hair problems through vitamin and mineral supplements. Almost every shampoo, hair dye is made of harmful chemicals and toxic ingredients that maynot have immediate reactions everytime, but will definitely showup as hair loss or early hair greying, on use over a period of time. High heat straightening and perming also have adverse affects on hair texture and softness, hair tends to become rough and overly dry on too much and regular usage on high-temperature irons and straighteners. Hence, not just hard work ( maintaining health) but also smart work ( doing research on health, harmless products and using them) is important for good hair health !
- Prathyusha