posted on Mar 27, 2015 @ 1:26PM
A student’s life is filled with a lot of challenges. You are expected to be good at all the subjects. That’s not a problem at all. There is only one obstacle, when we try to live up to this expectation of people around us. That problem is called memory!
No matter how hard we try some things just don’t register in our memory. If you are facing the same problem, this article is for you my friend. Here I will help you discover a simple solution to this complex problem. Do you know what that is? Walnuts! Yes, walnuts can help you improve your memory tremendously. Lets get into the details of the same.
A research in the United States of America revealed that, those who consumed less than a handful of walnuts regularly were able to perform all the cognitive tests better than those who didn’t. The research was conducted on a large chunk of adult population of the American states aged between 20 - 60 years by the University of California.
How are walnuts able to do this magic on human minds? This is because of a number of goodies that walnuts contain. The anti oxidants along with many vitamins and minerals, make walnuts a very good source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). You know what? Walnuts also give you the very essential omega 3 fatty acids that take care of not only your brain, but also your heart.
This research is supported by a another one conducted by the same researchers on animals with the same result. It is also proven that walnuts have the capacity to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease in human beings. Improvements in learning skills, locomotor activity, motor coordination can be achieved just with regular intake of a handful of walnuts. Walnuts are also known to reduce anxiety behavior.
So if you want to excel in exams just include walnuts in your diet... And nothing can stop you from being a topper!
-Kruti Beesam