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Acupressure and Sujok Benefits


Most of us have heard of Acupressure and Acupuncture from so many years.. Acupressure seems a little not so scary to try once but Acupuncture creates quite an alarming feeling..due to lack of awareness and no experience in observing others follow the treatment. Sujok is also one similar therapy method which follows pressure points like Acupressure, combining the Modern Nuerology with Ancient Chinese Medicine..instead of using pressure points on the body, Sujok focuses on pressure points only on ones palm and fingers. They are based on Traditional Chinese Medicine that teaches an overall wellness treatment method to those interested in healing diseases and other physical ailments.


This method functions on the belief that human body is made up of a combination of 'Chi' and 'Qui' energies that flow throughout the body via invisible paths called meridians. When these meridians are blocked, an imbalance occurs which results in an ailment or a disease and by regulating the meridians by causing pressure or puncture using needles, the energy flow can be corrected or reactivated on resolving the blocks. These treatment techniques effectively work in relieving muscular tension, regulating blood circulation, and improving the energy flow through out the body, and the result is ..if someone is undergoing a treatment for a severe disease then supplementing it with one of these Chinese techniques helps speed up the healing or recovery process.


For example, if one has a severe headache, then using Acupressure or Sujok and creating pressure on the pulse points that connect to the brain, the blockages in the energy flow are removed and relief is faster, sametime, blood circulation to the brain is improved which also helps in pain relief. Acupressure and similar therapies can positively help with Cosmetic needs to fight aging and reduction of wrinkles, hair growth, regeneration-reactivation of body organs like kidneys, heart and lungs for their optimum functioning, skin disorders such as Psoriasis, Eczema, Allergic bites and such. These techniques have successfully healed Cancers, Skin disorders, depressions, Parkinson's disease, gastrointestinal disorders, name it and there are examples. In a wellness combination of nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle, these Chinese Wellness Techniques have been excellently helping many fight health problems and continue to be healthier...sametime, many still dont know about their effectiveness and many still dont beleive that they do wonders without the side effects of Over The Counter Drugs.

- Prathyusha