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Why didn’t Naidu attend the T CM swearing in ceremony?

TDP President and CM designate of rest of Andhra Pradesh Mr Naidu’s absence in the swearing in ceremony of the Telangana CM Mr K Chandrasekhar Rao was quite evident. Instead he chose to celebrate the Telangana formation day celebrations in his Party office at Jubilee Hills. He held an elaborate session with the Telangana TDP members and spoke about offering help to the Telangana state in whatever capacity they could. Mr. Naidu hoped that Telangana would  achieve development under the leadership of Telangana Rashtra Samithi  CM Mr. KCR.

It is believed that KCR had a sent an invite to Mr Naidu through the routine General Administration and no one had personally invited Mr Naidu or even called him for the event. When KCR was asked as to why Mr Naidu was not present in the ceremony, he informed that Mr Naidu had been invited to attend the swearing in ceremony, but failed to show up. Definitely there was an invite that went out, but for reasons better known to him Mr Naidu chose not to attend is what he said .This has apparently miffed the senior leader for the shoddy treatment given to him .

After the swearing Mr Naidu apparently called Mr KCR and congratulated him. It is said that he is planning to send a team to go and invite KCR for his swearing in on June 8th. The bifurcation of the state has resulted in enmity among employees and general public and with both the state heads at loggerheads over various issues including water, sharing of central resources and the Polavaram dam issue we need to see how the future relations and development of both the States would be.