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Modi scraps all GoMs



Prime Minister Narendra Modi has scrapped all the GoMs and Enpowered GoMs by UPA government and thus entrusted full powers back to cabinet. UPA government was used to create GoMs and EGoMs to study and make necessary recommendations to the union cabinet. However, many of them have never served its purpose, but used to prolong the decisions and many times to shelve the issues. There are as many as 21 GoMs constituted and 9 EGoMs constituted by UPA proved to be white elephants for the government.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi has scrapped all those GoM s and EGoMs with one pen stroke today and entrusts full powers and responsibility to his cabinet ministers. This will not only reduce the delay taking decisions but also makes the ministers responsible for their decisions.


Modi also gave new guide lines Forests and Environment Ministry. He ordered the ministry be prepared to clear the files within one week or reject for all infrastructure projects. However, he gave the ministry two months period to prepare the mechanism for clearing the files in one week. This policy will come into effect between July and September. This is also intended to take speedy decisions and making the concerned officials responsible for the delay.