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New way to measure your Fitness levels

New way to measure your Fitness levels


Scientist at the the K. G. Jebsen Center of Exercise in Medicine at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, have figured out  a new way to check the fitness levels of a person. Normally we use the BMI -Body Mass Index routine to check our weight, muscle mass etc. but the scientists here after an extensive research have come out with an easy way to easily estimate your fitness level by answering a few question.

The new concept is called the VO2mas where it checks your body’s capacity to transport and use oxygen during exercise (VO2max)  and they claim is the most precise measure of overall cardiovascular fitness.They have brought this concept through an online site where all you have to is log into the site

There are 6 steps involved where you give details of your country, city  and your race and as you go further it asks for details about your height weight and gender and as you progress further it asks about your fitness regime and other details. It calculates your fitness levels based on these details and gives you a rating .So go ahead and try this new calculator and check how fit you are.