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Tips for Tattooing


Before the tattoo artists starts making the design on your body, make sure that he/she is using new, sterile disposable instruments. At the same time, ensure that he/she uses fresh ink for each session.

It is always advisable to look through the tattoo artist's portfolio. Through it, you will be able to see his work and ascertain whether he/she is really good or not.

Relax yourself completely before getting the tattoo made. If you are nervous and fidgeting too much, the artist will find it difficult to make the tattoo perfectly.

Insist on the tattoo artist to wash his/her hands with water and soap, or a standard sanitizing agent, and wear latex gloves, before making the design.

The tattoo artist must provide clear tattoo aftercare instructions and products. Do not forget to gather the information from him/her.

Be well aware of the rules and regulations related to tattoos in your state or country. For example: in US you cannot donate the blood for at least one year after getting a tattoo done on your body, it helps in controlling the spread of hepatitis.

If you have any qualms about getting a tattoo or you are underage to get a tattoo done on your body then get a temporary one first instead. If you have a certain design in your mind then get a henna tattoo of the same design done on the exact body part where you might want to get a permanent one done later. This tattoo will wash off in a month’s time and will give you a good idea of how it will look on you.

Once you get a tattoo keep it covered with a bandage for the first twenty four hours.

It is advisable to not touch the tattoo when it is fresh and not to pick at any scabs.

It is good for your tattoo to be kept lubricated with petroleum jelly. You may also put some antibiotic ointment on it to keep it clean and infection free.