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Dieting is not atall easy. Resisting to eat what one likes is difficult. One doesnot have to cut all good foods, but continue to eat what is healthy and maintain a habit to eat the mentioned foods in our article on Super Foods for Dieters to stay healthy than to fall anorexic which is dangerous.

Lean Meat: Muscle loss is a big problem for dieters. Fight this unwanted side effect of dieting with 9-10 ounces of meat a day, like beef, fish etc. The Amino acid, Leucine - found in lean meats and fish - helps one lose more weight and fat without loosing muscle.

Green Tea: This could be the reason Japanese don't struggle with obesity nearly as much as other nationals do. They consume green tea with almost every meal. The antioxidant called Catechins helps speed up metabolism and burn fat.

Olive Oil..for breakfast: Mixed with breakfast, cereal. Studies prove that women who ate breakfast made or mixed with olive oil benefited with a boosted metabolism.

Grape Fruit: Drop 6 kgs/ 3 lbs in 12 weeks! This is not an a fact. Studies prove again that when obese people ate half a grapefruit before each meal, they lost tremendous weight. Three glasses of juice per day will result in the same weight loss. Grape fruit is easily available in USA, Below are its names in India...

• Hindi: Sadaphal, बतावीनीम्बू Batawi nimbu, चकोतरा Cakotaraa

• Manipuri: Nobab

• Tamil: Pambalimasu

• Malayalam: Pamparamasan

• Telugu: Pampara

• Bengali: Chakotra

• Konkani: Toranji


- Prathyusha Talluri

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