Tips to Deal With Shy Toddlers


Being patient :

When you have a shy toddler it is very essential to be patient with the child. If you lack the patience with your toddler who is shy, he/she will not come out of their shell bound shyness. Parents should not force their toddlers into situations which is beyond his/her comfort zone. There are indeed some children who are always going to be more cautious and reserved than the rest in their peer group. As a parent to the toddler you should allow your shy child the time to adjust to new people and situations. Do not ever make the mistake to criticise your child on being shy.


How to converse :

To help your toddler overcome shyness, one of the basic things parents need to teach their young one is on how to converse with others. Teaching your toddler basic conversational skills will help him/her overcome shyness.


Social interaction :

This is one of those situations where you can help your toddler to overcome her shyness. Social interactions are the best for them to speak out and not hide away in their skin. The first step in helping shy toddlers is being at home with them as it is a safe haven for shy children. You need to also provide a social interaction situation for your child at home. Organising play dates with one or two other children is the best way to start this social interaction.


Respect your child :

Yes, it can be difficult to handle a toddler who is shy. But, the first thing you should be aware of as a parent is not to criticise your child on being shy in front of others. This stage of shyness for a toddler is temporary. So it is important to recognise and respect the toddlers feelings to take things slow when approaching new people and new circumstances. You should nurture your child's self-esteem and reassure him/her that you understand how she/he feels.


Labelling children :

One mistake parents make when dealing with shy toddlers is referring them as a shy kid in front of others. You should know that calling your little one shy may make him feel as if something is wrong with him/her. Shyness is a personality trait, it is not a fault!