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Neck Exercises for Neck Pain


Why you should exercise your neck:

When you exercise your neck, you are increasing the blood flow in your head region which helps to keep pain away.

Exercising your neck to keep pain away will not lead to shoulder and body ache.

If you exercise your neck, you will strengthen your back and keep pain away in the back region which follows later.

It is important to exercise your neck after every half an hour, when you are seated at your desk so that you do not encourage a headache.

Stiff necks are caused due to lack of exercises. Therefore, to prevent a stiff neck, you need to always do some sort of neck exercise.

What neck exercise to practice for neck pain:

Sit in a straight position. Stretch your neck backwards and look at the ceiling. Count for 10 seconds and bring back your neck to the initial placement.

One of the easiest neck exercises for pain is to simply twirl your head around clockwise on 3 rounds and anti-clockwise on 3 rounds.

With the help of your hands, club your neck and massage the back of your neck in lengthwise motion. If you have any pain in your neck, it will slowly decrease.