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Mini Hot Air Balloon Crafts

Mini Hot Air Balloon Crafts

To decorate spaces is a very creative hobby...specially childrens bedroom or nurseries are fun...they are the most colorful and dramatic with murals and borders of cartoons,fairies, flowers and such. Choose your theme and do your best! Creativity is at its sharpest when decorating kids' rooms.

Today its the hot air balloon's turn. Think of painting a big hot air balloon on the wall, match it with similar curtains and bedspread...then for the statement art piece, design a realistic Mini hot air balloon.

All you need are:

* some colorful balloons,

* bright colored Spherical Paper lanterns, Or Make paper mache Balloons with the real ones as moulds.

* Some tiny, suitable sized cardboard boxes or Chinese take-out boxes,

* Wire to hang the balloons, thread to hang the boxes under

* Glue

Pair of scissors

Colored card stockpaper Keep the take - out boxes or similar small boxes brightly colored and decorated as needed.

If you have paper lanterns ready, then just attach these take- out boxes using thread and glue. Now attach wire to the lanterns, hang them to the ceiling with a hook. If you want the paper mache balloons, then soak colored paper stripsin water until very wet. Blow a real balloon and start pasting the soaked strips using coats of glue.

Let dry and blow off the real balloon once the paper mache is fully dry. Your hot air balloon is ready for dressup..follow the same steps for attaching the box and hang it up. Or using hard card stock, cut up and glue pieces of cards as shown in the picture and hang it up as in above steps. Those cute hot air balloons look so realistic that you will not want to remove them ever!!

- Prathyusha Talluri