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While losing Milk Teeth


Primary teeth which will develop in kids are called Milk teeth. Though they are temporary, they lay the path for the adult teeth which are permanent. When kids are very much used to chocolates, ice creams and sweets they tend to develop Tooth decay and this will eventually disturb the secondary teeth. If infection is more in primary tooth, then it can pass through the decay and can damage the development of adult tooth while it is developing.. However you can take some precautions and avoid these problems.

• Milk teeth are generally seen in children up to 10-12 years old. So when children are growing, educate them about the Tooth development and risk of tooth decay.

• Visit your dentist in regular intervals and get the check up done.

• When kids are losing their Milk teeth, they will have pain and uneasiness. To overcome this problem, give them a glass of lukewarm water with salt and ensure that they gargle the water 3-4 times in day.

• Take enough care while brushing the teeth. If you observe any bleeding, visit your dentist immediately.

• Do not allow kids to push the tooth which are about to come out. Let it come out naturally. If you put more pressure to pluck the tooth you may get headache also as the nerve may get damaged.

• During the stage of their milk tooth loss, some kids will also have the habit of playing with the teeth by pushing their tongue in to the space between the Teeth. This will have a negative impact on the upcoming tooth alignment. Hence if you watch your child doing such practice, refrain immediately.


- M.S. Bhavana