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Life is Not Easy!!

Life is Not Easy!!

Everyone talks about to live it, how to deal with its difficulties, how to mend it etc....but "how to face it?" is not an easy thing to talk about....with serious illnesses, accidents, thefts, physical abuses and many other serious issues being heard, Life has become a nightmare for many. Until one faces things or sees them happening closely, it is impossible to understand what follows after these incidents.....people sympathize the families that faced a loss, but how deep the hurt is, thats not easy to is scary, yes the only word, Scary!

If a wife asks her husband to tell her about his bank account details, he might quickly ask 'why do you need it?', but how can she say that she is preparing for the worst, then he might reply, 'are you dreaming of my death?' .... Who can teach him to prepare for the worst? Isn't it being smart by writing somewhere or keeping the spouse informed of the bank details, insurance information etc., so that she and the kids or even the parents don't suffer due to financial helplessness? Just by mentioning the wife's name or parents' names as nominees doesnot give one a title of 'Mr. Most Responsible and Well prepared' these times, preparing for a famine is being smart, and not pessimistic anymore.

How difficult it is for the loved ones to run behind the authorities and banks after a loss in the family when they themselves are grieving bitterly. With technology came issues too, passwords, PINs, Scanned copies of some lost certificates etc, they are too vulnerable and sensitive. Sometimes, the old methods of printed hardcopy documentation is so necessary...they are the most useful to the family than a high value insurance claim that is sitting locked with a password in a broken laptop....helps no one!!

As a civilian, i am proud of some insurance companies that are advertising their encouragement in this matter, their ads show Elderly parents investing to cover their funeral costs and medical bills as a relief to their doesnot mean their children are careless, its just a kind gesture and a loving thought to help their own family even after leaving. Whoever is reading this piece of heartfelt thought, kindly encourage yourself, friends and relatives to be smart and prepared to face Life!!

- Prathyusha Talluri