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Ideas For Hanging Pictures Innovatively

Ideas for hanging pictures innovatively

We need not always follow the same traditional method of piercing a nail into the wall and hand a picture frame. Quite a few new ideas have gone viral in decoration with picture frame. If the frame didnot come with a facility to hang it, a Coke or Pepsi can's handle can be detached and fixed to the frame, as shown in the picture, making it easy to hang. Jute ropes, metal wires and clips can also be used as a frame hanging facility. Ideas galore, soon as you browse through the web.

A dab of toothpaste behind the frame to mark the points for drilling nails in the wall, measuring the distance between the hooks behind a picture frame with a tape or a painter's tape and then sticking the tape to the wall, followed by drilling nails in the wall makes ones job easy. Just follow these or explore new ideas to make your 'decorating with picture frames' mission a simple one.
