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Children's Household Care


Pest Control :

Burn dried orange peel in a corner of the house. The smoke will drive away the mosquitoes.

Turmeric powder is a good repellent for ants. Just sprinkle a line of turmeric powder to cordon off the ants.

When boiling water, boil some extra water. Pour this down your sink. This will kill cockroaches and remove their eggs.

To eliminate cockroaches, knead some wheat flour with boric acid powder and make small balls. Place them near drains and damp corners of your house.

To keep flies at bay, add a little salt and a few drops of kerosene to the water for mopping the floor.

Betel nuts kept in the corner of a cupboard will help ward off cockroaches.

Sprinkle borax powder under the paper covering book shelves and kitchen shelves to keep off silverfish.

Before placing a photograph in a frame, lightly dust it with a little talcum powder to prevent it from sticking to the frame.

Stick posters on walls with the help of toothpaste. The toothpaste can be scraped off later and does not damage the wall.

Some castor oil mixed into coconut oil prevents the latter from freezing in the winters.

Add a few drops of olive oil to the dried shoe polish and keep it overnight the polish will be as good as new the next morning.

To clean the soiled edges of books, rub with very fine sand paper.