Pregnant women and Health issues

Pregnant women and Health issues

Every pregnancy has some risk of problems. The causes can be conditions you already have or conditions you develop. They also include diabetes and Jaundice.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes which affects pregnant women. It is believed that the hormones produced during pregnancy reduce a woman's receptivity to insulin, leading to high blood sugar levels.

Gestational diabetes can harm you and your baby, so you need to consider about it seriously and start caring at once. The main aim of gestational diabetes treatment is to keep blood glucose levels equal to those of normal pregnant women. It needs a planned meal and scheduled physical activity, even blood glucose testing and insulin injections if required. If gestational diabetes is taken care of properly, reduces the risk of a cesarean section birth that high weight babies may require.

Pregnant Wman and Jaundice

Jaundice is not a disease but a symptom of liver dysfunction. It is not a common disorder in pregnant women with no previous liver problems although it can occur if the woman develops cholestasis of pregnancy, pre-eclampsia or an acute fatty liver. Non-pregnancy-related causes, such as liver disease, drug use or inflammation of the liver, can also bring on jaundice during pregnancy.

Click below video to know how effects diabetic and jaundice on babies during pregnancy and what are the precautions we should to take.