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Handling Puberty in Girls – 2

Handling Puberty in Girls – 2


In the first part of  Handling Puberty in Girls - 1 we dealt with the emotional aspects about how to prepare the child to handle puberty on its onset, what to do, how to understand the body growth etc. In the second part we shall talk about essential nutrients & right diet for a healthy growth of the child during Puberty.

Calcium intake in the forms of low fat curd or milk, low fat cheese can be consumed to avoid calcium deficiency. Yogurt is also a good source of calcium. The traditional sesame seeds sweet made with jaggery and sesame seeds are an excellent form of calcium. Avoid eating junk food as they can put on weight which leads to puppy fat.This becomes difficult to lose in the later years.

Iron is needed as they need iron to replace the blood lost during menstruation. Food rich in iron like whole grain, beans, lean beef and fish must be consumed. You can also consult your physician and get Iron supplements which can be taken to replenish the folic levels in the body for some time.

Proteins and fats are very essential for the growth of your child. During puberty girls need proteins to build muscles and other body tissue. It prepares them for their daily activities. Along with this a appropriate amount of fat  are also needed for growth and energy. Unsaturated fats that occur naturally, in salmon, nuts and olive oil are best source of energy.

Check this Video for more details about the
  Diet and Exercise during Puberty