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Get Fit Through Gardening

Get Fit Through Gardening

Gardening really considered good exercise?

While enjoying yourself in the garden, means working all the major muscle groups: legs,arms, shoulders, neck, back and abdomen. Gardening tasks that use these muscles build strength and burn calories.There can be a great deal of stretching involved with gardening, like reaching for weeds or tall branches, bending to plant and extending a rake. Lifting bags,pushing wheelbarrows and shoveling all provide resistance training similar to weight lifting, which leads to healthier bones and joints.

Yet while doing all this, there is minimal stress on the body, unlike aerobics or jogging.With this tired muscles you feel after turning the compost are actually something good you did for your body and your health.Even if you don’t garden, you can spend some time in the sun and get enough Vitamin D. Make sure to optimize these factors so that you are producing Vitamin D and not burning! Balancing stress hormones has a positive effect on everything from blood pressure, to cortisol levels to inflammation.

"Garden Your Way to Health and Fitness"