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Being fit for sport

Being fit for sport

Whilst training for any sport it’s essential you stay strong, fit and flexible. Here are five top tips to help you move in the right direction…

1)Train in all planes of motion to improve sport-related movement. A multi- directional lunge works out your frontal and sagittal planes, for rotation (or transverse plane) use exercises such as a medicine ball woodchop.

2)Use dumbbells to promote stabilisation of joints and functionality. Try a dumbbell chest press on a stability ball instead of a chest press machine.

3)Work on your balance by training in an unstable environment. Instead of a standing bicep curl try the same exercise standing on one leg and see the difference that small adaption makes.

4)Train for strength, power and endurance. These aspects are paramount in all sports but, more importantly, changing your workout regularly will insure your performance will be kept to an optimum.

5)Prevention over cure. Keep those niggling injuries away by incorporating a flexiblilty program into every workout. Your warm up should take into account movement actions in your upcoming workout. After you workout, stretching tight muscles will keep you at the top of your game.