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Don’t Ignore the Curtains



Don’t Ignore the Curtains


Now days, Interior decoration is not a luxurious term. With the wave of globalisation, interior decoration has come down to the reach of common man. Now it’s the matter of choice rather than money that is deciding the interior of a home. But how sad that many people forget the change that a few curtains could bring to their house? Just a few precautions in selection of curtain could bloom your house. Watch out...



- It’s always good to avoid those colours that certainly fade after a few washes or by sunlight. They would shatter the goodwill of your choice.
- Keep in mind the colour of the room and the surroundings of a window. It’s always better to select a colour that is contrast with the room.
- Think about the room you are decorating. Colours like bright pink might suit the bedroom but not the Hall.
- The design along with the colour would either make room appear dark and congested or brighter and spacious. Stripes, dots, patterns... on a curtain would all affect the way a room looks.


Headings: Headings are the ones which join the curtain with the rod. We might use metal hooks or rings or straps to hang the curtain to the rod. But each heading has its own movement and appearance. Decide the type of heading you wish before you leap for a purchase.


Measurements: Everyone loves to see their window fully covered. But most of us forget other factors that affect the measurements. So we often end up with a curtain that is either short or lengthy.
- The Headings of the window would affect its length and width. Straps might increase the length of the curtain where as rings would affect the width.
- The height of the curtain rod would also affect the view and length of a curtain. The placement of curtain rod should also be thought well before the fixture.
- Decide the extent of curtain that should be left hanging beneath the window.


Valance: It common now a days to select a curtain that has a decorative piece attached on the top. It’s called a Valance. From Swag to Balloon there are numerous patterns to be chosen for a Valance. Imagine the shape of Valance that would suit your window before you pick up the curtain.


Quality: Every one of us has some expertise in determining the quality and durability of a cloth. But there is another test for a curtain. Just pick up the curtain you have selected and place it before a bright light. You will be surprised to see some curtains allowing patches of light due to poor weaving. You would also get an idea of the amount of sunlight the curtain is allowing into the room.


Well, the above are just a few things that experts are suggesting to be careful before purchasing a curtain. But we can add our own terms to the list on the basis of experience.

- Nirjara.