It is Important for Children to Connect with Nature
posted on Jul 14, 2016
It is Important for Children to Connect with Nature
Nature truly is an amazing teacher. Mother nature, as we fondly call it, givesus so much, she nurtures and she bonds. It is necessary in this say of age of gadgets to give your little ones a chance to be free to explore nature’s amazing bounty. An opportunity to explore activities in the zone of nature,wildlife, adventure and development of culture and life skills is something that every parent needs to look into. There are numerous health benefits as well when it comes to a child connecting with the nature. Early experiences with the natural world have been positively linked with the development of imagination and the sense of wonder. Wonder is an important motivator for life long learning. Here are some other important ways connecting with nature blesses us with.
* It is said that the exposure to natural environments improves children's cognitive development by improving their awareness, reasoning and observational skill
* Nature helps children develop powers of observation and creativity and instills a sense of peace and being at one with the world
* There are Children who play regularly in natural environments show more advanced motor fitness, including coordination, balance and agility, and they are sick less often
* Children with views of and contact with nature score higher on tests of concentration and self-discipline. The greener, the better the scores
* Children with symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are better able to concentrate after contact with nature
* Outdoor environments are important to children's development of independence and autonomyPlay in outdoor environments stimulates all aspects of children development more readily than indoor environments
* Nature buffers the impact of life's stresses on children and helps them deal with adversity. The greater the amount of nature exposure, the greater the benefits
On the other side there are a number of disadvantages of not venturing out into the nature, the biggest being obesity. Obesity is perhaps the most visible symptom of the lack of such play, but literally dozens of studies from around the world show regular time outdoors produces significant improvements in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning ability, creativity and mental, psychological and emotional wellbeing.
In a bid to save the nature for the future generations an affinity to and love of nature, along with a positive environmental ethic, grow out of regular contact with and play in the natural world during early childhood should be developed. Children's loss of regular contact with the natural world can result in a biophobic future generation not interested in preserving nature and its diversity. Experts say that children spending time in nature makes them more likely to protect the environment as adults. In addition to this, the most cherished childhood memories originate from direct experiences in nature together with a parent, grandparent or other relatives.