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Honey For Weight Loss

Honey For Weight Loss

Honey with warm water, first thing in the morning is one of the oldest ritual followed by many people around the world to reduce weight.

But is this just a myth or does it have some scientific backing for its claim? Let us check out.

* Is Honey Useful For Weight Loss?

Honey is not a magic food which when taken regularly helps you to drastically lose weight. It has 82% sugar and 17% water content in it along with other ingredients. So it is not a miracle food which can help you shed weight.

In spite of not having the power to dissolve the fat lodged in our body, honey can still be used for aiding weight loss.

* Here is how

Raw honey (milky in appearance) which is the unfiltered honey from the bees has enzymes present in it, making honey easily digestible.

As proper digestion is the key for weight loss, raw honey can be used in place of sugar. In processed honey, where honey is filtered and heated this benefit is lost.

Commercial honey is cleaner and smoother but its vitamins and minerals would have been partially destroyed due to heat.

Not being regular (constipation), can leave you bloated and a few kilograms heavier. So to kick start your metabolism and also cleanse your body you can drink warm water with few drops of lemon juice and honey.