Are you or your child vaccine ready
posted on Oct 3, 2015
Are you or your child vaccine ready ?
Vaccinations/ Immunizations are necessary to make our bodies immune to locally and periodically occuring and spreading diseases and sometimes to fight and stop a bacteria or virus from attacking our bodies from the atmosphere or others around. When a child is born, a series of Immunizations are suggested by the pediatricians to make a child ready to fight the atmospheric calamities in the form of viruses and diseases. As Man is getting more and more educated, faith in these vaccines is increasing, at the sametime, doubts are also arising as to these vaccines are capable of doing what they are made for or are they causing any side effects harmful to the body. In this scenario, everyone shall be smart to think before getting ready for any vaccination. It is just to be smart and educated about what is happening around with our health and bodies.
The National Vaccine Information Center of USA suggests everyone to find answers to these questions below before taking their children or getting themselves ready for immunizations.
* Did my child or I have any bad reaction to a vaccine in the past ?
* Do we have any family history of major health problems, any vaccine reactions, neurological disorders, food or drug ( medicine ) allergies, or any immune system problems ?
* Is my child or I sick right now?
* Am I aware of any vaccine related or disease related reactions, risks or side effects ?
* Do we know how to identify any vaccine or medication related reactions ?
* Will we be provided with the vaccine's manufacturer name, lot number, chemical composition details in written or printed form for records ?
* Am i convinced to say YES for the vaccination ?
* So get vaccine ready as climate changes occure, smartly and safely !!