Glazed and Dipped Fruit Poppers




Glazed and Dipped Fruit Poppers



A child eating fruits and nuts with interest is a rare sight !!....Parents have long discussions with others on their child's nutrition issues. Mostly about their children not eating enough fruits or hating to eat fruits and nuts, at all. If we think creatively, it is not so difficult to spread a platter of fruits and find it empty after just few minutes, without having to compel them. To do this at times, we should not be going in a direct route. Using dark chocolate, peanut or almond butter, and masking fruits might make a child start loving to eat fruits.


We need:
1 cup Small cubes of Strawberry, Water Melon, Banana, Pineapple, Kiwi, any other fruits
Pitted Cherries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Black raisins, Almonds,....any other nuts you want to decorate.
* 1/2 cup Semi sweet Dark Chocolate Truffles
* Or 1/2 cup Peanut/ Almond Butter
* Tooth picks or Kabab Skewers
* A wide plate or cookie sheet


Directions to Make:

* Cut your desired fruits into small cubes, convenient for the tiny hands to hold them.
* Slightly wax a wide plate or cookie sheet with very light oil.
* Melt dark chocolate or nut butter in a pan, on low heat.
* If you want to serve the fruit in a bowl, then dip every piece in the melted chocolate and place on the cookie sheet or plate. Let dry and your dark chocolate glazed fruits are ready.
* If you want to make a sandwich of 2-3 fruits, then dip the fruits in chocolate or nut butter and then pin the fruits onto skewers or tooth picks. Let dry and serve to kids.
* If tooth picks are used, you need to keep a close eye on the children, so that they dont prick their gums or lips.
* Using semi sweet dark chocolate is better as fruits have natural sweetness and atleast you can be happy they are eating healthy.
* These glazed and dipped fruit poppers can be lunch box or birthday party treats too.





-Prathyusha Talluri