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What is Thyroid? How does it work??

This tiny butterfly-like looking gland is the mastermind and controls almost all the glands in our body. It rules over our metabolism, brain activity, energy levels, heart health and especially our weight!

Thyroid gland uses iodine as fodder to produce the vital hormones such as, T4 – thyroxine and T3 – triiodothyronine; while it is acted upon by TSH – Thyroid stimulating hormone produced by pitutary gland which is acted upon by TRH - thyrotopin releasing hormone from hypothalamus at the base of brain. The circulating levels of T3 and T4 constantly monitored, any ups and downs are reflected in the form of TSH and TRH. T3 is the most active form of thyroid hormones, while a small fraction of T4 is converted into T3 at the peripheral site, which are rich in fats. 

Since thyroid is controlled at different levels, so any break or blockade in this outflow comprising of hypothalamus, pitutary gland and locally thyroid will present as thyroid disorders.

Though not all thyroid disorder present them proudly, thus making it hard to diagnose, Nevertheless there are certain key risk factors which fill the missing blanks in our diagnosis such as: Gender, women are more prone to thyroid disorders than men High incidences have been recorded during pregnancy and within one year of pregnancy Consumption of low iodine diet With the increasing age the disease become more prominent Overconsumption of raw food especially Brussels sprouts, soy and spinach. Neck trauma or neck surgeries too increase the risk


-Koya Satyasri