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Terrible foods which you should avoid!



Terrible foods which you should avoid!


French fries


With the fast food joints being started everywhere; the French fries now become endearing children's taste-buds than ever. These not only have the unhealthy trans fats and calories, but can also be gobbled too much at once. Fries can dominate the palate such that the child may not feel the taste for other vegetables.

Sugar cereals

Most of the sugary cereals are very much low on fiber and high in terms of sugar content. You need  to choose cereals which has less than 10 grams of sugar.

Processed meat

Processed red meat like hot dogs or bologna, can increase risk of diabetes, heart diseases and even colon cancer. Hot dogs which come loaded with sodium, fat and nitrates is known to cause cancer. The best way is to order fresh meat.

Aerated drinks

The health risks that soda drink poses is a hard fact and especially for kids. Drinking cola increases the risk of type-2 diabetes and obesity. Encourage your children to drink milk and water.

Packaged noodles

Noodles, apart from being low on nutrition, contain lot of sodium. One serving of packed noodles or pasta contains times more sodium than a child's recommended limit.

