Health Research: Special about Black Raspberries
posted on Jan 12, 2016 @ 11:49AM
Recent study proves that Black raspberries are the new Super Food on the block. Specially the ones grown in central Europe. A Poland University study confirms that in comparison to Raspberries and black berries, Black Raspberries have excellent health healing capabilities with amazing anti-oxidant qualities. Researchers say, they treat heart diseases, cancers, respiratory diseases and arthritis.
With a sweet-sour flavor, that beautiful little fruit does alot good to our health and body. It cleanses blood, regulates menstrual cycle, controls urinary functions, benefits liver and kidneys, enriches blood quality, treats anemia. Many of us donot know but Raspberries in general, can be used to induce and promote labor at childbirth.
Raspberry leaf strengthens uterus and supports optimum hormonal patterns during pregnancy. Dried unripe raspberry fruit is considered beneficial to the kidneys because of its astringent quality, the Chinese believe. It improves human visual capabilities and cures blurred vision. Ripe raspberry also helps improve human vision. Blackberry is closely related to raspberry with its blood-building qualities. They are used to treat anemia, diarrhea and balancing the urinary system. You maynot find black raspberries everywhere, however, consuming the regular raspberries, blackberries, all otherberries is good too.