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Group Singing can tackle Parkinson's symptoms


Parkinson's disease was not so known just a few years ago but it is heard more often these days...a degenerative functioning of the central nervous system causing Parkinson's, with symptoms commonly as Shaking, slowness in movement and later resulting to Sleep, Emotional problems too. It is a disorder of the brain and the nervous system and hence directly affects the emotional status of the person suffering. Ones emotional mood changes occur due to the biochemical reactions caused to the disease, sametime, they can be the sideffects of the medications that are used to capture the disease.


More than half of those affected by Parkinson's end up dealing with Depression due to the brain's disfunctioning and most of them are in denial that they actually have been detected with Parkinson's and tend to express more anger and frustration. They also encounter Loneliness due to sudden Non-Socializing behaviour due to their inactive mobility, as their movements get slower and they tend to be shaky, all these symptoms make them feel disinterested and discouraging to social with others, due to the fear of rejection.


Family and friends play an important role in helping those suffering with Parkinson's cope with the symtoms such as depression and lack of interest to socialize. They shall assure one of a better future and of days ahead with more family encouragement and involvement. Helping one to attend psychotherapy sessions to cope with depression and lack of confidence also makes things better. Many medicines promise to provide relief from symptoms, and also to reduce the damaging effects yet, a new research states that Group Singing can releive certain symptoms of the disease, that cannot be tackled so well through medication. Voice impairments are few other symptoms that occur in this disease, the voice becomes shaky and then the voice levels and pitch reduce at later stages.


Some interventions and medications came forward to treat the voice based discomfort situation but there have been more drop-outs as the stages passed. A research group at Iowa State University, USA conducted a study to find out if group singing can handle the symtoms and provide relief, at the sametime, improving the quality of life for the patients. After two months of conducting the research on 27 patients, they observed that singing in a group can improve their pitch loudness, swallowing ability and vocal control. This method also gave them more confidence to make friends and develop a pastime which lets them overcome boredom and forget their fears and worries for a while. Singing is such a boon that can treat many disorders, not just the Parkinson's.