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2015 has been an incredible year for me. It has taught me so many new things, introduced me to so many great people, gave me so many memories to take forward to an amazing 2016.

Every year we make new resolutions.
“I will follow a strict diet this year.” “I will take yoga classes”
“I will learn a new language”
But we hardly fulfil them. It takes a lot of patience and constant reminders to ourselves to put it into practice for more than a week.
With 2 weeks to new year, we have to set new goals and more importantly set our mind to the fact that we are going to stick to our list of resolutions.
Before any of that we must have realistic goals the ones that actually make us a better person in any way possible.
You know what , let us do this now together
This year,
We will learn a new language
We are going to make new friends who are from a different background than yours.
We are going to help a poor child with education
We are going to talk to that one person who used to be the best friend, but now is merely a name in our contact list
We are going to make sure that we express our feelings in the right way.
And any arguments with our friends or parents or anybody we promise to first talk it out putting our ego aside.
Boy!! Are we going to move that butt and exercise (this one’s just for me! :p :p)
For all this, we have to learn to have control over ourselves. We got to learn to prioritize stuff. Decide what’s more important and what is the best. We should be incharge of the our lives and the world around us.
I know this sounds like a lot to do. But let me tell you, once you start doing them you will feel so good about yourself that I am pretty sure you will fall in love with yourself all over again!!
Now we have new goals, new dreams, new energy and a brand new year.
It is in our hands to make this year a great and a happy one. It is we who will decide our life and its decisions. 2016 will never come again. It is time people!!
Phew!! That was one hell of a pep talk,wasn’t it? :p:p
Here’s to a wonderful new year and an amazing life ahead…!!


--Kunde Sanjana