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The Mystical Mustard Seeds!!


The mustard seeds are the tiny black, brown or even white ball like seeds. Mustard seeds, also known as ‘Sarso‘ or ‘Rai‘ in Hindi, ‘Kadugu‘ in Tamil and Malayalam, ‘Avalu‘ in Telugu, ‘Rai‘ in Gujarati, ‘Shorshe‘ in Bengali, ‘Mohori‘ in Marathi and ‘Rai‘ in Punjabi. They have a great taste and are added in various cuisines. Apart from adding depth and taste to a dish, it has very many benefits.

These little things have compound like glucosinolates and mirosinase, which are known to compel the phytochemicals in inhibiting the growth of cancer. Mustard is also a store-house of magnesium, iron, copper and selenium. Mustard is also known to enhance the omega-3 fatty acids in the fish, these are essential fatty acids. Owing to the magnesium and selenium found in selenium are known to soothe the sore muscles and sore joints, especially those suffering from rheumatic arthritis. 

The magnesium content of these mustard seed significantly brings down the incidence of migraine attacks. They also have disease-fighting properties due to the presence of sulphur, and relieve the respiratory congestion. The presence of minerals like copper, magnesium, iron and selenium in it are responsible for the prevention of Asthma Attacks. Though they are tiny, yet are good sources of dietary fibre, which improves the bowels movements and aids in digestion.

Apart from health, they also play a role in maintaining your skin and locks. It can be used along with essence oil for exfoliating the dead skin, and are abundant in vitamin A &D and other antioxidants which stall the ageing process. Mustard is great promoters of hair growth also it strengthens and conditions the weakened and damaged hair. 

-Koya Satyasri