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Dokkodo – A way of life

Over decades and centuries, many great people have interpreted life in many great ways. Such ways have withstood the testing times like gleaming beacons and infused hope in hearts with despair. Miyamoto Musashi was one such personality who tried to summarize his enlightment in just 21 sentences.

Miyamoto Musashi was a great Samurai warrior who lived in Japan during 17th century. Musahi was a celebrated warrior, teacher and writer. He is believed to have won 60 duels- a record which stands unbroken. Musahi has written a book named ‘The book of five rings’ which deals with strategies to be followed to achieve victory.

Though Musashi was a successful warrior, his body couldn’t withstand the deadly test of cancer. As Musashi got aware that his death was certain... he gave away his possessions and went into solitude. There, a week before his death, he wrote ‘Dokkodo’ (The Way of Walking Alone). Dokkodo consists of 21 instructions based upon his interpreatin of life. These instructions has been a source of inspiration of millions of people for hundreds of years. Here are those instructions...

- Accept everything just the way it is.

- Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.

- Do Not, Under Any Circumstances, Depend On A Partial Feeling.

- Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world.

- Be detached from desire your whole life.

- Do not regret what you have done.

- Never be jealous.

- Never let yourself be saddened by a separation.

- Resentment & complaint are appropriate neither for oneself nor others.

- Do not let yourself be guided by the feeling of lust or love.

- In All Things Have No Preferences.

- Be indifferent to where you live.

- Do not pursue the taste of good food.

- Do not hold on to possessions you no longer need.

- Do not act following customary beliefs.

- Do not collect weapons or practice weapons beyond what is useful.

- Do not fear death.

- Do not seek to possess either goods or fiefs for your old age.

- Respect Buddha and the gods without counting on their help.

- You may abandon your own body but you must preserve your honor.

- Never stray from the Way.

- Nirjara.