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Indian girl found dead in US;stepmother held


A 9-nine year old Indian girl was found dead under mysterious circumstances in US. The police have charged her stepmother for the murder. Ashdeep Kaur was found dead in her house's bath tub on Friday, with police describing her death as "suspicious" after the body was found naked and with bruises. She had just three months ago moved to Queens from India to stay with her Mr Sukhjinder Singh and her stepmother Ms Arjun Samdhi Pardas. The Pardas, 55, the step mother,  has been charged with murder for allegedly strangling Ashdeep. The family was staying in an apartment which was shared with another couple. “She always told me she does not like to be with her stepmother. Sometimes she got beatings from her,” Ashdeep’s uncle Manjinder Singh said. The housemate had seen Ashdeep going in the bathroom with Pardas, who later came out alone and left the building. She allegedly said that Ashdeep was taking a bath. When Ashdeep did not come out, the housemate checked and discovered her lifeless body in the bathtub that had no water. Ashdeep's biological mother who stays in India is devastated by the news.