Wi-Fi Radiation, so dangerous
posted on Jan 29, 2016 @ 10:11AM
Several important studies have shown that radiation from electro-magnetic fields even in low frequency is one strong cancer causing agent. With millions of cellular phones and wi-fi devices getting manufactured every year, the increasing demand for wi-fi network provisions and usage, availability of internet has had its own advantages..however, most man-made items come with their own disadvantaged and side-effects, and when they are so harsh to even cause major health risks, it becomes difficult to tackle or remove or separate those negative effects from that particular item. With the availability of internet, many people are being saved after a road accident happens or any calamity strikes..but it is so bitter to accept the fact that this same internet, the wi-fi comes as a package along with a life threatening disease causing agent...The World Health Organisation WHO, classified Radiofrequency RF radiation as a possible human carcinogen, in 2011. It has recommended an Environmental Programme by the United Nations, UN, and the funding of an independent committee seeking to regulate the widespread and uncontrolled increase of wireless technologies on this earth. It also calls for protection of pregnant women and children, as everyone belonging to all age groups are using devices with wi-fi facility these days..and looks for strong regulations placed on technology manufacturing companies across the world.
Professors from famous Universities such as the University of Washington, University of California-Berkeley, Columbia University and Trent University were part of the committee that developed a letter appealing to the WHO. Further studies and precedents from these Universities acknowledged the health risk posed by RadioFrequency radiation and suggested that electronic retailers warn the customers who-so-ever about the potential risks associated with RF radiation. They suggest the mobile provider retail stores to display the same warning on boards in their stores. The precedents strongly state that if anyone is carrying a cell phone is the shirt pocket, trouser pockets, and when the phone is On and the Wi-Fi is On, he/she is at a greater exposure to RF radiation. Children, were never so mobile and tablet oriented than those of this generation. They spend hours browsing what-not and get exposed to this same notorious radiation. It is the parents' responsibility to keep thise gadgets away from infants even. Pregnant women are actually not supposed to use a cell phone, instead usea landline to communicate at the most to avoid radiation to the unborn child and herself. It is not just the duty of the mobile manufacturers and network providers to warn their consumers of the RF Radiation, it is every adults duty to stay safe and teach to be safe. Answer is yours !