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A happy life is what all of us are looking for. Psychologists claim that they can help us lead one. Let’s see what they have in store for us. They recommend some simple changes to our lives that will bring happiness to us. The first thing they suggest is to find something to flow into. Flow is a concept in Psychology that is described as involving in an activity that makes one forget the world around him or her. It could be anything. Dancing, swimming, creative writing or simply reading a book.


In the modern world where there is a severe lack of time for anything, we have forgotten to smile. Psychologists remind us of this simple gesture and recommend smiling often. Smile even when you don’t feel like it. Research reveals that even a fake smile has the potential to make you feel good instantly. Scientists go further ahead and explain the scientific connection between smiling and happiness.


It is said that when you smile, your facial muscles flex releasing more blood to the frontal lobes of your brain. This triggers the release of dopamine – a chemical that is responsible for feeling pleasure.


Psychology says an easy way of staying happy is accepting your mistakes. As humans we are bound to make mistakes and its okay. Accepting your mistakes will help you forgive yourself and also improve your image with other people. People will like you for owning up and being honest.


Knowing when to say no is the key to a happy life. People who lead a happy life will tell you that the secret lies in rejecting people things and behaviours that stress you out. If you try to oblige to every situation and person, you will end up being very unhappy. Give yourself the importance you deserve and don’t be afraid to say no to toxic people and situations. Life is as happy as you make it.