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Me, I, I am Exploring within- Fear based actions


Friends, we are all supposed to live a love based life. All the actions, decisions, responses are supposed to be love based. 


I feed my child because I love her, I want her to be healthy and strong.


I send her to the best school because I love her,so that she is equipped to face life challenges.


I get her married to a good family because I love her, so that she leads rest of her life with joy.


Every thing I do to to my child is because I love her.


In some cases it's just love that is the basis for actions towards our child. In that case, only best things happen to our children.

Then you must be wondering why and where it goes wrong????

I feed my child because I love her, but I am worried if she becomes healthy and strong enough as she grows.


I send her to the best school because I love her, but I am worried as to what kind of friends and  teachers she has at school?????

I get her married to a good family because I love her, but I am not sure how happy she is gong to be with the new family????

Even in these circumstances the parent has the same unconditional love towards the child, but here the parent is acting out of fear.


And now the results are quite predictable!!!!!!!The child's life also becomes a big question mark.


When the base emotions or root causes of our actions are based on fearful emotions and thoughts, the result of these actions will be a reflection of the root cause.

Our tradition says that we should go to a temple, meditate or pray before we start an important event in our lives. I strongly believe that this ritual helps most of us to come out of the fear.

But the sad part is, rituals have become just rituals without understanding their main purpose!!!!

We have grown to such an extent that we stopped believing in any kind of rituals. Now in most of us the fears are so deep rooted, any external rituals cannot help us.

At this point, I suggest to address the deep rooted fears that drive most of our lives.

I have a friend who is very comfortable talking her mind and expressing her views when there are two to three people. When the number grows and especially in a crowd,  when she knows all of them are listening to her, she starts feeling uncomfortable and finally becomes numb and speechless. It becomes very difficult to find words, other expressions and thoughts.

When she went through inner child work she came to know that as a child she was never allowed to talk when there were guests at home. She was not allowed to be her self when there are more people at home. As a child she programmed hers unconscious not to speak when there are more people. Once she reprogrammed her subconscious with proper guidance and understanding she could overcome her problem.


Will understand more about inner child work in the next article.


