Know your Diseases!
posted on Jun 7, 2017 @ 5:10PM
At some point of time all of us fall prey to diseases. According to the medical terminology most of the diseases are classified as: Acute, Chronic and Acute on Chronic.
Acute Disease, indicate that the disease is at peak of its activity. An acute disease is of abrupt onset, lasting for a short duration and having distinct symptoms. These diseases require urgent specialist management. Some of these acute conditions can be life threatening and can be fatal if not attended within 48 hours.
Acute on Chronic, indicates an acute episode of a long-standing disease. It is flare up of the underlying disease. These are usually triggered by infections, stress and allergic reaction to food or medications. The management is similar to that of the acute diseases, it is emergency specialist care, until the episode vanes off, and then a prolonged management is done similar to chronic diseases.
Chronic disease, are the disease that last for longer duration for about 3months or more. Chronic diseases usually do not subside by themselves nor cured by medication, nor prevented by vaccinations. The incidence of these chronic diseases increases with age. Major causes of chronic disease are the unhealthy and unsafe lifestyles. The leading chronic diseases in developed countries include arthritis, cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks and stroke, cancer such as breast and colon cancer, diabetes, epilepsy and seizures, obesity, and oral health problems.
So next time we walk out of the clinic we know the magnitude of the health issue we dealing with!
Take Care!!
-Koya Satyasri