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All fuss about Crossed Legs!!


Crossing of leg at knee may seem regal to be seated that way but has few scary medical complications. We probably cross our leg without our conscious at least once or twice a day, at the office desk or while whiling away time.  It is such habit that has to be rethinking once before indulging in this habit.


It has temporary effects such as nerve damage, high blood pressure and poor posturing. The common peroneal nerve is located in the popliteal fossa i.e., backside of knee, which might get compressed leading to the foot numbness or called ‘foot has fallen asleep’, which is completely reversible. Crossed temporarily spike up blood pressure and drops to normal when we uncross the legs, the blood pressure increases as the there is more resistance as the blood is being pumped up against gravity and crossed leg adds to the woes. Usually the body weight is balanced among both the feet, when legs are crossed the weight shifts onto one side, the pelvis is rotated and unstable, putting undue pressure over neck, lower and middle back.


As a permanent damage it may cause varicose veins also known as spider veins. Usually the blood is pumped back to heart, in the crossed posture increases pressure over veins, impeding the flow. This increased pressure, pooled in blood can weaken or damage the veins in your legs. If the veins are damaged or weakened, the blood can leak into them and collect there, causing spider veins or exacerbating existing ones.


It is not a grave mistake to cross legs, but in long run it may have health implications. If you cannot resist from this habit, then make sure you change the posture every now and then.