Alarming Facts about Indians
posted on Apr 20, 2015 @ 3:01PM
• A recently concluded World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) study estimated that, globally 60% of Heart Patients would be Indians!
• This number may seem surprising because focus of reports on obesity and heart disease has mostly been for years on fat Americans and their food habits. What could account for Indians being so susceptible - more even than regular meat-burger-and-fries-eating Americans?
Four things: and nutrition,
3.stress and
4.lack of fitness consciousness.
• Also INDIANS have 3 to 4 times higher risk of developing Diabetes or Heart Problems, in comparison to White Americans, 6 times higher than the Chinese and 20 times higher than the Japanese.
• HIGHER BODY FAT PERCENTAGES coupled with INSULIN SENSITIVITY among INDIANS in comparison to other ethnic groups, makes them genetically pre-disposed to these diseases.
• Even underweight and normal weight Indians seem to be showing higher fat content in their bodies compared to overweight foreigners. Doctors say that it is this invisible fat that is the cause of concern. Dr.Shashank Joshi of Leelavati Hospital thus calls us, "The Thin Fat Indians".
• As per Dr.Anoop Misra of Fortis Hospital who has done remarkable research on Metabolic Syndrome, Indians suffer Heart Attacks at a relatively younger age, which are more severe in nature and often prove fatal. A major reason he says is the lifestyle changes in the last 20 Years and also as PROCESSED, PACKAGED and JUNK FOOD (Fast Food) has become more popular.
• Dr.Anoop Misra also narrates very interesting facts about Indians. Centuries ago India faced famines, which weakened our muscles and our bodies started to store Fat for energy. We have retained the same Genetic make-up and as a result today also our bodies have more Fat and less Muscle.
Dr.Misra told that surveys also establish that Indians exercise the least in the World! Dr.Misra emphasized the need for a daily exercise along with providing balanced nutritional diet daily to the body in all meals.
• A study conducted at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) few years ago implied that Indians should have smaller waists than the internationally accepted cut-offs of waist circumference for a healthy life. As compared to the waist circumference of Caucasians, Indians need to shed inches if their waist size crosses 35.1 inches for men and 31 inches for women.
The recommended waist-to-hip ratio = less than 0.85 for men and less than 0.75 for women.
• Dr.David Heber, a world-renowned expert in nutrition, who is leading the battle against the global obesity epidemic while talking about the OBESITY problem says that by the year 2020 India will register a 50% increase in Diabetes cases.
He emphasizes the need for Good Nutrition and some form of Exercise because exercise strengthens muscles and “muscle burns more fat”. He also highlights about the importance of Proteins in food and that “Plant Proteins are the best and the safest”.
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