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Wedding Bells for Trisha soon?


Veteran Tollywood and Kollywood actress Trisha may get married in this coming March with film maker Varun Maniyan. According some reports from Tamil media, their engagement function held on November 16, 2014. They both are reported to be gone on a jolly trip to Agra in a charter flight few days ago.


Trisha, while greeting her fans on New Year, tweets this year will be very special for me. There are rumors in the media that I will quit film industry after my marriage. But, it is not true. I will continue in the industry. According to Kollywood sources, her mother Uma Krishnan has already begun arrangements for her marriage. If seen these things collectively, they give scope to believe that she is going to marry very soon.


Trisha had successfully completed 12 years in the film industry. She has number of super hits to her credit. Although, she remains a busy actress in Kollywood, she couldn’t bag any films after her last film Dammu released in 2012. But, she recently has signed one Telugu film ‘Lion.’ She will pair with Balakrishna in it. She also has signed three Tamil films and recently.


But, can she manage to do all these films after marriage? If can’t, she has to postpone her marriage to complete them which may take a year or so. Let us see how she is going to manage all these things.