Stay Young Forever

Stay Young Forever!

* Women around the world may think that aging is a natural process and nothing can be done about it. Whenever this thought crosses your mind, you may feel hopeless. I’m here to cheer you up with some simple anti aging tips that will never let you grow old.

* Forget the beauty parlor and expensive anti aging creams. All you need to do is to hide from the sun. The hot monster is responsible for the wrinkles that make you look old. Since staying indoors is not always possible, it is advisable to apply sunscreen with a good spf, at least 20 to 30 minutes before stepping out.

* Did you ever think that drinking water can keep you young? Yes its true! Drinking lots of water can work like magic on your aging process. Wondering what water can do? It will give your cells the much needed elasticity to keep it firm. The more water you give these cells the longer you can retain the elasticity of your skin. It also helps your skin get rid of the toxins that mind be stored in.

* Now if you want to fight against time, its going to be tough. Are you ready for it? You will have to break a bad habit to stay young. Quit smoking girl! This will keep you young for a very long time. Smoking prevents blood supply to your skin, making you look older than you are. I’m sure you don’t want that. Besides, by saying no to smoking, you will be doing a favor to your poor lungs too. Think about it!

* Sleep well. Beauty sleep is not a myth. It actually works wonders in retaining your beautiful, younger looking skin. To help your skin remain thick you need your body to produce a lot of the human growth hormone and this it can do only if you give it enough rest. So sleep well to stop aging. Simple?

* Now that you know that sleep is important to stay beautiful, you must also know that sleep right is crucial. Sleeping on your side or your tummy can create unnecessary folds on your skin. So try to sleep on your back to work on your beauty even at night.

* Another obvious and easy trick to stay young is to eat right. Healthy eating habits will keep your skin young for a longer time than otherwise. Vitamins in the form of fruits and vegetables is a must for your skin. Most of the fruits have a good amount of anti oxidants, so don’t ignore them!

* A major threat to your young and flawless skin is that unwanted stress you put yourself through. Try to avoid that and leave the world guessing your age.
Anti aging creams? Push them aside. All you need is a moisturizer. Moist skin looks better so don’t let it dry. Cover it under a nice moisturizer. Hide behind it all day and your age will be a few years less.

* You may have heard that washing your face is good. Of course it is. But don’t you know that too much is too bad? Washing your face too many times deprives it of the barrier oils that prevent the dirt from directly getting in touch with your skin. So remember not to torture your skin with that soap too often. Staying young is so easy, isn’t it? You can always consult your dermatologist if you think you need more than this to stay young.     

- Kruti Beesam