Appearance of Goddess, How to Please Goddess Lakshmi?


Appearance of Goddess,



How to Please Goddess Lakshmi?





Appearance of Goddess


Four arms: Four arms which represents the four ends of human life, Kama (desires), Artha (wealth), and Moksha (liberation).
Bright clothes and Ornaments: represents prosperity.
Lotus Buds: She holds lotus bud in two of her hands, which stands for beauty, purity, spirituality and fertility.
Blossomed lotus: She sits on a fully blossomed lotus which signifies the seat of divine truth. It also indicates rising above worldly impurities. The elephants also symbolise the royal power.
Gold Coin: A cascades of gold coins are seen flowing from her hands, this represents her as goddess of  wealth. the one who blesses everyone with wealth.
Elephants: The two elephants are shown standing next to the goddess Lakshmi.  This state that, if you govern yourself  by wisdom and purity, you can achieve both material and spiritual prosperity.
Positive aura: An aura of divine happiness, mental and spiritual satisfaction, and prosperity always exists around Maa Lakshmi.
Owl – The Vehicle: An owl is the vehicle for Maa Lakshmi. Owl sleeps through the day and keeps awake during night. This denotes that if you want to attain success, you must remain awake when others are sleeping.

How to Please Goddess Lakshmi?

Goddess lakshmi is Goddess Lakshmi, is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune, love and beauty. She is considered as chanchal i.e. one who does not stay permanently at a place. lets see some easy rituals to please goddess Lakshmi and make her stay longer at your home.





Do’s and Don’ts to Please Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess Lakshmi resides in a place where virtue, righteousness, truth and compassion prevail.
Cleanliness: Maintain cleanliness!  Always keep your home clean. Never sleep at messy place.
Peace and harmony: Maa lakshmi likes peace and harmony. So prevent disputes between family members. Make a loving and peaceful environment at home.
Respect women: Never show disrespect towards your wife, she is Grih Lakshmiji (Lakshmi of Home). If she would be happy, Dhan Lakshmiji (Goddess of Money) will be happy.
Wake up early: Get up early in the morning! You should not sleep after sunrise and sleep only after sunset.
Follow rituals: Never taste food while you are cooking.
Offer Bhog: You should take food only after bathing and worshiping in the morning. Offer food to agni dev or keep bhog for God.
Respect elders: Respect all elder, your parents and have faith in God.
Family Prayer: Perform morning and evening prayer or aarti with your family every day. This makes Goddess Lakshmi happy.
Especial days:Worship Maa Lakshmi especially on Friday and perform Lakshmi puja on Diwali.
On the auspicious night of Diwali, worship Goddess Lakshmi. It is believed that on this night the goddess herself visits the homes and replenishes all with wealth. Offer Kheer, red flowers to goddess Laxmi.

Do’s And Don’ts of Aarti for Goddess Lakhsmi:





Perform the aarti to please goddess Lakshmi with your entire family.
Maa Lakshmi dislikes loud noise.
A peaceful and sublime atmosphere should exist during the diwali pujan.
So do not clap hands, as is the practice when performing aarti for other gods.
Simply use a small bell to accompany aarti.
Do not light crackers while the puja is on or immediately after it.