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Tollywood Talk: Mutual Cooperation Of Produce
Updated : Nov 16, 2015
Producers don't want to lose their invested money. For that reason, there should be no competition between films no matter who's the hero and who's not.
Actually Raviteja's "Bengal Tiger" was supposed to hit cinemas on 27th November, but the producers have pushed it to 10th December. "Actually Bengal Tiger is a big movie, compared to Size Zero releasing on 27th November and Shankarabaranam releasing on Dec 4th. That's why Bengal Tiger producers asked us to release our movies first", says PVP, producer of Size Zero. Today they have officially announced in a press meet that SizeZero will release on 27 Nov,
Shankarabharanam on 4 Dec and BengalTiger on 10 Dec.
Tollywood is right now happy about this mutual cooperation of producers.