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NTR Shakti Sequel - Shakti Hindi Remake

Is NTR Shakti sequel in the offering? Rumors riff across that NTR Shakti movie will have a sequel and this Shakti sequel will also be produced by Aswini Dutt it seems.


Making NTR Shakti sequel is a difficult task since the budget will be very high and script should also be very strong. Apparently, Aswini Dutt is contemplating making NTR Shakti sequel and its' been reported that Aswini Dutt is planning to make a Shakti Hindi remake. But both these tasks are really gigantic since it involves great deal of planning and high budget.


Already NTR Shakti is made on a massive scale and just imagine a sequel to such movie. NTR Shakti is directed by Meher Ramesh and has Ileana as heroine and for Shakti sequel, perhaps you need even bigger script. However, it is premature to comment on NTR Shakti original script since the movie is yet to be released. But how about the idea of making NTR Shakti sequel?