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Vyjayanthi Movies watch Jr Shakti Movie

NTR Shakti review - Shakti movie review: Vyjayanthi Movies unit has watched Jr Shakti Movie - In fact, sources say that the entire Vyjayanthi unit has reportedly watched NTR Shakti movie in a very secretive special screening few days back.



Shakti Review - Shakti movie Review: The deciding factor: Report say that Jr NTR Shakti movie review would be determined by few decisive factors like songs, action and drama in the movie it seems. Sources also say that the first half of Jr Sakthi looks very promising but the second half of the Shakti has high voltage action sequences and all this could go against Shakti review.


But still, its premature to comment o Shakti movie review based on the reports of the unit members. The talk is that the Shakti movie first half is very positive with good filming of songs in beautiful locales. And in the second half of NTR Sakthi, the intensity levels go up making Sakthi movie review a touch and go! Anyhow check out our Shakti movie review tomorrow for comprehensive Shakti review.